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File: 279 KB, 1000x667, Christmas-Decors-Beautiful-Sea-Tropical-Beach-font-b-Hammock-b-font-font-b-Palm-b-font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1715789 No.1715789 [Reply] [Original]

What motivates you to get rich from a living location standpoint? Where do you want to live anon?

Post pictures of your ideal living arrangements (scenery/country/house)

>> No.1715812
File: 145 KB, 1048x786, dream home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to build a secure off-grid compound in the high desert and live alone forever in wonderful NEET isolation living off dividends and swing/ positional trading.

>> No.1716011

Can I live with you?

>> No.1716410

Sure dude, it's more secure with more guns after all. Ideally I'd be the Hermit Lord with a milita of skeezy bearded NEET soldiers living in the shining high tower that nobody talks about, but that's getting ahead of what I have budgeted for.

I want to drop out of society but take whatever I need in the process.

>> No.1716454
File: 205 KB, 1200x674, Cambodia_Kampot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good to think about this, to have a goal. I know a few rich people who still work themselves to the bone, because they think they still don't have enough money.

The more money you have, the more you spend. They just own more shit, but to what end?

I been living in Cambodia for the past 2 years, on a small amount of passive income and bitcoin profit.

Yeah I know, it's a third world toilet. But the thing is, it's so fucking cheap there. I don't need to work, I can do whatever I want with all my time, get out of bed when I want, I never made my own food, never wash my own clothing, the maid cleans my bathroom and makes my bed everyday. You can be totally free from all obligations and retire early, if you have a tiny amount of income and can put up with being a 3rd world shithole.

>> No.1716525


If I had tons of money
> Hawaii
> Switzerland
> Southern California

If I had $1million or less and wanted to retire cheaply
> Costa Rica
> Mexico
> Thailand

>> No.1716528


What about the Cambodians trying to fuck you over or steal from you, does that ever happen?

>> No.1716546

Yeah I would be scared knowing that they know I'm from a 1st world country. Other than that, I would bang all the Cambodian bitches with my dividends.

>> No.1716561
File: 3.62 MB, 2592x1624, 1416606674179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this idea that 3rd world people hate you and try to steal from you is a meme. Maybe it's true in some African places, but I've been to Cambodia, Burma, Laos and Sri Lanka and people were friendly, polite and generally happy. I see far more violence in England, far more.

>> No.1716570

Sri Lanka is really nice. Now that the Civil War is over, they're advancing incredibly fast. It will likely be the next Asian country to become a first world country.

>> No.1716614

What standard of living would I be able to enjoy in Cambodia on 15k a year?

>> No.1716629

American here, I fucking hate cold weather, so I would like to take vacations for the entirety of December and January every year. I would like go to places in the southern hemisphere where it is summer, the largest countries being Australia and new Zealand, so would travel to those islands often, as well as many smaller islands where it is summer time or they have warm tropical weather year round.

>> No.1716754


Well I like Mexico. And it's cool and all.

But living there, if you are not careful about flaunting money too much, and not having security, you can easily be robbed, kidnapped or killed.

>> No.1716768
File: 95 KB, 690x380, kona beach condo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out the first time I visited the Big Island that you can buy a beachfront condo or even a hotel room for way less than half of what my current house is worth.

the dues are expensive, but that's something that could be covered by a couple hundred grand in the bank. So this is my endgame. Still US, fairly high cost of living. Very high cost to go visit family on the mainland, but otherwise right up my alley.

>> No.1717504


How did you get to move there in terms of immigration/visa requirements?

I'm interested in moving to a south-east Asian country to do just what you are, but I'm under the impression I'd either need to work or have a lot of wealth in the bank before they'd let me go there and just live unrestricted.

>> No.1718219


I agree on the cold weather point; generally don't get why the super rich want to hang about in cold hellholes.

>> No.1718504

realistically I just want a reasonably nice place in rural New England with enough room to raise 4-5 kids
ideally I want a huge mansion in rural New England that I can move my whole family into that has a shooting range, a pool complex, a vineyard, maybe some tennis courts and a Nurburgring reconstruction out back with a 100-car garage full of tools and stuff that I would gradually fill with anything that strikes my fancy and another, smaller garage with a set of 10 identical Ford Focuses so I can have all my pals over for a weekend of comfy slow racing

>> No.1718539

This. I can't fathom living anywhere colder than Phoenix. I wouldn't be able to survive anywhere other that wasn't tropical (Hawaii, Florida) or sunny and warm (Southern California -overcrowded shithole of a state-, AZ, or Texas)

>> No.1719652


>Ford Focus racing

The dream?

>> No.1719669

I want to have complete control over my own time.

Any time I sell my labor, I want it to be fully voluntary, not a prerequisite for survival.

>> No.1719683

Is this what you dream of in your cubicle?

>> No.1719690

How do you even learn how to achieve your goals, or figure even what goals you want to set? Dont me to go all /adv/ here but desu until I hit rock bottom recently, I'd been living life in a haza of not really caring what happens.

Now I do care, but not sure where to begin.

>> No.1719696
File: 131 KB, 699x466, Nearly Ideal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do you want to live anon?

Pretty happy where I am, looks like pic related. I would prefer to have more land backing onto crown with a house I designed but that's going to run me 1/2 a million in land costs alone so it's not a feasible idea atm.

I'm the opposite.

I live in Canada, I would never consider moving to someplace which did not have snow 6 months of the year.

>> No.1719714

I'm definitely more of a Mexico guy. Would love to move down to Puerto Vallarta. could have done it last year, but the wife wasn't crazy about it and immigrating seems like a big deal.

The properties seem so cheap there, though. Ideal for an early retirement. Check this out


I'm surprised that there are quite a few multi-million dollar properties on there, though. But they are palatial.

>> No.1719726
File: 2.87 MB, 720x1280, 1483818214939.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I turn 35 and have $1M-$3M im gonan this >>1719696 or travel around 3rd world countries :^)

>> No.1719752

What do you do for a loving if you live that remotely? I would love to move to a nice rural cabin in the North where land is cheap, but there are next to zero jobs in my field there.

>> No.1719772


It's more the rain and grey cold that I hate, a comfy winter snowland might be nice.

>> No.1719794

i want condos in 4 different cities in asia (i know which ones) and i want to be so loaded that i dont even rent them out. i would just stay there when im in town and let girls or friends stay there when im not

>> No.1719798

Mansion Inna woods.

>> No.1719803

maybe you will die of an aneurysm in an hour

>> No.1719818

How much monthly passive income would be necesarry for this lifestyle?

>> No.1719843

Seconded. I'd like to get an idea of how much you need to spend to maintain a really good lifestyle there. For example:

* renting a nice apartment (2br) - I'm assuming buying is restricted for foreigners
* eating out 3-4x per week
* weekly maid service
* going out a couple of times a week, including taxi
* good health insurance
* a few road trips a year

What else am I missing?

>> No.1719913


One can only hope friend

>> No.1719933

I'd like to live in an apartment in a big city for a few years just to experience it, but i would never raise a family in a big city; once i have a family I;d like to have a big house in a smaller town (50-100k people)

>> No.1719936

Yeah, I'm also thinking about doing this. I'd love a breakdown of the costs! I'd be able to have roughly $15k of passive income, not sure if that would be enough.

>> No.1719998

>Any time I sell my labor, I want it to be fully voluntary, not a prerequisite for survival.
This too.

>> No.1721252


Travel expenses for visiting family and friends back home at all?

>> No.1721274

I live in an off the grid warehouse near downtown Houston. Cheap rent, cheaper gasoline.

I wake up in the morning and look at the downtown skyline, right next to some overpriced $500,000 cookie-cutter townhomes for millennial cucks.