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17173269 No.17173269 [Reply] [Original]

XRP will remain sub $5 until 2024.

Upon completion of escrow consensus the remainder of the 55% of total XRP held in escrow will be released and scheduled to be burned.

When nearly half the entire coin supply is eliminated speculation will run its course and we will no doubt see $1000 XRP as open market supplies will be severely limited.

100k become part of 1%
10k to make it
1k suicide

>> No.17173310

This is one of the, if not the most retarded and useless crypto post I've seen in 3 years. Kys.

>> No.17173331

XRP is going to $0.00

>> No.17173359


Literally spoon feeding you retard, don’t starve to death

>> No.17173365

This post is assuming so much is retarded beyond belief. XRP won't be burned. XRP wont have full escrow sales. XRP will stay belkw 1$ by jed alone

>> No.17173401
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 272d3f1985fbb13fd8701390fa2c8723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insider here
>XRP will be $2k by end of May latest

Are you a different "insider"? We have to wait 5 years now? WTF?

This is some false flag trash

>> No.17173409


people like you are why I am rich, I love crypto, again don’t starve to death for no reason faggot bitch

>> No.17173431


I’m the only insider posting here, cap this if you don’t trust, remember this post in 3 1/2 years, quite certain you’ll still be here

>> No.17173449

XRP is not even going to be around in 2024.

>> No.17173459

Stfu, we've had several different "insiders" post here. First it was by mid Feb latest, then it was by May, now you're telling us 4 years... Gtfo

Next it will be pushed back to 2026

Then till 2029

Then till 2030 for the round 2030

Fuck off outta here

>> No.17173478

The escrow is not gonna be burned. You're no insider. No fucking way. You're just here to false flag fud. There is a reason for that escrow and its not to burn it you fucking dumbass

Liar liar

>> No.17173484

I am excited for 4-digits per XRP

>> No.17173503


Pajeet, you tried.

>> No.17173506

Yeah lol you have yourself away by saying that the escrow is to be burned. Liar. They didn't escrow it JUST TO BURN IT MORON.

False flag fud

>> No.17173566


>> No.17174329

>faggot bitch
Ganges swimmer detected

>> No.17174378


Fuck you fucking bitch cunt dog I kick you mother bitch

>> No.17174440
File: 5 KB, 159x250, 1522556773951s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scheduled to be burned.

xlm larper detected

get fucked smelly

>> No.17174499

Threw about 3 grand at xrp and am holding 10k. Don't care what happens to it. If it moons, great. If it drops to 0, oh well

>> No.17174525


You retards are extremely short sighted. Why does Ripple need billions of tokens? No reason. Imagine yourself as one of the founders with a stack of personal XRP. You’d want those to appreciate, no? Why not burn half the supply when it’s no longer needed? This is exactly what is going to happen.

>> No.17174559

>supply burn
XLM tried that scam trick already. Didn't work well.

>> No.17174687

You're a dumbass fudder kys

>> No.17174699

Ugandan IQ spotted

>> No.17174752

Lets wait 5000 years for Ripple to burn half XRP supply. 10,000 years to fully burn all the XRP supply.

>> No.17174797

Babacuntcuck spotted

>> No.17174810

This is not baba you dumb nigger lmao