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1719627 No.1719627 [Reply] [Original]

why am i still miserable

>> No.1719632

Because editing HTML doesn't actually change the balance

>> No.1719634

You've got the money, but what do you do with it?

>> No.1719637

Money= power of action
Action is a consequence of purpose.
Purpose---->power of action--->action --->>>success
You lack the foundation of the whole point of money. Get your shit together

>> No.1719639


What country do you live in?

>> No.1719641


>> No.1719647

Oh,I see. It's the lack of sunlight

>> No.1719654

im unemployed and the thing that makes me happy is having enough to order a pizza

>> No.1719657


>> No.1719663

Because you haven't paid off my old student loans and bankrolled my veterinary school.

>> No.1719664

Nice /pol/ bait

>> No.1719680

lmao this

>> No.1719901

I am in a similar position. The reality is that money and personal development are two different things. This is why you can have seemingly happy people who don't make shit and you can have rich people who are otherwise miserable. You need both for true happiness.

>> No.1719907

Because you don't have that much money

If you did it wouldn't in your chequing account

>> No.1719908

i was moving funds desu

>> No.1719937

Because true happiness only comes from giving back, so please give me a job

>> No.1719952

because ure boring fuck and uve no idea how to spend some of these.

>> No.1719983

Doesn't it make you happy knowing you could literally buy me a house (costs maybe £300,000 where I am), and not even notice the money gone?

You're in a position where you could change my life completely from being a poor piece of shit, and barely notice anything missing.

That'd make me happy to be in your position anyway - knowing you have such a comfortable and easy life.

>> No.1720293


>> No.1720309

>why am i still miserable
because you are stupid. if money can't make you happy nothing can.

>> No.1720326


You don't know how to enjoy life.

You may wanna see a shrink.

/threading my own post

>> No.1720332
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>leaf dollarydoos
congrats you might be able to buy a big mac combo with that trash

>> No.1720343

You're still miserable because you don't actually have that sum of money.

No one keeps that much money in a checking account.

>> No.1720346

like i said above if you read the thread I was moving funds and it made for a neat screenshot

>> No.1720999

You can always donate some.

>> No.1721028

That's one hell of a way to move funds

Why isn't this invested? At all?

>> No.1721029
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>all that money just sitting in a checking account
hire a financial manager soon.

>> No.1721034


>> No.1721039


Oh also,

> Living in Canada

How anyone can live there all year and not commit suicide is beyond me.

Move to Hawaii bro. It's consistently rated as USA's most happy state.

>> No.1721048

we you buying a fucking jet?
moving around 15 mill for the lulz would cost you a ton in taxs
>roleplaying on 4chan

>> No.1721057

Was that inherited or did you earn it?

How'd you make it if it wasn't inherited. Maybe you could offer some advice as well. Thanks

>> No.1721063

I will tell you, for $500,000.

>> No.1721078

Because you're stupid enough to expect people to believe you have $15 million in a checking account.

>> No.1721085

have you tried buying bitcoins

>> No.1721099

can you spare me 200 dollars brother

send me bitcoins i don't care

>> No.1721111


It should be pretty obvious why, you fucking leaf.

>> No.1721113

can you just read the thread you moron

>> No.1721142

I will for 1 million.

My advice is clearly twice as good at this guys.

>> No.1721146


Maybe he was consolidating all the cash in different accounts and didn't incur any capital gains.

>> No.1721162

Because of your shit healthcare system.

>> No.1721188

>why am i still miserable
You're a fucking leaf and your prime Minister is a literal faggotcuck

>> No.1721192
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What is wrong with being a leaf?

>> No.1721193
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Because you don't have 10% of your assets in gold.

>> No.1721196
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>> No.1721214

There's things that are more important to us then money in this life and that's family, love and friendship.

You don't have to get along with everyone and you don't have to be in touch with all but you need someone who can fill you up and make it feel like life is worth living because there's something out there that matters.

Can I ask you something? how fast has time been going for you lately? does it feel like time is going faster or slower?

>> No.1721225

Because money is a tool.

And without a purpose, it becomes a worthless tool.

Apply it towards something. Self, friends, family. Literally doesnt matter what, so long as it makes you feel happy or productive doing so (a productive tool is a good tool!) Just find something something to apply it to, or else it is just potential wasted.

(And fuck all these begging fags in thread)

>> No.1721241

If I was rich I would start funding things I loved and helping my family/friends. You should do something of that sort.

>> No.1721242

Can you spare some money? I'm a homeless disabled young adult finishing up school and need some funds. It might make you feel good inside knowing you changed someone's life?

My PayPal is eliblack199@gmail.com

Much love

>> No.1721268
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I would call LARP'ing but everyone says the same thing to me when I saw iv got 1.1m at 23.

You probably inherited that balance if its legit and thats the problem, people yearn for growth, you arent growing you just have a large sum.

There was a study done where someone who was making 500k a year for a few years started making 400k the next few years and another person that was making 150k a year started making 250k a year, you would think the person making much more would be happier but the opposite is true.

The one on the decline lost steam, felt stagnant and felt depressed although he was better off and the one shooting up but still far below the other was much happier.

Its all perception, use your understanding of your wiring to your advantage, set far off goals, grow incrementally, etc.

>> No.1721269

100% kek

>> No.1721294

Because you aren't sharing money with your fellow leaf bros

>> No.1721296

Stop roleplaying. OP is obviously a lying faggot, but then you try to attention-whore in an attention-whoring thread? Pathetic.

It's not hard to prove that you have money. And I don't mean html-edited checking account screenshots. Wealthy people have plenty of hard evidence in their hands, such as investment statements and tax returns. People have posted evidence of real money here. You are not one of them.

>> No.1721299


I am, how would you like me to prove it, deeds of land, brokerage account?

>> No.1721303

Jesus Christ, help me fund a business you cuck. If you want some advice from a fucktard that's trying to build up that sum, go to the gym, really eases your mind. Get involved in new things, anything, just meet new people.
If you really want to help my ass: gabrielzapatav23@gmail.com

>> No.1721306

Teach me, master.

>> No.1721322

I'm looking for funds to start a private school in Canada, it may be a good purpose in your life.

>> No.1721330

I don't "want" you to prove anything. I want you to stop roleplaying. Or if you're going to make a claim about your wealth, I want you to back it up. It's up to you, faggot.

>> No.1721332

Top kek

>> No.1721347
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Wealth is wasted on the rich. This is about the 200th thread I've seen on 4chan where some rich fuck complains about his first world problems like feeling lonely and not having sex. Look fool, stop expecting that having means will make you fulfilled and complete inside. In fact go volunteer in Africa for a few months taking nothing with you except some clothes, then you'll figure out how to be happy, both because you would have to face yourself without all the comforts and distractions you're used to, and you will see firsthand what real human misery is like, and check your privilege at the gate.

>> No.1721349

You sure your not just apathetic and indifferent? I'm doing good in savings over the past few years and I feel myself growing numb. Not miserable, just numb.

>> No.1721351
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I don't get the hostility, I shouldnt have to "back up my wealth" with every post, but as you wish.

>> No.1721366

nice inheritance

>> No.1721370
File: 31 KB, 480x658, 1483897876536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks although youre quite likely being sarcastic,

my point is not everyones role playing and everyone asserting almost agrily that anyone with money posting here is role playing is silly

i have a friend work 22million at 25 that posts on here daily

>> No.1721378

not being sarcastic
just pointing out i knew it was inheritance
got 1.3 of inheritance myself it's no big deal

if your parents are middle class in australia or canada or europe they have net values of over a million dollars
it's just inflation doing it's magic on boomer money

>> No.1721401

can i have some man? maybe u wont feel as miserable if u send me $100

>> No.1721402
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>> No.1721414

first post best post

>> No.1721417

op btfo as usual

>> No.1721461

That's some kind of self-prepared asset list, not a financial statement. Your brokerage assets and your real estate assets would not be listed together. Indeed, your real estate assets are obviously self-proclaimed estimates of some sort.

This reeks of a wish-fulfillment motivational project put together by a NEET hoping to improve their circumstances.

>> No.1721477
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