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17187359 No.17187359 [Reply] [Original]

>had 500k, now 20 k what to do?
I had 500k at BTC heigh when it was close to 20k, I had it all in shitcoins that were decemated and now have only 20k..

What coin should i buy and hope for atleast getting back to 100k? Link? Why is link shilled here is there rly any value underneath or is it just a shitcoin like all the rest

>> No.17187408


You should check this project out, orion >>17187304

It has a staking mechanism with high payouts. You basically keep making money to invest again.

>> No.17187478

>tfw old and married but were once young and handsome and charming and literally turned 9/10s down regularly because it wasn’t a scarce resource and now have to look at pictures of young thots all day knowing you will never fuck one again and you struggle because you love your once 8/10 now 7 at best wife but physical urges are real and it’s not natural to just have to suppress them all the time.
Is this hell?

>> No.17187506

how the fuck? i had 700k at ath and now i'm back at 400k. alts got decimated, but many pumped higher than they had been in early 2018. remember eos? bnb? link? even with shit like holochain or quant you were able to x10 your money. what the fuck did you hold to end up with 20k?

>> No.17187534


No, you're just a faggot who doesn't appreciate his wife.


Shitcoins pump because people can't switch them back to sats fast enough. It's the sats that pump, not the coins themselves. So you're selling your altcoins for an asset that's crashing, unless you're on an exchange where you can trade for something more value stable.

>> No.17187535
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>> No.17187558

normalfaggots get out

>> No.17187617

Dump all shitcoins. Split the proceeds between ETH and LINK. You will be back at your high way before the next bull peaks.
>Why is link shilled here is there rly any value underneath or is it just a shitcoin like all the rest
It is real, but takes some time to explain so it is more fun to just meme instead. DYOR.
Either deal with it or get a sugarbaby, those are basically the only two options

>> No.17187656


>> No.17187707

You didn’t answer his question... what did you hold xby? Dgb?

>> No.17187725
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you chose poorly

>> No.17187726

she has nice titties

>> No.17187778

PERFECT abs. Not overly toned, muscular, or manly but still visible, and just a little belly fat covering them. Also nice hourglass curves in the mid-section.

>> No.17187938


>> No.17187974

Dgb among others

>> No.17187993

her hands are fucking gross

>> No.17188006
File: 375 KB, 728x410, 456456456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Algorand bro, the real pump has not started yet

>> No.17188569

reminder that the more men women fuck, the stinkier and more bacteria infested their cunts get.

>> No.17188614

why does your post need a slut for this? you're a bitch made faggot doing that

>> No.17189280

Algorand is a no brainer now, staking rewards plus coin gains.

>> No.17189382

kek, this is me right now. I'm a 22 y old chad, lift weights, look good and spend tons of time into making money and the 'being succesful' meme. Going pretty good right now and I'm realising I'm reaching levels of arrogance because of that, not even caring about 9/10 stacies.

And I used to be a fat gaming kiddo who thought Stacies were pokemons at the age of 16.

>> No.17189486

It sounds like you have taken your urge to procreate to an unhealthy place.
Consequence-free pussy smashing is not natural you are supposed to take a wife/wives, breed them and take care of them and the children.

>> No.17190423


Literally the first post. Orion protocol. Also LTC, a lot of it. I would have gotten more ETH if I had more liquid funds at the time. Sad. Still 30% in two weeks is bretty nice.

>> No.17190520

You may not like it but the answer is ferrum