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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17162338 No.17162338 [Reply] [Original]

Ahhhh she's so cute, bros.

>According to AOC, 'Milton Keynes' "by 2030, GDP and technology would have advanced so much, that it would allow everyday people to work as little as FIFTEEN HOURS a week and provide for their families."



>> No.17162399

Hurr durr she made an error in speaking. LooooooL what a dummy!!!! xD

>> No.17162437

I hate AOC but this is BS. People slip up all the time, elites are not gods. For the longest time it was a matter of whether the media would cover for you to maintain the illusion, but now with the Internet we just have to come to terms with the fact that every public figure is going to have an Aleppo moment.

>> No.17162453

Milton Keynes mentioned
(town named after him in UK)

>> No.17162462

you all pretend to hate AOC but you'd literally lick her asshole if only she would let you, so who's really the NPC?

>> No.17162477

probably flies too UK to often, not good for environment. sad!

>> No.17162498

>being a hot latina qualifies you to be a politician

>> No.17162507

You’re obsessed over her and she has no idea you even exists, like every women in your life

>> No.17162523
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>Damage control

>> No.17162524

Fuck you kike shill

>> No.17162532
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Stupid sexy AOC recommending shorter work weeks! I'm gonna work 80 hours just to show her!

>> No.17162539

>people can ALL work less!
Or only 1/3 of the people are needed and they still work 40 hours, the others are unemployed and unnecessary.

>> No.17162545

DNC is dead.

>> No.17162556

Milton keynes is a shithole roundabouts everywhere

>> No.17162558

what i mean is she's the one with the power, she's actually in the game, she's the player and you're the side character nobody listens to, but acting like you're the smarter important one

>> No.17162578

This but unironically. Even if a 15 hour week was enough there would always be retarded tryhard cucks willing to work 80 and guess who's going to get hired?

>> No.17162581
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How many days is she working towards making it happen? Not as much as you work a week to fund her campaign. Jeez are we still falling for the ethot trap?

>> No.17162592

Imagine if she was your cute wife instead of some dumb femoid politician

>> No.17162605

Shes a jew

>> No.17162617

A Mexican Jew, is that even possible?

>> No.17162619
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> alexandria ocasio cortez supporter detected

>> No.17162630

There's a video of her explaining how

>> No.17162644


>> No.17162652

Cringe. How much she paying shills like you to be her soi defenders on the internet?

>> No.17162669

I make more money than she does, employ people and have a hot latina wife that isn't an annoying libtard feminist. She got an econ degree and worked as a bartender. She ain't shit. At the age she was bartending I had already bootstrapped my own business. Not everyone in biz lives with their parents.

>> No.17162673

I wouldn't. I live in DC and as ugly as the girls are here, you could walk into any bar and find a better looking girl than here who isn't half as retarded.

>> No.17162674
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>> No.17162685

> To support a retarded mexican soap opera appearance
> to be on 4chan
This is utterly embarassing

>> No.17162694

what the FUCK bros, let that little Apu in he did nothing wrong!!!!!!

>> No.17162714

I honestly thought BU was shit when I went there, but it's even worse nowadays. Nothing but fucking obnoxious little communists running around being indoctrinated now.

I've refused to send a dime to the school for the last thirty years.

>> No.17162726

Anon your Sims life doesn’t count here

>> No.17162728


>> No.17162733

>FIFTEEN HOURS a week and provide for their families.
How about we skip jumping through hoops and go straigth to UBI by voting for Yang. Might actually vote for Yang. If he does pull good on that $1,000 a mont is enough to neet it up.

>> No.17162739
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based & aoc pilled

>> No.17162752

I have two schools of thought here. First, she is completely aware of how transparent and melodramatic this looks but goes along with it anyway because she thinks the public is gullible. Second, that she is legitimately mentally ill and has convinced herself that stopping people from illegally entering our country is actually a bad thing.

>> No.17162770
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I know people are making fun of her saying the wrong name, but more embarrassing is saying Keynesian economics is good. What a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.17162801

Don't care, still wanna give her a foot massage

>> No.17162825
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>> No.17162833

I would violate this woman in so many ways. What a cutie

>> No.17162840

Lmao this

>> No.17162848

Shut up larping faggot. You wish you were AOC.

>> No.17162867
File: 141 KB, 786x1319, keynes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keynes was a fucking retard and if you support him, you don't belong here.

>> No.17162871

Third (correct) option: she is a foreigner with sympathies for indigenous would-be invaders. She doesn't care the effect on citizens, believes it helps the foreigners

>> No.17162905

fucking kek this image

>> No.17162906

I wanna sniff her and tell her how pretty she is

>> No.17163197

Increased productivity doesn't mean people will work less, it means that they will work the same amount but produce more, which is basically what happens when anything becomes more efficient.

>> No.17163209

It means we will work the same amount and our bosses will get richer faster.

>> No.17163234

Unfortunately a country run by anti-white Hispanics and efficiency are mutually exclusive

>> No.17163248

>implying I would have sexual coitus with a Mexican kike.

Try again!

>> No.17163250

more productivity of goods that people need means people work less because their real wages increase and they bargain for less hours

if prices for everything were cut in half I would only work part time job for the same pay

>> No.17163278
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>> No.17163284

Her nose reveals all. Didn’t need a video of her explanation

>> No.17163354

>she's actually in the game
which game?

>> No.17163381

15? That's lame. Me and my buddies wont need to work more than 5 hours in the citadel.

>> No.17163752

im an economic retard. explain in two sentences why

>> No.17163973

this gif annoys me more than it should

>> No.17164048

If that were the case then people wouldn't be working 40 hours a week with all the productivity increases and relatively flat wage growth over the past half century

>> No.17164085

>explain in two sentences why
keynesians support central banking and massive money printing which destroys our wages and savings and only enriches rich people
almost all of our current economic problems can be traced back to that.

read mises

>> No.17164092

>If that were the case then people wouldn't be working 40 hours a week with all the productivity increases and relatively flat wage growth over the past half century
We haven't had any real economic growth over the past 50 years
Nixon got us off the gold standard in 1970 which destroyed any real productivity
The GDP isn't real productivity

>> No.17164244

She's a dumbass. BU's econ classes must be a complete joke.

It's a pretty big error. Anyone who took high school economics would never make that mistake.

>> No.17164262

Also, this isn't the first time she sounded like a complete economic illiterate. She said that unemployment is low because everyone works two jobs.

>> No.17164272

The sheer numbers of lefties in here pretending that this isn't just one of the innumerable times she has said something you would expect a 14-year-old to say is astounding.

She is a low-IQ thot who would have worked in foodservice the rest of her life, dying alone and being eaten by her cats were it not for a group of lefties known as the Justice Democrats who used her physical attractiveness to oust an aged abd irrelevant old man in a district of low-IQ minorities.

She says absolutely nothing of value and serves as nothing more thab a wrangler for unwashed, resentful retards who want to burn everything down to get their gibs.

>> No.17164319

She has no power. She's merely a puppet foisted upon us by the elite. Do you think she is entitled to any of her opinions on serious political matters? That her controllers wouldn't wrangle her back in if she all of a sudden opposed DACA for example.

Also this

Universities for the longest time ever have seen a massive decline in education quality. I can't be bothered going into it right now but there is a lot of pressure from the administrative class in universities that is applied to the teaching faculty to dumb down their courses and not let anyone, heaven forbid a Latina, fail. Their motivation is profit.

>> No.17164437

There is no reason for the government to control or regulate the economy because they are never motivated by profit like most individuals in the private sector are. They're historically bad at doing so and have to use tax payer money to do anything about an economy that can probably function a lot better if it grew organically.

>> No.17164450

>muh profit motive

Nope, mutual aid is the true factor of human evolution. Individualism is for animals.


>> No.17164466

Humans are still mammals retard, literally anyone with a half a brian knows humans and other mammals look out for themselves over all else.

>> No.17164469
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Based and Keynespilled

>> No.17164474

also pakis

>> No.17164509
File: 28 KB, 308x240, dead commies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I can't believe anyone actually got brainwashed by this guy.
This bootlicking authoritarian retard doesn't even support MARKETS. He doesn't support mutual cooperation, he supports authoritarianism.
He also has that vietnamese woman on his channel who is a supporter of the vietnamese dictatorship and it's political repression.
Voluntary trade is mutually beneficial, sometimes people mutually benefit each other without trade, yes, but trade itself is extremely beneficial. Competition is a good thing if it helps society.
You people need to be shot in the fucking head not gonna lie.

>> No.17164531

Also, if he was a mutualist or whatever, it wouldn't be a big deal, but he's an anti-market kropotkinist totalitarian retard.
Please kill yourself, seriously.

>> No.17164678

Do you have an argument? Or are you going to keep spewing a bunch of word salad? Here's some Bad Mouse and ThoughtSlime, while I'm at it.


>> No.17164785
File: 185 KB, 590x548, notcommies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL Now you're posting the tankie's strawman video and that other asspained commie's video.

Do you have an argument except posting pro-authoritarianism youtube videos? Why can't you refute my arguments?

It's incredible that someone could be dumb enough to fall for communist arguments this stupid. The third world is extremely statist, they're overrun by anti-free market corrupted politicians and warlords that have severely hindered their development and cause massive famines. They are interventionists.
Communists are actually dumb enough to have binary thinking like capitalist/socialist as if the world is somehow that simple.

Just admit you don't care about mutual aid or any of that shit and you just want the state to dominate everyone's life.
Why are you even on the business board if you hate it so much?

All "ancoms" are just tankies, they're friends with tankies
Don't worry though, if you manchildren ever tried your pathetic revolution, the right wingers in this country far outnumber you and would easily slaughter you.
Please try it lol.

>> No.17164815

Stop consuming this youtube trash holy fuck just kill yourself before spreading this utter garbage on my board. Get the fuck out faggot.

>> No.17164833

I don't know why there's an unironic brainwashed breadtuber on /biz/ lmao
they should be slitting their wrists somewhere or eating feces

>> No.17164871

Slit your wrists and lie down until you die

>> No.17164909


Capitalism is an obsolete system that is going to fail spectacularly over the next few decades. Automation is going to eliminate nearly all human labor. You can't have capitalism without wage labor. As leftist candidates gain popularity every single year and boomers die off, it's guaranteed to become mainstream.

>> No.17164953

>Capitalism is an obsolete system that is going to fail spectacularly over the next few decades
Kek, any day now.

>> No.17164988

Imagine being on the business and finance board and unironically whining about markets like a manchild.

>Capitalism is an obsolete system that is going to fail spectacularly over the next few decades.
lol awww you've been in your communist bubble for so long. You don't care about the actual facts, you just repeat economically illiterate garbage from the bootlicker youtube videos you watch.

top kek
You're just like the luddites of the past. You have no idea what automation even is or what it's going to do. It's going to lower the cost of capital and consumer goods allowing us to work less hours and many more jobs will be created for those who still work.
This always happens and it won't change due to your delusions. I mean the massive increases in technology and production in the late 1800s/early 1900s resulted in a massive decrease in working hours and increase in goods for the working class, the same thing is going to happen in the next automation revolution.

>As leftist candidates gain popularity
They won't though, I mean someone like Bernie could totally win and be president and his policies would result in a massive amount of inflation and poverty and the people will just vote him out of office. Every generation has a socialist phase, our generation isn't unique. We may try some form of social democracy or more interventionism, but it's going to fail spectacularly and people will vote against it. REAL socialism will NEVER actually happen.

Keep hoping for your authoritarian and totalitarian statist fairy tales though, they legit are never going to happen and even if you tried your "revolution" the freedom fighters in this country would shoot you in the brain like the animals you are.

>> No.17164996

>Kek, any day now.
I know lmao
they've been saying this shit since the 1800s and it never collapses, it just adapts.

Imagine unironically being a bootlicking commie FAILURE and waiting for a revolution that will NEVER come.

Actual communists are an extreme minority.

>> No.17165044

>"Automation is just going to create more jobs!"

Absolute brainlet boomer take. This wave of automation is going to be like no other. Automation/AI is going to replace nearly all blue collar jobs. Low-skilled blue collar workers aren't going to have the means (or sometimes the intelligence) to upskill themselves. And of course, mentally handicapped ancaps such as yourself would never support tax dollars going toward making college more affordable. There's going to be mass civil unrest.

Boomer capitalizing words for no reason. Color me surprised.

>> No.17165139

>Absolute brainlet boomer take.
It's fucking reality grandpa. It's you who are the boomers, you have the same defeatist pessimistic attitude of the luddities.

>Automation/AI is going to replace nearly all blue collar jobs.
Sweet, that means the price of capital and consumer goods is going to go down to near zero, creating a massive service sector industry. An industry where people would barely need to work because consumer prices are so low. A 2/3 day workweek means more job slots for other people. lol
>Low-skilled blue collar workers aren't going to have the means (or sometimes the intelligence) to upskill themselves.
LOL, they will have to DOWNskill themselves by working in the service sector for the same amount of relative money they were making before as a miner.
>would never support tax dollars going toward making college more affordable
lmao you're actually this brainwashed
The entire reason college is so expensive is because government controls the loan market and prints endless money for loans which results in infinite demand and colleges jacking up their prices. In a free market it would cost pennies, same thing goes for healthcare.
You people are such mentally handicapped useful idiots, no wonder you crave authority.
You people are actually dumb enough to allow a small group of people total dictatorial control over the state. I mean how fucking dumb are you? hahahahahaha

>Boomer capitalizing words for no reason.
Socialism is literally a boomer ideology. All of the boomers in state supported FDR and government intervention.
Imagine unironically shilling for social security, thinking you're going to actually get it and claiming others are boomers lmao

>> No.17165247

lay off the booze and stay in school, anon

>> No.17165301

booze is fun though

>> No.17165311


Based. Commies are almost always genetic freaks who get crippling anxiety when phoning in an order for pizza.

>> No.17165334
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>> No.17165564

I opened thia thread for b00bies and was severly dissapointed.

>> No.17165622

>all the raging betas ITT

>> No.17165697
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>> No.17165711

>this goblina is attractive, CNN told me so!
She looks like a double tranny, a FtMtF.

>> No.17165735

how about

>> No.17166097

ugly mutt

>> No.17166129

>when people say dumb shit but do it smugly


>> No.17166136

AOc is a fucking retard

>> No.17166151

I live about 20 min away from Milton Keynes.

>> No.17166291

you ever go to comet ping pong?

>> No.17166312

>I live about 20 min away from Milton Keynes.
sorry to hear that m8. no one should have to live anywhere near that shithole.

>> No.17166454

Gee a socialist not knowing anything about economy. How shocking!