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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 1000x500, FantomFTM-Review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17195571 No.17195571 [Reply] [Original]

So I looked into this coin's github and everything looks good.
What's with the pajeets hating on this thing?

>> No.17195594

4chan sucks, filled with liars and racists. That's why.

>> No.17195617

It’s solid and the consensus is one of a kind.

>> No.17195619



>> No.17195629

There it is.

>> No.17195643

There's no basis for calling it a scam just ignore then, it's a solid coin with good development


>> No.17195661

4chan really isn't any good anymore. You cannot get past curry nigger fud anymore to discuss anything. I honestly am thinking to spend more time in reddit. During last Bullrun reddit served me well. Biz is sadly good only in bear markets. They will not let me shill my two biggest gems Zenon and Fantom here.

>> No.17195685

Reddit is shit too. Just not as heinous. Best just just look at both for gems and dyor as cliche as that sounds.

>> No.17195707

pajeet protest thread

>> No.17195744

Another person proving biz is useless. People used to be racist but still have a point. Now it's just dumb shit adding nothing.

>> No.17195752

because biz died in 2017

>> No.17195783

I've been holding this and it's not doing anything. Moon when

>> No.17195803

Kind of. It served me well in 2018/19 though. Now it's just reddit with racism. Unironically most of biz is actual indians and third worlders copying biz style and calling each other curry niggers.

>> No.17195872
File: 905 KB, 1476x822, 1557597910149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of them are DAG shills and will constantly say things in horrendous incomprehensible English like "FTM is shitcoin wit staking. Coin value will go zero after staking unlock. DAG Constellation is best coin!" These statements are cringe as FUCK and easy to read through. Saying "DAG Constellation" is the same as referring to bitcoin as "BTC Bitcoin," or calling ethereum "ETH Ethereum." It's embarrassing and pathetic, and all pajeet shills that talk that way should eat shit and fuck off.

>> No.17195890

Well how would you know unless you had some experience lmao. Two of two Indians I’ve met at uni were self loathing so this level of cognitive dissonance wouldn’t surprise me lmao

>> No.17195900

DAG is irrelevant and obviously not going to deliver. Fantom is ETH 2.0 NOW!

>> No.17195908

Biz died during the great crypto run. The only people left are normies and faggots from pol

>> No.17195962
File: 979 KB, 672x787, jackedboomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every single autistic faggot on 4chan in 2014: Fuck these fucking newfags, golden age of 4chan was 2012 before all these newfags ruined everything. Fucking normies.
>Every single autistic faggot on 4chan in 2016: Fuck these fucking newfags, golden age of 4chan was 2014 before all these newfags ruined everything. Fucking normies.
>Every single autistic faggot on 4chan in 2018: Fuck these fucking newfags, golden age of 4chan was 2016 before all these newfags ruined everything. Fucking normies.
>Every single autistic faggot on 4chan in 2020: Fuck these fucking newfags, golden age of 4chan was 2018 before all these newfags ruined everything. Fucking normies.
And the cycle continues. Another egomaniac faggot who thinks that the time they most commonly used the board was the "golden age." Yawn.

>> No.17195979

/biz/ died because most people who were smart enough to sell during the 2017 bull run left or realised they don’t need this place. Many of those who have remained are the retards who failed to sell and have been trying to make up for it (with varying success) ever since (like me)

>> No.17195999

too many faggots from reddit here since summer because of chainlink, they basically invaded this board

>> No.17196014

The thing is, I agree with this analysis. Pol took over biz

>> No.17196025
File: 203 KB, 800x1126, ChainLinkCryptoWars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll bet all my Links you got here < 6 months ago.

>> No.17196041

>t. newfag

>> No.17196079

Anyone who made it isn't here anymore. This guy gets it. It's just us plebs left fighting for scraps.

>> No.17196217
File: 571 KB, 600x600, 1529023077921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k, send em over: 0x665D2C0Eb70aDc1c2CB1D6971057aB61a903067c
i've been on 4chan since 2009 when i was a junior in high school, t. 27 y/o boomer. mostly on /b/ for the first few years then a hiatus for most of college and the start of my career, but started on /biz/ around mid-2017 when a kid at my job was shilling BTC to me around the mid-year $4500 pump.

>> No.17196576

well we need to get the money to finance concentration camps for niggers, migrants and other non whites somewhere!

>> No.17196593

> "pajeets hating on this thing"
> indian detected

>> No.17196619
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, Baste2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is a LARP board and so is this

>> No.17196663

where are my linkies, newfag??? man up and pay out your bet or never use this board again.

>> No.17196722

Pajeet detected

>> No.17197059


>> No.17197142

Only 4 more percent and I'm back to my buy in price. I'm gonna make it bros.

>> No.17197162

Spam bots. Real people were trying to demonstrate the tech in it. But some how tech became "pajeet" coin. Oh well. Price goes up and everyone loves it.

>> No.17197299

Based truth teller

>> No.17197409

#FinNexus has a unique focus on assets with real value built on blockchain infrastructure

>> No.17197655

Based thread

>> No.17198290
File: 604 KB, 2000x1441, 1579213124364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never selling

>> No.17198310

So how are normies even gonna buy this coin?

>> No.17198605

Normies will buy on coinbase for 50 cents and pump it to a dollar for us. They still are working on integrating Opera into exchanges.

>> No.17199542

>They will not let me shill my two biggest gems Zenon and Fantom here.
Found the Bangladeshi scum

>> No.17199579

Exactly this