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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 200x200, 1581274174215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17167795 No.17167795 [Reply] [Original]

Jack Dorsey super token. You buy for riches. Buy the Zenon token for riches and girl.

Do not make mistake, anon. Fuck pajeet fud.

>> No.17167812

So you pivoted from fudding to fake cringe shilling eh. But no one is selling. Lol

>> No.17167937

True that. Once i saw the proof i know my financial future was standing right behind a door in front of me and i had to open it
I believe in zenon

>> No.17167949

> paid pajeet shilling campaign
Fuck you nigger

>> No.17167952

There are serious parties involved in the suppression of the truth and this will not happen. As long as this is a free board i will help spreading it. They will post nonsense claiming this is a scam together with made up claims and fake screenshots. Do not believe them. This is your retirement my friends.

>> No.17167973

Yes see as this guy just racism and no disproof. How do you explain the one in a million coincidence that occurred?

>> No.17168149

Now they are trying to ignore these posts qnd shut us down but we will be majority soon

>> No.17168158
File: 158 KB, 649x682, 1577573187758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Here are some threads from Pajeet and his 10 cousins from some callcenter in mumbai.
They faked evidence that Jack Dorsey is involved into that (Photoshopping tweets for example) and are spamming this board 24/7 with their Zenon shit. Just go to the catalog and type in "Zenon" or "jack dorsey" to see the scale of their poopoo posting.
They even created a medium account with a pepe picture to appropriate 4chan culture kek.

May your family die in a housefire, Pajeet + Callcenter crew. :)

>> No.17168205

Hey, currynigger! Bump the thread please so everyone can smell the shit that is comming from your threads.

>> No.17168259
File: 6 KB, 250x180, 1459682680973s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocksuckers,pajeets,scammers just found this on bitcointalk :


"- zmnscpxj (squarecrypto confirmed account working on lightning network) confirms that Squarecrypto has nothing to do with Zenon Network. he even posts a weekly log that that can be verified
- Team lies about non-ICO, isn't transparent about how much money they raised in ICO
- calls premine -"personal investment"
- bans people that ask non welcomed questions
- has an explorer with no rich list
- has a roadmap full of wallet updates
- coin is listed on some exchanges known for listing shady coins


Why wont they provide full details about the two hacks? 1. Minting 2.5 million ZNN out of thin air. 2. Staking exploit that made the hacker an undisclosed number of coins.
- Exploits used
- addresses involved and coins blocked
- how many coins did the hacker managed to sell on exchanges and OTC before they blocked his coins from the second hack. In the first hack the hacker sent the coins to the team's addresses. I wonder why he would do that ? Did he got payed to do that? He says he got 30k ZNN as shown in the evidence above. Seems that some people in the zenon tg want others to believe that they made an update for the first hack and this is how they blocked the coins. Clearly a lie and the team bans you if you ask the right questions as shown above in this thread."

>> No.17168737



>> No.17168770

what's the story of that picture? Tranny?

>> No.17168789

Your shit has been exposed. It's archived forever. I'll repost here.

Cocksuckers pajeets scammers just found this on bitcointalk :


"- zmnscpxj (squarecrypto confirmed account working on lightning network) confirms that Squarecrypto has nothing to do with Zenon Network. he even posts a weekly log that that can be verified
- Team lies about non-ICO, isn't transparent about how much money they raised in ICO
- calls premine -"personal investment"
- bans people that ask non welcomed questions
- has an explorer with no rich list
- has a roadmap full of wallet updates
- coin is listed on some exchanges known for listing shady coins


Why wont they provide full details about the two hacks? 1. Minting 2.5 million ZNN out of thin air. 2. Staking exploit that made the hacker an undisclosed number of coins.
- Exploits used
- addresses involved and coins blocked
- how many coins did the hacker managed to sell on exchanges and OTC before they blocked his coins from the second hack. In the first hack the hacker sent the coins to the team's addresses. I wonder why he would do that ? Did he got payed to do that? He says he got 30k ZNN as shown in the evidence above. Seems that some people in the zenon tg want others to believe that they made an update for the first hack and this is how they blocked the coins. Clearly a lie and the team bans you if you ask the right questions as shown above in this thread."

>> No.17168806

the sad thing about the ridiculous shilling of this scam is biz is still probably dumb enough to to fall for it.