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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17201587 No.17201587 [Reply] [Original]

How is this dogshit still top 3?

With the abysmal price development it won't be long before it sinks to sub 250.

>> No.17201801
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>Premine 1 trillion coins
>Sell 1 million of them to idiots
>Coins sell for $1 each
>$1 trillion marketcap

>> No.17202219

Here's an idea, maby, just maybe it's YOU who is dogshit.
remember this coin was #2 not long ago and will flip #1 and #2 soon.

>> No.17202223

This. OP is a fucking newfag retard

>> No.17202244

>if we onboard more beaners and sand niggers it will surely moon
kek, stay jewed, brainlet

>> No.17202431

There is no reason for XRP to hsve a bigger mCap than around 1 billion. Even if their product is real it's not worth that much.

>> No.17202446

>There is no reason for XRP to hsve a bigger mCap than around 1 billion. Even if their product is real it's not worth that much.
how are you this fucking retarded, seriously

what's the marketcap of gold, you know the previous commodity that was used for interbank settlement

>> No.17202552

moron, there is a finite amount of gold. XRP can just be made on the spot by Ripple, which they WOULD do in huge numbers if banks began to actually use their product. You XRPTards need to go back to twitter or discord or wherever your delusional asses came fromr

>> No.17202570

Image being this retarded lmfao

>> No.17202598
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>XRP can just be made on the spot by Ripple

oh wait you're serious
let me laugh even harder


Imagine still believing this ancient FUD in 2020

Holy shit you really are retarded. I'm so sorry for your parents.

>> No.17202608

All xrptards can do is insult people and post pics like your boomer uncle on facebook. Go back to your shitty discord you pathetic xrpniggers. XRP IS GOING TO FUCKING $0

>> No.17202648
File: 42 KB, 1300x800, 111111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qq more

XRP has nowhere to go but up

only crypto with real world adoption by the financial sector

real world adoption growing exponentially

your cope is UNREAL

>> No.17203004

I don’t understand all the xrp hate.

I got roped in at @ $0.18, and where we are now that’s not a bad investment. It can hit zero next year I’m cool with doubling my money regardless if it’s a “shitcoin” “shilled” or “da joose” did it

>> No.17203022

no one uses it moron
you xrptards are low iq normies who can't separate Ripple marketing/hype from reality

>> No.17203036
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>no one uses it moron

yeah I literally posted a graph of FIs using it to settle international payments


>> No.17203152

Ill never understand trying to help literal losers make it with XRP when all they do is insult and never do their own research. Why do you do it XRP bros? Why not let them cry later this year in shame and poorness?
