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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17207842 No.17207842 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, sell now

>> No.17207878

Exactly why I don't tell anyone about my crypto investments.

>> No.17207901
File: 266 KB, 640x628, zzzzzzzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey son.

>> No.17207904

you buying was a sell signal

>> No.17207920

>Facebook users on /biz/

It was a good run lads. See ya back at the bottom.

>> No.17207936

What is it with normies and telling other people about stuff? If I find a diamond, the last thing I'm going to do is tell anyone.

>> No.17207942

y-you too

>> No.17207946

>t. Bear texting himself

>> No.17207955


The last time I said anything to her about it was in 2018 and that’s because I was trying to see if I could give her some of the money as a gift to avoid paying taxes

>> No.17207961

Imagine falling for such an obvious fake

>> No.17207977

>61 unread messages
Go back to your friends you normie

>> No.17207980

I meant in general, even if OP is a larp, I noticed this in real life. If something happens in a normies personal life, the first thing they do is tell other people about it. Very foolish and shortsighted to do so.

>> No.17208033


Ah yeah. My friends, definitely not a long list of 2 factor verification codes, order status updates, and payment confirmations. Feels bad

>> No.17208040

My dad thinks I have like millions in crypto right now. Hint: I don't.

It basically went like:

>Hey son be careful about those crypto investments
>Hey son I heard the bitcoins were going down, is your crypto investments ok?
>Hey son, if you think with just a couple of million dollars you can retire, you're kidding yourself

I have no fucking clue what's happening in his head.

>> No.17208051

Well you have to understand, that most people are at least quite extroverted. Its their way of processing new events. Add an average intelligence to that and voila, you have the classic normie.

>> No.17208106
File: 692 KB, 1661x1368, F67D81B8-EBBB-451B-B52F-A90B1B32B5C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Together our dubs equal 100

>> No.17208158

>telling anyone about your financial decisions
not going to make it, even if you make it-ESPECIALLY if you make it

>> No.17208178

>if you think with just a couple of million dollars you can retire
How loaded is your dad and what's his lifestyle

>> No.17208250

your family is there to fud you out of your best interests

>> No.17208278

pleas be bait

>> No.17208303

>"How are those bitcorns treating you, son?"
>KMS instantly

>> No.17208366

My dad fudded me out of early stage crypto (ETH under 30 cents) & early stage weed stocks (talking under $1 WEED when it only had the Canadian ticker whatever the fuck that was). After the weed stocks I made a decision I'd literally never listen to him again, and so I don't. I love him but he's a fucking retard when it comes to investing.

Not going to share but not really rich by any means. Maybe upper middle class best case. He's not wrong, though. To ACTUALLY retire for me (I have my own family) I'd probably need a minimum of $5MM to keep up with my current lifestyle while also being able to save and invest to make up for inflation. I could definitely downsize on lifestyle costs and move to a third world country or something, but not introducing X factors like that $2-3MM would not allow me to actually stop working. I'd wind up having to go back to work in ~10-15 years or risk feeling poor.

>> No.17208629

You know if you invest it in stocks you can withdraw ~4% a year safely right. With 3 million that would be $120k a year. How would that not be enough.

>> No.17208689

you can tell its a real conversation because shes like "hey son". Is your mom a robot pretending to be human?

>> No.17208694


>> No.17209530
File: 40 KB, 1024x576, _91409212_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Hey son, if you think with just a couple of million dollars you can retire, you're kidding yourself
i definitely could
but i guess an average smooth-brain normie can't

>> No.17209629

>Hey son
>I saw you were texting yourself fake messages from me again
>hows the job hunt going?

>> No.17209721
File: 417 KB, 1280x960, innawoods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you want to do with your life. Want to live in a coastal city and have lots of kids and send them to college? 2 million isn't going to cut it. Want to be a hermit with a little cabin innawoods? 1 million would be more than fine.

>> No.17209952

I make more than that right now and sometimes it doesn't feel like enough. I support 4 people and 2 animals, 2 of those people are tiny and might want to go to college some day or have some other big expense I'm going to want to help with.

As I said, I could make changes but I don't live an extravagant life at all (I'm an introvert and shut-in so I don't really do much). $120k/year won't cut it just to live my life as is, let alone put away money to prepare for the future. I'd probably need ~2x that to be truly comfy.

>> No.17209979

Op, you are the normie here

>> No.17210410

I'm worried about your financial success
I'm salty that you are aquiring financial success in a way I don't approve because my survivorship bias.
Even if you achieve financial success I don't want to think my way if doing things is wrong so I will try to demoralize you until you fail. . I you fail I win. If you win I don't have to support you so I win again but I don't get to tell you I told ya so .

>> No.17210903

>risk feeling poor
first world problems
you are a good sheep
you realize that your way of living is a massive scam built on the exploitation of the others, and not because of being useful, right?
people like you destroy the planet while contributing nothing of true value or importance
a good philosophy like buddhism in your life wouldn't hurt you and your wife