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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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1718737 No.1718737 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw still bagholding AMD at $12 from last year.

should I keep holding or cut my losses and sell?

>> No.1718758

Why sell just before they about to release their big refresh?

>> No.1718759

when did you buy?

what losses?


wait for their new cpu/gpu ... stalk the early reviews when they are good hold ... when they are bad .. sell

>> No.1718762




December 27th, bought 900 shares at $12.01 per piece.

>> No.1718807

I was about to sell friday, but then remembered a golden rule which is the most bear it looks, the more bull it looks to me. also the like the most ive seen it go down like recently would be like 4 days, which remember last days of year are slow n stuff so idk man just be safe n hope you didnt buy at bad time, which u did ahhaah, im like at 11.70

>> No.1718986

Did you take any look at the charts and the news or did you buy the stock because you felt like it... Holy, this is retarded...

>> No.1718994

>companies headed by a woman

>> No.1719079

AMD is in the best condition since the athlon days. Products will be finally able to keep up again.

>> No.1719084

The fucking report on nvidia didn't help.
Also, it was above 12.00 for like one day. That's some amazingly poor timing.
You've only been holding like a week or 2, you should give it another week

>> No.1719093

Okay for all of you who aren't PC enthusiasts, there are hundreds of early reviewers on Youtube who have gotten early access to AMD Ryzen CPUs and Vega GPUs and have reviewed them.

I've watched over 20 reviewers on Youtube and every single one of them is psyched because AMD is offering comparable performance to Intel at like 1/4th the price or better.

>> No.1719096

Now what this means for stock price I have no idea but everyone into gaming or PCs is amped for the new line up. I'm going to upgrade my PC with it too.

>> No.1719098

I'm gonna hope you're not lying to me. This got me hyped

>> No.1719105

I'm not lying but I may be grossly misinformed as I am possibly borderline retarded.

>> No.1719107

Those videos are either clickbait or just morons making shit up. Ryzen offering same performance at 1/4 the price is total dreamland nonsense and the only part that's even been publicly demonstrated is their flagship consumer part with no pricing announced at all. Any "early access" tests or reviews are total bullshit.

>> No.1719119
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>AMD has gone from a fucking penny stock to essentially a blue chip over the course of one year.

It's called the eternal meme for a reason. That's no bag your holding. Just hold tight and average down.

>> No.1719144

>he bought at a ten year's high without doing any financial analysis whatsoever
Why do you retards keep doing this ? You think you can outsmart professional investors ? You're literally paying for their profits with your own money. You're just gambling at this point, might as well just put it all on red and be over with it.
Could've put it in a mutual fund and make actual profits, but nope, that's not /biz/ enough.

>> No.1719315

>tfw bought a bunch when it was $6 three months ago

feels good man