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File: 316 KB, 818x751, Wrekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17182315 No.17182315 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17182327

Based fuck students and fuck reddit.

>> No.17182334

never paying it off
not selling my linkies which I bought with student loans either

>> No.17182335

KEK, imagine being retared enough to think this would ever happen...in the least financially free country in the west.

>> No.17182359
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imagine being college educated and thinking loam forgiveness was ever going to happen

>> No.17182379

But he's shutting down an existing forgiveness program

>> No.17182388

What a fucking nazi kike

>> No.17182410

Imagine thinking anyone gives a shit what is in the WH budget

>> No.17182416


>> No.17182426

Trump just earned my vote in 2020. Fuck you lazy pieces of shit. I paid my student loans off less than a year after graduating. Im not some boomer that grew up in a more prosperous economy. Im 25. I ate ramen noodles almost daily for a year. If Bernie forgives student loans he owes me a goddamned refund, and a year worth of not garbage food.

>> No.17182430

> you should pay for my antifa degree

no, fucking faggot

>> No.17182445

Jesus Christ, I bet reddit loves this. Literally the only way to support most liberal art degree loans economically is by undergoing the public service forgiveness program.
Rip in pepperoni

>> No.17182459

I'm 60k in the hole but my socialist western yuro country currently maintains a 0% interest rate for student loans. Feels gud

>> No.17182463
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There's such an obvious solution to this entire problem yet nobody shills it. Don't let the federal government guarantee the loans, and make them forgivable under bankruptcy. That way, all the useless academic programs will lose funding because nobody will loan an 18 year old 100k for some retarded gender studies degree and lenders will need to actually weigh risk and reward when giving loans out like literally everything fucking else. Start firing professors who teach subjects which are economically unviable.

Not only will all of this solve the student loan debt problem, it would force colleges to lower their outrageous highway robbery tier tuition rates in order to fill classroom seats.

>> No.17182703

Of course its obvious, but it won't happen in a democracy

All that is going to happen in a democracy is that government is going to grow and debt is going to grow, no matter if democrats or republicans are going to get elected
If a solution means less involvement of the government and less "free stuff" it is NEVER going to happen in a country where every 18 (or 16 here in europe) old can vote, no matter how much welfare they consume

Every democracy in the west is a dead man walking

>> No.17182957

how did you get 60k from sweden bruh? hur gör jag?

>> No.17182979
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this is how it's done

>> No.17183036
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Kek, everyone in my nation are able to take out a specific student loan of circa $1120 a month for 6 years. Interest rate stands about 0,64%. You don't have to pay back the first year after your degree. Only thing you need is to pass the exams, otherwise youll get an immediate repayment plan.

>> No.17183047
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Lol get fucked. The goal of a county is to make it better for future generations. You may not be a boomer in age, but you have the mindset of one.

>> No.17183114
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Sweden is larping on the former socialist dream and manages with som Democracy on the top. Only thing is, the social cuckocrats are trying to fuck with our system. Left-wing in general. Which makes it even weirder when the party with ACTUAL COMMIE ROOTS goes "wtf" and ended up working with right-wing for a swedish folkhome.

Left is now larping right, right took the left spot. Social democrats are cucks.

>> No.17183124

pretty based desu. if you choose to go to a commie indoctrination camp then you have to pay for it.

>> No.17183127

if its funded by our tax money, then he should
fuck you, pay it yourself

>> No.17183143

>student loans

silly anon
college is almost free
loans are to buy a house or something like that

>> No.17183148

I believe the proper term is ashkenazi.

>> No.17183165

sounds like Trump is trying to make Bernie the dem candidate rather than that moderate dem (butt-something).
kind of genius, feeding attention to Bernies primary policies by antagonizing his platform can make Bernie gather more support with anti-trump democrats.

Bernie is objectively an easier opponent than a centrist democrat, Trump could (if faced with Bernie or another far-left dem) win in a historic landslide election.

>> No.17183169


>> No.17183181

this is how you get poor

>> No.17183422


>> No.17183436

Its about time. MAGA

>> No.17183439

This post gets it

>> No.17183522
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My student loans have an interest rate of 0.16%. So no, I'm never paying them off. Why would I?

>> No.17183525

>pay for my globohomo communist indoctrination, bigot!

>> No.17183536
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>> No.17183560
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>economy transitions from manufacturing to service based which requires a more educated workforce
>government does everything in its power to suppress buying power of recent grads through literal indentured servitude of the current loan program
>why are millennials not buying shitx1000

Not saying to forgive student loans outright, because fuck that. But I dont think the current avg interest rate of 5.5% on these things is ethical either. The interest rate should be pegged to the fed's UB rate once the person has graduated.

Also stop guaranteeing loans for gay shit like english and African studies so it can deflate the price of education.

Also, our culture is to blame for the price. You like watching college niggerball so much? Well that's where all the fucking money is going you dumb fucking boomer cunts

>> No.17183601

All in Link and NEVER paying back

>> No.17183648

>Also stop guaranteeing loans for gay shit like english and African studies so it can deflate the price of education.
Abolish ALL government created student loans.
The price of tuition would fall through the floor.
Fuck leftists for creating this problem then blaming capitalism when it fails.

>> No.17183704
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Why would you go to a college these days that isn't a cheap community one? Universities are basically country clubs these days where you learn nothing. You're literally paying 200k+ for a piece of paper that certifies that you're from a certain caste. Save your money and start your own business.

>> No.17183724
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At the same time, if the price of tuition falls through the floor without easier access to credit, wouldnt that lead to a brain drain in higher education? Yeah everyone wants to see faggot professors in gender queer poly religious studies go, but what about the stem and business professors? Wouldnt they be incentivized to go to a different line of work? What happens when there is no incentive to train and educate the next generation of people on the scale that's necessary for a service based first world economy?

>> No.17183752

>ut what about the stem and business professors?
Do you realize that student loans didn't exist before and people would pay for their entire fucking college tuition by working part time in the summer?
I mean holy fuck anon, wake up.

We need supply to coordinate to the actual demands of the job market.

>What happens when there is no incentive to train and educate the next generation of people on the scale that's necessary for a service based first world economy?
There always will be, if there is a demand, a supply will be created at a just price.

>> No.17183764

Also everything you learn in college you can just get online for fuck sakes.
All college is is a signaling mechanism to employers these days.

>> No.17183782

>Cost of college goes down
>Degrees become more valuable when less retards can afford college

The only people this hurts are midwits. Based no college homies and scholarship niggas dgaf

>> No.17183783

yeah it's a really poor investment to go to a 4 year school without any credentials. I went community college and paid that off working a part time job as a young teenager got that degree and did well enough to get tuition free payout to the state school for 2 more years and graduated totally debt free and was able to score an okay starter job. took the money i made from that and invested it and now im in my late 20s with over 200 grand in the bank meanwhile all my retard friends that wanted the "college experience" are about the same amount in debt

>> No.17183813

Except the brain drain in college education has only been correlated with increased tuition prices over the past half century.

>> No.17183814

Calling that Trump does this and announces student loan forgiveness as soon as he wins.

>> No.17183828

>im so smart i cant pay back my loans

some people are really funny

>> No.17183849
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Bernie would crush Trump

>> No.17183851

>service based economy

The biggest neoliberal contradiction

>> No.17183857

its also expensive because its expensive

also top schools have more applicants than spots. they could raise prices even higher if they wanted.

demand out strips supply at almost every school

>> No.17183870

imagine being on this board and unironically using leftist cultspeak that has nothing to do with reality

>> No.17183887

harvard could charge 1M a year and still have extra customers

>> No.17183888
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>its also expensive because its expensive
>some dude talking to some kids in a room and grading papers is expensive

>> No.17183955

Its literally macro 1001

Agriculture > Manufacturing > Services

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.17183992

Reality is that the service based economy is a globalist scam. America's decline in wages and productivity and economic power has only dwindled under the "service based economy." People calling it a "transition" as if it's something that needs to happen and is inevitable and not what it really is, a degeneration, is a fucking insult to everyone American that has essentially fallen out of the middle class. An economy can't fucking sustain itself on waitresses, SoundCloud rappers, bureaucracy, and defense contractors, and it's pretty obvious to anyone that lives in the United States that it's not sustaining itself at all.

>> No.17184011

Then it will go back to the healthier standard of apprentice/master relations that actually produced highly innovative people.

>> No.17184036

The difference between Agriculture, manufacturing, and services is that the former two are productive labor and the latter is largely wasteful and leads to a nation in debt.

>> No.17184054
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It has nothing to do with that,
our stagnation in living standards is the result of central banking and the end of the bretton woods system

why dont people understand this?

>> No.17184093

>demand out strips supply at almost every school
Solution, end 'cheap money'.

Mutts use this 'cheap money' but fail to see how that cheap money affects the price of things...take housing as an example, cheap money along with 2 incomes being counted have drastically risen house prices

>> No.17184103

As a millennial with no student loans I have every incentive to keep my fellow millennials in perpetual debt for as long as possible. They're the competition

>> No.17184117

Who do you think incentivized an economy based on borrowing rather than productivity? Your precious service based economy where everyone speculates on houses and waits tables is literally a symptom of central banking. You literally don't even understand why you oppose the federal reserve.

>> No.17184170

>Who do you think incentivized an economy based on borrowing rather than productivity?
Central banking.

>Your precious service based economy where everyone speculates on houses and waits tables is literally a symptom of central banking.
I fully agree.
Stop calling it "neoliberalism" when central banking and the endless government spending that comes from it has nothing to do with liberalism at all.

>> No.17184192

if this isnt understood you dont belong on this board

>> No.17184264

>our stagnation in living standards is the result of 'governments' stealing the wealth of its citizens. Stealing the gold that was used to back the currency in the '30s, switched to central banking and the end of the bretton woods system.
Fixed it for you! Few ask WHY his gold was taken from our ancestors, what led the creditors of the nations to take these steps along with the the steps previously taken as surety on the debt.

>> No.17184270

>Central banking

And yet you defend the "service economy" that the system of debt and banking has created? Do you actually believe the United States would be a "service economy" if central banks didn't exist? Of course it wouldn't, because the country couldn't essentially 'subsist' on trade deficits and borrowing and would literally need to produce actual tangible items of value.

>Stop calling it "neoliberalism"

Why? Most conservatives wouldn't be offended for labeling malicious corporate scheming Republicans as being neocons, why does that term bother you so much?

>> No.17184324

>And yet you defend the "service economy" that the system of debt and banking has created?
I'm against the service economy as it exists now as a result of the US dollar as the world reserve currency.
If we actually had a free market and our living standards increased due to increases in technology and production, a service sector would be a great idea and would pay high wages.

>why does that term bother you so much?
Because it's primarily used by leftists who like to strawman and claim that the past 50 years has somehow been "liberal" when in fact we have moved away from liberalism and towards government control/central banking.

>> No.17184420

>If we actually had a free market and our living standards increased due to increases in technology and production, a service sector would be a great idea and would pay high wages.

If we actually had a free market, America's main driver of wealth would still be heavy industrial manufacturing and raw resource extraction. Your service sector will never provide high wages and will only continue to wither and die, like it's literally doing now.

>Because it's primarily used by leftists who like to strawman and claim that the past 50 years has somehow been "liberal"

I don't care who uses the fucking word, the term 'neoliberalism' has been in the public lexicon for the past twenty years, and it's not and never was inherent to leftist language.

>> No.17184435

Continue to wither and die without the backing of productive labor*

Services are purely maintenance of things we have built, and if a country has nothing left to maintain, what good are services?

>> No.17184471

>the term 'neoliberalism' has been in the public lexicon for the past twenty years
thanks to leftist infiltration
we need to explain why this word is bullshit

stop letting leftists control the narrative,
controlling language to manipulate people is what leftists do

>> No.17184513

>controlling language to manipulate people is what leftists do

Interesting coming from a guy that is completely hung up on me using a word.

>> No.17184541

You’re my hero anon.

>> No.17184574

>Interesting coming from a guy that is completely hung up on me using a word.
because you've been manipulated by people who use that word, silly

>> No.17184639

Ok neolib

>> No.17184658


Based I paid off my 30k in loans in one year. Fuck parasites and retard borrowers with womens studies degrees

>> No.17184660

Yeah no shit you fucking autist. That has nothing to do with that fact that the US is still a service economy. Try gaining some reading comprehension rather than trying to show off how intelligent you perceive yourself to be.

>> No.17184661

okay gullible lefttard

>> No.17184672

Austerity and War
Austerity and War
Austerity and War
Austerity and War
he's a neocon

>> No.17184703

You’re a retard good goy for paying it off.

>> No.17184709


This motherfucker right here. Cut all the insane lending/borrowing out of the equation and watch tuition prices fall like a rock. College is in a huge debt funded bubble

>> No.17184730

>pay off 24k in student debt to do better in life
>democratic candidates tell me everyone should be at my level without sacrifice so I shouldn't do better in life
>Trump tells me I should be doing well in life and no one should get to my level for free
I love this man. First real role model.

>> No.17184733


You are the goy for staying in debt

>> No.17184786
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>> No.17184810

So do you think a non-productive country that does nothing but market imported shit is good or bad? I don't really see your point. I don't see "agriculture > manufacturing > services" as a some sort of rule we should be following or an upward trajectory. I think maybe we should have stayed at step 2. Some might even go to another extreme and argue that step 2 and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. Some people like me would argue that all three are necessary for economic stability. You seem to think growing food, manufacturing, and the sex work sector are all mutually inclusive paradigms that occur at separate periods of economic development. Reality is, at the peak of American prosperity, people were growing food, stamping metal, and accounting all at the same time, contrast that to now where agriculture is monopolized, manufacturing is dead, and women are unironically defending prostitution as a career choice.

>> No.17184827

>Mutually inclusive
Mutually exclusive*

>> No.17184830


Imagine thinking the working class lives off of welfare.

>> No.17184835

100% based. That's absolute bullshit. They know what they signed up for

>> No.17184838
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Holy shit dude read his post before typing, you're digging yourself deeper.

>> No.17184869

Nixon had no choice but to take the US off the Breton Woods system. They weren't holding up their end of the bargain, $35 to 1 oz of gold. They kept printing money (some things never change) and the expenses of the Vietnam War took its toll. When France figured this out that the US didn't have the gold reserves to back up the US dollars in circulation, they went and demanded the US let them trade in the French's US dollar reserves for US' gold. Then other countries followed suit. The US didn't have the gold reserves to back up the US dollars. So it was either the US dollar get slapped with hyperinflation or they jump off the BW system. They chose the latter.

It was a brilliant power play to do form the Petro Dollar agreement, though it lead to the US military being dogs for the Saudis.

>> No.17184904


A healthier population is a stronger population, a stronger population is a more productive population. If you've invested in crypto and you think this shit, you've missed the entire point on why the blockchain industry is as big of a threat to central banking as it is now.

>> No.17184916

Can you answer my question? What is your point. "It's literally macro 101" doesnt mean anything to me. What is your point? I made a point that the "service-based economy" is just a placeholder term for dying economy, and your reply was "lol dude it's literally macro 101." So explain and I can stop digging myself deeper

>> No.17184917
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>blocks your path

>> No.17184925
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See my previous post.

>> No.17184960

>It was a brilliant power play to do form the Petro Dollar agreement
yeah if you are the US government
if you're a US citizen who works here, it's a terrible idea

>> No.17184966

You actually think this communist sith lord is going to beat an incumbent president, one that has the stock market at constant ath?

>> No.17185035

All I'm asking is what you mean by "agriculture > manufacturing > services"

I am still confused as to whether you think that's an upward trajectory, a rule a stable system of commerce always should follow, or a cycle analogous to birth and death. I was under the impression that you were insinuating that this is some progression of capital but I have no idea because you literally won't explain shit. Whatever.

>> No.17185039

If you literally take macro 1001, it's in the first three chapters. Itll say "economies progress at different rates depending on the technology available to them in their historic era but the trend is always the same agriculture to manufacturing to service." You can bitch about how bad percieve the economy to be but it doesnt change the fact that it's a service based economy.

>> No.17185042


>> No.17185058

Also end all the admin/paper-pusher costs.

>> No.17185070

progression of how humans accumulate capital*

>> No.17185154
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>Wait a minute there goy

>> No.17185170

Alright fine: first off you're talking to multiple people who are insulting you, not just one. The second issue is your entire focus is on how we shouldn't be in a service-based economy and trying to explain how a service-based economy is bad. The original person you're talking to never said it was good. He even agreed with you but you skipped over it (somehow while replying to him directly) over here >>17184660 You're essentially trying to argue a point that the conversation isn't about. Yes, service-based economies are bad. The conversation was about how we're unfortunately stuck in one and we need certain fields to have a trained workforce to avoid a collapse. Now for your autistic demand to explain the most basic thing:

>All I'm asking is what you mean by "agriculture > manufacturing > services"
He's saying that's what happened to most countries. It's not about opinion or ideal design or anything, he's literally just saying that's what happened. Let me make it easier for you by adding dashes. I think you're reading it like this

>agriculture < manufacturing < services
When really what he's saying is this
>agriculture -> manufacturing -> services

>> No.17185219
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riiiiight. You're very smart anon don't let everyone else point out how obviously retarded you are get to you :)

>> No.17185242


>> No.17185245

And what do you mean by "progress"

Are textbooks using the word "progression" in the context of positive advancement, or in a more clinical way like the progression of an illness? Because I often hear from many academics that the development of a service economy is infact a positive change and an economic achievement when reality is that the people living through it are largely suffering financially.

>but it doesnt change the fact that it's a service based economy.

I never denied that most Western employment isn't heavily biased towards the service sector, infact I am literally explaining that this is a problem and not an economic achievement.

>> No.17185269

not yet but I will, I borrowed the money and I always pay my debts, because I'm not a nigger.

>> No.17185271

>Are textbooks using the word "progression" in the context of positive advancement, or in a more clinical way like the progression of an illness
Dude stop being unable to grasp context. It means "advancement". Not "good advancement" or "bad advancement", it's just referring to what comes next. You sound like an 8th grader trying to be smart by talking too much.

>> No.17185281
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Did you just say what I think you said?

>> No.17185390

I'm literally just asking you what you mean.

>Dude stop being unable to grasp context

I was literally asking you for context. People literally make the point all the time that manufacturing into solely serviced based labor force is progress in the sense that it's a change for the better. The word progression and progress like a lot of English words takes on multiple definitions. I'm sorry that I can't read your mind, you stupid faggot.

>> No.17185486

You didn't get the college experience though, you basically spent your youth being a wagie

>> No.17185511

Redpilled take

>> No.17185525

I'm gonna level with you here. If you were asking my current graduate level econ prof whether or not the progression to service based economies is a good one, he would undoubtedly say yes.

It's a dynamic and multi faceted topic, and I'm not sure I could even give a well rounded response in a 4chan post but I'll give you my honest opinion on what I think.

To start off, the us has transitioned to a service economy, theres no denying this. It is a fact of life. What does that mean for the average person born in American for the last 50-70 years when the transition from manufacturing to service happened? Well that's hard to say (again) in the 50s we were in full swing of a baby boom, population surge, technology increasing the levels of productivity to unseen levels, consumer demand at an ath for every type of good both domestically and internationally, no major economic blocs to really compete against (Soviets dont count they cant feed themselves) and remember this is an age where people just started to have things to have them, 30 years before this and horse was the preferred method of transportation. So yeah it's very easy to look back at the beginning of the baby boom when our manufacturing basin was in full swing and was about to be completely replaced with service jobs as "the best time ever".

So now that I have a historical framework in place as to why there rose tinted glasses for the manufacturing economic phase of the us, here is a thought experiment. Its 1890, you're a worker at a plant that often withholds wages and fires people on a whim, you're outside protesting for your wages to be scheduled and honored. Suddenly Pinkertons show and start blasting, you take a bullet in your spine and you cant work again. You succumb to alcoholism and exposure and die 15 years later. See? Theres peaks and valleys to each type of economy.

The way I see it now, the us is the big kid on the block militarily speaking, no one can touch us, that's good

>> No.17185563

>make it better for future generations

So you want to keep feeding the corrupt for-profit education system? If debt forgiveness goes though tuition rates will continue to rise and we'll have to spend all this taxpayer money again later. Only the system wins, not the people.

>> No.17185568

>had scholarships for STEM degree
>took really hard math class over summer a couple years back
>got a C-
>put on academic probation, lost scholarships
>appeal denied
>GPA just under 3.0
>had to take out loans just to graduate

I wish boomers would stop acting like every person going to college is studying useless shit like theater or gender studies. I'm studying geology because I want to actually go into resource management and hydrology modeling but hurr durr should've gone to trade school so I can ruin my back in my early 30's.

I hope someone assassinates this piece of shit

>> No.17185576

You're talking to multiple people. Check IDs.

>> No.17185589

Dropping out of school and putting my savings into crypto is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

>> No.17185624

One C- wasn’t what pushed you over the edge.

>> No.17185708

>You succumb to alcoholism and exposure and die 15 years later. See? Theres peaks and valleys to each type of economy.

I understand that, but I was speaking only in terms of economics. Of course people breath in noxious fumes and get sucked into machinery. I think that's more of a symptom of where technology existed at that period of time anyways. In fact, the gilded age of the late 19th century lead to incredible increase of life expectancy for Americans. I think factory owners hiring union busting thugs to beat up demonstrators was not as common as historians like to make you think. My great grandparents were all Irish and Polish immigrants that came to the Northeast to work in mills. They lived a hell of a lot longer than their relatives in the homeland. They were a heck of a lot wealthier too. They bought homes, they had families, they could afford to go to the hospital if they needed to go. We literally can't. I think any professor that argues this is even remotely better is wrong, most adults can't even do what came naturally to our ancestors, such as having a family.

>> No.17185726

That means less war risk for the avg person.

Crime is going down, that's good.

People are living longer, that's good.

The country is almost energy independent, that's good.

The average american has access to unlimited information in the form of phones being designed in country that are the most advanced in the world, that's good.

There is an abundance of financing for every single need an average citizen could want, that's good.

Now, let's go over some perceived bad things.

Healthcare, not the best, if you have a corporate job or any salaried job then usually you're sitting pretty, if not you're fucked. Not saying give healthcare to everyone, fuck niggers.

Financial independence and health, well this is a tough pill to swallow, if we are being completely honest, the reason most americans dont have 1500 dollars in their checking account is because they're fucking retards who deserve to be ass fucked when they dont know where money comes from or how to read a balance sheet or an income statement. I'm sorry but it's as simple as that.

Point I'm trying to make is, the baseline standard of living for the average american is good, if not better than ever. People will cry all day about the average family's financial well being but they'll never investigate any further. Does dick really need to have NFL pass? Does Jane really need to have 30 pairs of shoes? Maybe people should save their money instead of buying retarded consumables so they could have bought a house instead and taken advantage of historic low interest rates. And dont start with yeah but how are we supposed to save when I'm only getting .05% on my deposits, put it into an s&p, if you cant see that the economy even as a service economy is built so that capital needs to be funneled into some sort of productivity to make the holder of that capital more money, then I dont know what to tell you.

>> No.17185728 [DELETED] 
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That's a mistake by trump. things like that could turn the tide for sanders victory.

>> No.17185734

And I would say, dying at age 50 from alcoholism wasnt all that worse than how people died before the industrial revolution, which was as soon as they were born or alternatively from pneumonia at 30. Life was a lot easier in the industrial revolution that it was decades prior.

>> No.17185775

Go on...

Saudis hate you?

>> No.17185842

Similar story
>be poorfag
>get scholarships + grants to go to school
>get hit by car on way to school
>in hospital for 2 months, fractured skull, broken hip, leg and countless other shit
>lost scholarships for "not attending class"
>take out loans, get part time job trying to cover school costs, decide sleeping is optional
>get hit with 150k hospital bill

Yeah fuck this shit.

>> No.17185862

This. I hate the boomer idea that "if I had to do that shit everyone else should"

>> No.17185873

A semester GPA of <2.0 puts you on academic probation here. A C- is a 1.75.
My school will suspend scholarships if you go on probation. I managed to actually get some of it back except for the state scholarship (which got the appeal denied) but not enough to completely cover tuition. I work part time for a science facility at the school which pays enough to cover living expenses but I still needed to take out to cover my last couple semester. Granted, it wasn't all that much compared to most schools (tuition is 3300 a semester) but dropping out would put me in a way worse position.

>> No.17185874

So then theres progress from agriculture to manufacturing

>> No.17185905

You got a skill that you insist is valuable, so go extract value by utilizing your skill. It's not my job to pay for you.

Sucks bro, declare bankruptcy and tell everyone to fuck off. Open a cash-only business and lie about taxes (in Minecraft of course).

>but you can't declare bakruptcy on student loans!
Get a separate loan (higher interest rate but you won't care), pay off student loans with it, declare bankruptcy on that loan.

>> No.17185925
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fuck socialists

>> No.17185943


Nope, I defaulted on the $30k I borrowed. I'm getting them all consolidated with a $0 monthly payment because I'm disabled.

Once they're officially consolidated, Vocational Rehabilitation is paying for my Bachelor's and Master's degrees because I'm disabled.

>> No.17185946

The President has 0 power to shut down a forgiveness program. He has infinite power to shut down a program using TAXPAYER DOLLARS to pay a bank in place of the person paying the bank. If you want a forgiveness program then either talk to the bank about making one or get donators to fund one. Taking money from workers is not an option. Shut it down.

>> No.17186011
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Based and family pilled

You also forget about the regulations that game after 1930s. It took about 4-5 decades for the us government to make regulations against the industrialist. Dare i say akin to what uncle Bernie is now trying to regulate financial and tech behemoths

(no your dropshipping gig or 200k goy salary don’t count as behemoths anon)

>> No.17186033

>no your dropshipping gig or 200k goy salary don’t count as behemoths anon
And yet they'll still be targeted with his vague new taxes.

>> No.17186039

I wouldn't even say agriculture moved onto manufacturing and changed paradigms. People still had the option to be farmers, and farming became easier thanks to industrial innovations. They existed simultaneously. The rural folk raised sheep and then sold wool to the urban factories who turned it into clothing, and then the service sector would employ machinists to repair industrial equipment. Agriculture, manufacturing, and the service sector were three parts that made up a whole. It is not a progression or an advancing of paradigms, these three things are supposed to exist together, not seperaretly

>> No.17186052

What qualifies as disabled?

>> No.17186054
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Your average chan poster.

>> No.17186070
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>> No.17186073

being a verified 4channel user

>> No.17186083

>Believing (((them)))

>> No.17186097

This is bullish.

>> No.17186102

you took out debt to go to college and you still cant fucking read

>> No.17186129

>believing a DNC fundraiser
Bernout's entire purpose is to get millenial dollars into the DNC's hands. When he loses all his donations go to the DNC nominee.

>> No.17186193


This is EXACTLY correct. Regardless of what side of the issue you are on this is the change that should happen. Making the loans not bankruptable is a massive sin against a naive youth. People politicians should burn in hell for it.

That being said I paid mine. So it favors me that trump is doing what he's doing. But if the Democrats do forgive the debt then I better get some kind of fucking money back!!!

>> No.17186211


Communists should suffer

>> No.17186225
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>> No.17186330
File: 75 KB, 1400x948, Soviet vs Post-Soviet economic growth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17186389


Officially? Bipolar and Agoraphobia.

Honestly? I'm lazy and an opportunist.

>> No.17186589


1 more month and I'll be free

>> No.17186814
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Employers refuse to train people on the job anymore, which means [future] employees have to pay for themselves through tuition. And considering how expensive tuition is, student loans are usually unavoidable

About to go full communist.

>> No.17187108


>> No.17187385

This would fit Trump too now kek

>> No.17187433

Your body must be fucked from the sodium and lack of nutrients.

>> No.17187608

Go to trade school.

>> No.17187635


>> No.17187660

We had to get rid of competency tests because they were, and I'm not kidding, legally determined as racist by the circuit courts (second only to supreme court). It's not even black people's fault, I'd be willing to bet a different demographic was behind the lawsuits and subsequently doubled down on getting themselves into education administration.

>> No.17187818

someone post that jpeg that's Chinese college students vs American college students and the American pic is just a bunch of part bros with their shirts off and a dozen copy pasted blonde staceys who are also looking to take their shirts off and they're all making instagram faces and drinking beer and screaming. Meanwhile the chinese section is just a bunch of young adults in suits with their diplomas

>> No.17187881


>> No.17188302

Yea! Reddit said so!

>> No.17188336

How do I apply?

>> No.17188394

Then the kids go to the bank with their parents as cosigners. The banks won't and don't give a fuck about weighing risk reward. They only care about the credit score and income of the cosigner (parent).