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17168184 No.17168184 [Reply] [Original]

Where my Zenon cult boys at?

>> No.17168191

>>17167795 (OP)


Here are some threads from Pajeet and his 10 cousins from some callcenter in mumbai.
They faked evidence that Jack Dorsey is involved into that (Photoshopping tweets for example) and are spamming this board 24/7 with their Zenon shit. Just go to the catalog and type in "Zenon" or "jack dorsey" to see the scale of their poopoo posting.
They even created a medium account with a pepe picture to appropriate 4chan culture kek.

Kys nigger

>> No.17168230

Thank you for reposting my post from the other thread. Stay based, anon.

>> No.17168256

let's keep biz a clean place

>> No.17168267

pajeet op's btfo with no chance to recover

>> No.17168360

Jeets are a plague. No sign of zenon shills before these Indian street shitters. Does zenon make Indians more likable than non zenon holders? The answer is no because despite zenon you are still low effort jeets.

>> No.17168628

Yikes currynigger. You dont have anything to eat. Thats why you shill so desperately hahaha

>> No.17168643

This fud means its amazing right?

>> No.17168663

Resorting to racism as usual when you got no argumentations. Stay poor my friends.

>> No.17168698

Rumour is its listing on Kucoin..you guys can buy at 3x this price.

>> No.17168730

I was posting in your favor for btfo outta op. keep up

>> No.17168847

Okay you low IQ currynigger. We are calling you that because you are easily identified as a currynigger and we know very well how scummy, honorless, dirty and scheming Curryniggers like your kind are.
I am monitoring each and every of your low effort threads so you will NEVER even get something to eat from shilling this PIVX scamcoin.

Jump infront of a train in Mumbai:)