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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17211912 No.17211912 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not going to insult my fellow anons' intelligence by trying to shill you RSR as if it's some kind of legit project. I'm going to be forthright with you guys, this shit is 100% a scam token. That being said, it's a scam token that we can still get into at the ground level, and my research leads me to believe this could legitimately unseat the OneCoin scam when it peaks. We could make a lot of money on this shitcoin as long as we dump our bags on the normies at the right time. I'm not suggesting you go all-in like a retard, but picking up a small bag could be quite lucrative in the long run.

>> No.17212275

Satsgang is getting desperate

>> No.17212470

This is just satsgang fud. We all know the investor deck on this one. If you aren’t in you’re unironically retarded. All you see here is desperate curry ninjas realizing they are too poor and it’s becoming too late.

>> No.17212547

You. Stupid. Fuck.
How many “legit” crypto projects are allowed to use Paypal as fiat gateway?
Reserve and which other one?
Do you even know WHY?

>> No.17212582

Honest question. Please don’t just say muh satsgang. Who has been dumping this coin relentlessly? Doesn’t make sense.

>> No.17212622

>tell me who has been dumping this shitcoin
>but don’t tell me the truth

>> No.17212648

>legit team
>legit investors
>no pajeets
retards: this is a pajeet scam token obviously buy my literal who coin instead lmao

>> No.17212687

Verified satsgang shill. Buy pnk instead.

>> No.17212845

There he goes kek

>> No.17212905
File: 135 KB, 1200x1807, AA6B4F71-441C-4FB2-9354-29170D636F84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 4.5 million of this coin and just dumped it about 30 min ago the absolute schizoid retardation surrounding this coin is too much for even a seasoned autist like myself to deal with
Enjoy fudding or shilling RSR into oblivion I’m out you win satsgang

>> No.17212978
File: 495 KB, 525x526, 0F2BD94F-9980-4EB0-BF83-7B9081A224E5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only bought in yesterday lol
What the fuck has happened to /biz/ I can’t make sense of anything posted besides the usual link antics
I’m genuinely interested in picking up 10k worth of a moonshot but this doesn’t seem to be it this seems like a token for spastics to endlessly fight and drool over

>> No.17213142

dodged a bullet with that one friend

Satsgang has been manipulating this shitcoin for months

>> No.17213228

See this sounds like coordinated fud to me but whatever GG

>> No.17213254

why do you think it's coordinated fud? People know it happened, because it was proven multiple times previously here. It's not just a made up story to fud random people on the internet.

>> No.17213403

It was actually made up to FUD nubiz out of the next easy 100x

>> No.17213472
File: 57 KB, 949x441, discord satsgang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it wasn't, stop lying

>> No.17213478

gems dried out fren
nothing but fool's gold here these days

that being said, you'll know a real gem when one presents itself. Happens sometimes. Don't recall one last year though. With the shifting market tides wise anons will return. I hope.

>> No.17213484

best FUD ever, this is how it's done

>> No.17213537


Satsgang have been shilling this shitcoin for months. It got nowhere. It wont go anywhere. Now they're selling.

Without their pajeetery shilling this on biz and twitter, finally this turd of a project will flush.

Hurr durr let's invest in a STABLE COIN which was ABANDONED by Peter Thiel. RSR pajeets are totally delusional.

>> No.17213557

Also where the fuck do I find the RSR discord group?
I'm in the best ones for LINK and BCH yet somehow I've never had access to a link for RSR.
I want to be part of the coordinated group so I can manage to accumulate 50m of this without selling my linkies and cashies.

>> No.17213705


Satsgang don't use discord. They use Telegram.