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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17216044 No.17216044 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /pol/ here. Which markets are completely fraudulent? I'm a noob to all this.

>> No.17216057

Cryptocurrency markets


>> No.17216069

Every market, if propped up by dollars. Only real market is probably drugs, and black market.

>> No.17216073

All of them

>> No.17216096

The debt market is 10x the size of all actual wealth on the planet

Something like $100T wealth vs. $800T in debt.

>> No.17216142

all of them

>> No.17216148
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all of them

>> No.17216177
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this thread is great

>> No.17216178

don't short in a bull market you're just going to lose all of your money. The dollar is worthless and betting against the market when the fed is doing trillion dollar repo buys is just insane. Buy commodities. Buy hard assets. Short the Chinese Yuan. Don't try to short US equities

>> No.17216233
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This but unironically.

>> No.17216235
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reminder that the """""""genius"""""""" investor featured in this movie currently has GAMESTOP as the #1 position in his portfolio.

>> No.17216240

>not propped up by dollars
all markets are fraudulent, in fact all money is fraudulent

>> No.17216258

>buy the dip
maybe it will go up

>> No.17216274
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>> No.17216286

He is also long on TLDR and that pumped like 5% today. Gamestop might be a good deal.

>> No.17216313

the only difference between him and you is he has money to afford being wrong

>> No.17216337

We live in a zombie economy. Every market is a frankenstein abomination running on magical debt dust. Some more than others (e.g. housing). Cryptocurrency is somewhat exempt from that in the sense that it's outside the traditional financial system, but it's fraudulent in its own terms with all the whale manipulation.

>> No.17216366


Is he expecting a squeeze? He's a contrarian investor.

Anyway, it really isn't hard to be get lucky and be really right once in investing. Doubt Burry is the genius he was portrayed as even if he's an intelligent guy that caught a discrepancy and went all in on.

>> No.17216448

who is him and how do you know his stocks?
watched the movie but didn't do any research about the real life counterparts

>> No.17216469

he never disclosed it he was long or short

>> No.17216511


brainlets of /biz/ don't understand that he's betting gamestop will go bankrupt, liquidate their assets, and distribute whatever's left to stockholders.

also it's not his #1 position.

>> No.17216558


>> No.17216671

How much debt do they hold? They lease the storefronts so what assets besides physical vidja are you counting on?

>> No.17216741



>> No.17216791
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3 reason why markets aren't fake

our (overlords) take good care of us
military and police
most comply

money is as real as language. we made up language and it technically doesn't exist in material form and wouldn't exist without us. that being said any market rooted in the US petrol dollar is "fake" because the dollar itself relies on an insatiable and self-molesting credit system in which true value is worthless in the face of the fractal endless tiny values multiplied infinitely with derivatives and ever sophisticating tools of finance to replicate true value, but it's just on small empty flakes of nothing, like bread made from shit flour. the real thing is so much more substantial and rewarding.

>> No.17216873

>with the stock at something like two times free cash flow (on that 2019 estimate of $175 million), that should not be too surprising. And this is all before considering the nearly half a billion dollars in cash Burry estimates GameStop is holding.

Thanks for sharing anon, I had no idea they were that flush.

>> No.17216911

go back to your echo chamber low iq retard

>> No.17217148

see the

>> No.17217289

So true , a night of weed will cost an hour of average pay , a night of coke will cost 1/2 a days pay

>> No.17217361

fuck gamestop that place is shit. its so depressing and prices of headsets are so high

>> No.17217726

how can this even be possible

>> No.17218075
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zoom in, bizlet.

He probably made bank and got out

>> No.17218092

chainlink markets

>> No.17218124


Very low IQ take.

>> No.17218347

its called money printing

>> No.17218559

couldn't a famous investor like buffet easily make money by buying a stock making it known (whether by himself or using a proxy) he was buying it and then selling it when the prices goes up because people start buying it because they heard the news

>> No.17218602

proof please?

>> No.17219114

He could just be running a spread. Burry by my understanding lets very little information out regarding his investments.

Also, I highly doubt he's a contrarian investor. He finds ways to transfer wealth to himself. That, by my understanding, involves finding economic demands, needs, and so on and so forth. Contrarian just seems ego based and foolish. He does way too well for that to be a considerable option. Perhaps you are just projecting considering maybe you can only think in line with your own ego?

>> No.17219464

>it isnt hard to be lucky at least once
Lol wut