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File: 81 KB, 1389x1202, 1 BMcVcBbuFt78VhuQoYDidg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17192807 No.17192807 [Reply] [Original]

Won't stay under 2 cents for long.
Real volume is above 200k and climbing
Once this passes ATH, real price discovery will begin.

>> No.17192813

What does this coin even do?

>> No.17192824
File: 265 KB, 1200x900, Rostas_(ready_and_served).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> confirmed paid pajeet shill thread
fuck you street shitter

>> No.17192825

>week old pajeet scamcoin
people already waiting to dump bags on dumbass biznitches

>> No.17192830

Some bullshit, bull run just started though so it’s going up

>> No.17192849

2 years old lol, got hype recently from 2nd token sale

>> No.17192858

Fuck your Nigger Jew shitcoin

>> No.17192863


>> No.17192878

well over a year old, fag. We're not selling.
I know you hold PNK
dispute resolution and oracles, but realistically who cares? number go up.

>> No.17192919
File: 1.37 MB, 1800x1102, klerospepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1 is not a meme. hodl strong anon.

>> No.17193070
File: 816 KB, 528x555, waveyfren.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too fren, the fudders can get in after 100x

>> No.17193416

So the thought is a certain amount of smart contracts will have disputes and this coin aims to solve that solution. How? By randomly selecting a number of coin holders to be part of a jury to decide the outcome.

That's right you read correctly, their solution to the problem is to select a bunch of pajeet scammers, neet currency speculators and Russians to decide on things they know nothing about. This might one of the most retarded coins I've ever heard of, don't buy this shit.

>> No.17193464


>> No.17193514
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, 480316AB-881C-4876-98F2-886F94C955F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more pinkies for me

>> No.17193707

there's a bit more too it than that. 300 pages more to be precise

>> No.17193762
File: 142 KB, 1440x810, F9F56F86-4820-4841-855C-C5B493A7179B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By randomly selecting a number of coin holders to be part of a jury to decide the outcome.
you know what else does that

>> No.17194096

Yeah, with the force of law forcing them to actually sit through it and consider the evidence. Pajeet cannot even understand the language well enough to judge what is put before him.

Also, I don't know what it's like in India but in my country juries are not allowed anywhere near civil cases

>> No.17194204

so you've read the 300 page pdf?

>> No.17194338

If it takes 300 pages to make selecting juries to sort out contract disputes from a pool of scammers and currency speculators sound like a plausibly good idea then that should really tell you everything.

>> No.17194643

See you at $1 anon

>> No.17194773

Its backed in game theory. You want to make the right choice because otherwise you are penalized and don't get any money.

It's basically majority rule and impossible to collude on... you tell me how this can go wrong?

>> No.17194776

Sir ,, I am holding PNK token. ,, , So I am fit to be JUROR ,, I will be judging your case sir . , ,, You can trust me because I buyed token ..

>> No.17194799

You need to make it more believable anon. Omit some sirs.. You get the drill

>> No.17194814

>This seems like a fucking stupid idea on its face. How is it even remotely a good idea?


Wow really compelling. You can have all my money now.

>> No.17194833
File: 195 KB, 1200x899, 1581324477717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wot try to spoonfeed you. Do your homework, read the blog etc.

>> No.17195107

i'd rather not own a pajeet coin

go.hex.win and stake it and make it if you want to get rich for real

>> No.17195124
File: 247 KB, 624x434, kleros_smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200k Reporting

>> No.17195276
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>> No.17195449
File: 55 KB, 778x512, IMG_20200211_172230_546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80k reporting in, pls fud more stinkies so I can buy up the rest of my baggy

>> No.17195510

150k reporting in. let's make it boys.

>> No.17196303

250k reporting in what's the sell target?

>> No.17196405

$19 Choo Choo! I'm a steamrolla, nigga!

>> No.17196419

gotta newfag for a sec, I have a coinbase portfolio, but they don't trade it. what do? open another one to buy?

>> No.17196470


>> No.17196497

Make a metamask wallet, buy eth on coinbase and transfer it to your metamask, go to uniswap and swap for pnk

>> No.17196604

thanks frens

>> No.17196768

NP fren

>> No.17196848
File: 361 KB, 1181x1299, 395F3232-BFD6-4C06-87B3-FFB89ED5C5AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fucks and you don’t now you must buy and become king of village

>> No.17196867

This is unironically bullish

>> No.17196898

>poo I’d
>poo hands

Confirmed literal shitcoin

>> No.17196923

incomprehensibly based well humored poster.

>> No.17197316
File: 557 KB, 747x425, 1581351372621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k and never feld call comfier don't care if you hop on the train or if you fud, those who know know

>> No.17197431

Pinklet here- Will 100$ be enough anons?

>> No.17197451

that’ll turn into $40,000 in a couple years
is that enough for you?

>> No.17197472


Gonna buy more then kek

>> No.17197772 [DELETED] 

$6 in a couple years? That’s easy id bet closer to 12$

>> No.17197856

Supreme Court of the Internet, bitch

>> No.17197935

if this is true then i'm gonna fucking buy cause my NEET ass can't afford to spend more than $100

>> No.17198042

$6 in two years is nothing I wouldn’t be surprised if we hit just this year if bull starts

>> No.17198179
