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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 509x280, kleros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17151944 No.17151944 [Reply] [Original]

Do we really have a chance? I'm tired of this shitcoin game. I've been poorfag and picked the wrong pennie coins before. Sure I've made money but not the money I really wanna make. Could this finally be it? Post good fud or pros why we are really gonna go parabolic. Will Vitalik's tweets and perhaps some PNK & LINK collabo make us go into Saturn?

>> No.17152229

we really have a chance anon

>> No.17152243
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we cannot describe the sight of a rainbow to the blind, anon
research this yourself or stay poor

>> No.17152261
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Based dubs. It won’t stop pumping. It’s doing better than eth rn too. So many breadcrumbs that points this to atleast a 10x.

Link and pnk solve the oracle together. You’ll always need a human for some things. There’s a lot of link whales holding it too. Their oracle is worth atleast $50m cap by itself, too.

>> No.17152265
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Already have a 200k stack of pinkies

>> No.17152280

No one know for sure, but it's performing really well lately.

>> No.17152284

im jealous
t. 91488 pinklet

>> No.17152597

367k reporting in....just hold for 1 year

>> No.17152614
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Can you post templates for moar meme?

>> No.17153040

Do any of you stake your PNK and gotten a case?
I've staked over 1 million PNK over the course of several months a not a single court case has been assigned to me yet.
I've chosen all the different categories as well.

starting to feel like I was scammed.

>> No.17153053

>I've staked over 1 million PNK
absolute fucking horseshit

>> No.17153061

Do you think it's going to dip any time soon? I didn't finish accumulating and it's gone up over 2x in USD

>> No.17153068

I bought $18 worth and now theyre worth $25

>> No.17153071

Ok lets say I lie.

Have you gotten a case yet?
Have you staked PNK?
Have ANYONE gotten a case?

There are literally no cases out there.

>> No.17153083

yeah no shit, do you realize how early we are to this thing?

>> No.17153086

cause its a pajeet scam

>> No.17153090

scam literally how could this ever hit $1

>> No.17153105

No. Crypto have been around for 11 years.
We are late to the party anon.

>> No.17153107

and yes i’ve staked PNK
no i haven’t gotten a case (i’ve staked $10 worth)
there have been 158 cases closed and 1 ongoing (kleroscan.com)
>hurr ive dumped $7k-$10k into a coin i know literally fucking nothing about waahhh
weak fud is weak, maybe zenon network is more your speed?

>> No.17153109

this kind of talk is why im hesitant to buy in. No help what so ever just smug im better and wont help you bullshit.

aight that ties into what I read about it and mentions oracles again so that's good.

Thats my biggest problem tho is when someone asks hey what makes this so good anons will go hurr if you cant figure it out you dont deserve to know and other smug bullshit. That's not how you help anons thinking about getting into a coin but as expected on a board of people that dont really have friends and most are used to not having to think of others.

to those that DO help and explain things thank you to smug fucks that say shit about rainbows and blind fuck you you're the smug friendless assholes im talking about

>> No.17153117
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>> No.17153129

if we were friendly and spoonfed you every breadcrumb in existence you would be calling us pajeet scammers
go the fuck back to plebbit and stay there

>> No.17153132

>There’s a lot of link whales holding it too
strong sell signal

>> No.17153151

nobody cares if you bought or dont shut the fuck up and write in your diary

>> No.17153161


Thanks for the link.

The only reason I invested in kleros is that I follow the nerds, I know very little about the technology but I know who to trust.
Vitalik endorsed kleros so I invested, just like I invested in Ethereum in 2015 because Vitalik was the fking biggest nerd I had ever seen.

I'm pretty low IQ when it comes to tech, so I just blindly follow smart people for example vitalik.

Works pretty good so far.

Who endorsed Zenon? Jack hasnt afaik.

>> No.17153170


>> No.17153203

Humbling and honestly not a terrible strategy. You will make it. Nitwits and smartwits see the diamonds in the rough. Midwits will talk themselves out of buying this because they can't tell the difference between a scam and a legitimate project with huge potential.

>> No.17153210

you’re not a massive pussy like that other guy so i’ll drop you a cuppa breadcrumbs
^this is a really good QRD on kleros. the underlying game theory is pretty unintuitive and its the main source of FUD but keep in mind that it was this exact weird theory of economics that successfully navigated the US through the cold war without triggering a nuclear holocaust on either side
blog.kleros.io has more technical deets
vitalik has written some good shit about it on his website
the two really big selling points of kleros are this:
>cheap (profitable for winning party/coherent jurors), trustless arbitration court
>limited supply of tokens
>LINK+PNK completely solves the oracle problem which is required for legacy institutions (VISA, the entire finance world, fuck the entire business world pretty much) to adopt smart contracts en masse = ETH, LINK, PNK go singularity in 10 years max

>> No.17153213

and as expected more unfriendly unhelpful friendless virgins run mouth thinking they are superior. Just remember even when you have money you'll still be unloved and unwanted in life. Now drop the hard ass act and be more helpful to people wanting to buy into this coin you sad miserable virgins

>> No.17153243

Oh wow I get it now thanks anon for posting that info
Watching the video to further understand why this is such a big deal.

>> No.17153263

if you keep shitting your pants like this every time you log onto this burmese python husbandry forum you’re going to run out of diapers long before your next welfare check comes in

>> No.17153272

One major problem. How they going to bootstrap the network with people who actually have the expertise in a specific area that you can trust enough to arbitrate a dispute that is preferred over an actual court case where there is legal precedent that you can trust to a greater degree. Yes you can stake, but then you need a reputation system to judge those decisions. They are far better off piggybacking of chainlink's network and dropping the token. They will never be able to support this on their own, despite it being an alright idea.

>> No.17153296

What information is it that you specifically seek anon? I will try and help with links to sources whenever possible. Kleros isn't a joke my friend. I just woke up and the price is going up still. Time is running out.

>> No.17153303

increasing stake cost for courts dealing with more technical disputes filters untrustworthy retards. the stake cost for technical blockchain disputes is like $200
and the fact that any issue is going to kleros in the first place implies that LINK can’t solve it. i think you might be making incorrect assumptions about what kinds of disputes kleros is designed to deal with
>They are far better off piggybacking of chainlink's network and dropping the token. They will never be able to support this on their own, despite it being an alright idea.
plot twist: LINK will bend the knee to PNK, not the other way around

>> No.17153321

Would you be more in on PNK than LINK? I’m only asking because LINK is also pumping

>> No.17153324

Increasing stake means nothing if you don't know how to actually prove expertise and correct decisions. Anything that needs human jurors is going to get subjective, which is going to be very tricky to reduce down to code and incorporate reputation.

>> No.17153326

I think they're giving you a hard time because the information about Kleros is easily found and clearly layed out on their website and blog in addition to all the third party coverage. Most people in these threads asking questions are fud faggots who already know the answer but are purposely acting obtuse so we pretty much assume everyone is doing so. Sorry if your intentions were sincere. The street shitters fucked up biz and it's a hate fest now.

>> No.17153348

you do understand how the appeal process in kleros works, right anon?
you do understand that the minimum jury size of technical courts is like 30+ jurors, and only 1 of them needs to make an appeal on an incoherent verdict to take the case to a new jury of completely different randomly selected jurors that’s 2x+1 larger than the original jury, right anon?
and that the incentive to answer correctly/cost to game the system increases MASSIVELY with every successive appeal?

>> No.17153437

Not at the moment anon but thank you. im 25mins into the video and he's giving me alot of the basic info I needed. I mostly just didnt know its basic setup and how it operated more then anything. So far it sounds extremely promising and will be investing some money into this. And since it's so cheap atm even a small starting investment of $50 gets you a pretty decent amount.

its all good I probably shouldnt have lost my cool so quick and acted like a seething bitch. Was just annoyed at a different thread with people being shitters and sadly carried it over to this thread like a child. But now that I have some basic info in front of me and im understanding the in and out of the tech im alot better off. Having the video with the guy breaking things down helped alot since I dont always understand things when written out (I am not a clever man)

>> No.17153474

Glad to hear that you found what you need. If anything else comes to mind stop by the telegram or ask on here. You might catch a little shit but someone will help we're not all assholes kek.

>> No.17153478

Yes those are interesting dynamics. But how do people who make claims prove their cases? How do they do so without doxing themselves or revealing important information?

>> No.17153524

the whole point is that they don’t need to
this entire system was designed to AVOID identity and reputation amongst involved parties
>But how do people who make claims prove their cases?
are you talking about the original parties of the disputed contract or the appealing juror?

>> No.17153537

I'm talking about the original parties.

>> No.17153558

evidence is submitted when the case is created just like any other court

>> No.17153559

Did you put your pinky in the vaginky, though?

>> No.17153565

I'm in the telegram but havent said anything yet. Mostly just observing it atm.
After watching the video I def will be investing some money into this. Guessing it'll really take off in about a year so that gives me plenty of time to stack this for awhile and see what comes of it. And with it being on so few exchange it wont explode anytime soon in price. I like it alot and that video really broke down alot of things for me and really made me go damn this is potentially huge long term. Even mentioned oracles which only one other coin works with atm. I'm sold and i'm gonna be in very shortly

>> No.17153572

But could information easily leak whereas a real court that wouldn't happen at least with physical documents?

>> No.17153612

i’m not sure what kleros’ mechanism for dealing with that is to be honest. but judging by the nature of the available courts i dont think that exposing personal details/trade secrets or anything like that would be a risk in shit like blockchain or language translation disputes

>> No.17153633

Fair enough

>> No.17153653

I recommend you chdck out the kleros blog, it's super useful

>> No.17153689

But I agree with you, guess it comes with browsing 4chan.. Theres always smug and immature people lacking a helpful sense. Guess it's just what comes with the territory and we need to skim through the shit

>> No.17153710


FYI all these are one guy pretending to have a discussion between one person. Paid shill. Dont buy PNK

>> No.17153736

Please go away.

>> No.17153744

The cons you mentioned in this post are incorrect.

You're in the telegram but came here to ask instead? You're better off there...

Exchanges are on the way and it will explode soon because of it. Your'e continously painting a false narrative that there's plenty of accumulation time left and that the price will stay low.

Videos aren't really a great source of information usually in crypto. Usually a scammer shilling his bags or getting paid to do it.

>> No.17153760

I currently have it open in another tab and have been reading posts off and on for the last 30mins while listening to music.

sad you have to make stuff up about others to feel better about your life not going how you want. I know you're used to screaming paid shill all the time but I wish I was getting paid to shill a token... I need money. And speaking of money, at the price this is you have no excuse to be fudding it and not buying in for so cheap.

>> No.17153770

What are your price predictions ? Please be as in depth as possible. Thank you

>> No.17153794

I joined the telegram after watching the video. and either you misunderstood or I explained poorly but I was saying with no exchanges currently it wont explode and I did not know more exchange were coming so knowing that i'll get to stacking quicker

>> No.17153821

they mentioned they are working on some exchanges (I read it on the telegram btw)

>> No.17153849

Ah I might not have seen it or joined after it was said. Good to know tho since that means it'll be easier overall to buy it besides using uniswap I think it was

>> No.17153853

>Your'e continously painting a false narrative that there's plenty of accumulation time left and that the price will stay low.
It's true though, there is plenty of time. Do you realize how far away any meaningful adoption or partnerships actually are? It will be years before there are enough cases to justify staking.
Exchanges are actually going to be bad for the price initially. Plenty of whales already pumped their sale tokens on uniswap but there are more (and larger) whales waiting for exchanges with liquidity before dumping.

>> No.17153878
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Here, found a mention

>> No.17153907

$15 within the next 2 years. Because I say so.

>> No.17153914

None of this means anything when it comes to price which is what they (possibly you) said they were concerned about since they're accumulating. Nothing in crypto has really been "adopted " but Kleros is leading the pack. Tons of absolute shit coins moon due to simply hitting exchanges. Imagine when a difficult to get coin with actual use cases gets listed and liquidity increases...fucking moon mission. It's already rising and holding. I'm done trying to help people on here. It's fucking painful kek.

>> No.17154143

thanks anon good to see that.
ha very nice let me stack about 50k of these before it even cracks .10 first then overnight goes to 15.

>> No.17154208

Nothing wrong with being a virgin bro.

Based purple kleros ID

>> No.17154269

>Nothing in crypto has really been "adopted " but Kleros is leading the pack.
Can't really say that with a straight face when we can both look at kleroscan and see that is not true.
If adoption doesn't matter just say so, but don't pretend adoption is already underway.
>Imagine when a difficult to get coin with actual use cases gets listed and liquidity increases
Right. When the use cases are closer this will be a better buy. But that is a long ways off and there are better profit opportunities in the interim. Why lock myself into a low liquidity token when I can make profits elsewhere and still buy before the moon mission begins?
>I'm done trying to help people on here. It's fucking painful kek.
Repeating incorrect information that can be easily disproved is not very helpful.

>> No.17154343

You do realize that Uniswap is using their TCR right? Vitalik was amazed by it. You probably don't even know what the TCR is let alone realize how many cases it has and will continue to bring in. Each of these cases are viewable on Kleros scan. Each case pays out ethereum to jurors and keeps pnk locked in to staking so it can't be sold. This is all basic stuff a kindergartner would understand. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.17154486

buy a small suicide bag and move on to better profit opportunities is my advice if youre not too sure about it.

>> No.17154738
File: 631 KB, 588x698, justusekleros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem fren ;)

>> No.17154835

I just sold. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.17154906
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>> No.17154915
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So you're cucked out of buying the god protocol? Shit sucks.

>> No.17154920
File: 8 KB, 223x226, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait is this true?
What will happen to crypto without americans?

>> No.17154921

use uniswap

>> No.17154961
File: 533 KB, 413x726, C6851475-F414-4657-BD40-F3FB47DA1CC8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read this thread and still don’t see any potential then do us all favor and remove yourself from the gene pool. You are too stupid to make it.

>> No.17155102

use uniswap, dex all the way

>> No.17155115

$2.43 ATH after full bull. Nothing to backup the number really. Anybody else any guesses?

>> No.17155150

$1 is not a meme

>> No.17155424


>> No.17155716

wow, slandering pnk? ill be indicting you with a max sentence in solitary confinement

>> No.17156083

Based and jurorpilled

>> No.17156736

So how much is the suicide stack and how much the make it?

>> No.17156865

100k suicide
500k make it
1m for fuck you money

>> No.17156950
File: 33 KB, 1185x1109, CDBBD8B0-BC7D-4721-A77F-470C6A611F73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing will not moon for another two years for sure. There are two token sales left (minimim). Think you fucking retards.. Why would it moon if I can just buy it in a few months directly from the team? Pic is from their secondary token sale FAQ. https://blog.kleros.io/kleros-token-sale-frequently-asked-questions/amp/

>> No.17157152

With all due respect, you have to meet us halfway. Most of us as are happy to respond to insightful questions, but since 4chan has no comment sorting mechanism it clogs up the conversation if we have to explain the basics over and over again. You can find that info literally anywhere else. That's why 4chan has always hated people who demand to be spoonfed.

>> No.17157153

Someone shill me vitalik shilling kleros video link.

>> No.17157198

nobody knows how cheap the sale will be dipshit

>> No.17157209
File: 6 KB, 209x241, 1F65943C-2697-4D29-B1CE-F624BF77519F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Token sales aren’t set in stone and will be at a higher price, if anything. This is amazing fud btw. Thanks!

>> No.17157265

its french

>> No.17157295

Nice effort on the meme but it looks like Pepe is jerking off chad

>> No.17157312

pnk is gooood mm

>> No.17157396

Dude you’re a fucking nignog. You OBVIOUSLY don’t understand what kleros is trying to do. They’re not trying to replace actual court systems you fucktard. It’s for blockchain disputes/resolutions. The same shit that amazon/PayPal/Ebay and everybody else pay 100’s of millions if not billions annually for. You really think this is going to be for murder cases and shit?! You’re absolutely braindead. Do some research and you’ll see how big this industry is. If eth takes off, this will too. It’s inevitable.

>> No.17157460


>> No.17157483

>not minable
>okay ico ,not 100%
>okay market cap
>bullshit whitepaper
yeah this one is pretty riksky if it goes to 5-10 cents I would sell all my bags

>> No.17157531

Absolutely amazing fud, anon. You just shut this thread down!

>> No.17157549

damage control shill

>> No.17157561

>>bullshit whitepaper
>too retarded to understand game theory
>too retarded to understand something that dictates his life every day
oh, wait, you’re one of those uhh.... “irrational actors,” huh?

>> No.17157577

Because future token sales will be the same price as previous ones..

>> No.17157614

>damage control maximum power.jpg
>game theory
babies first economic word
The paper is bullshit no game theory is involved actually, it makes on the spot a system of judging "cases" with no actual proof of such system existing in the code. ANywasy another pump and dump coin like I said 2x times your money is more than enough risk for this one

>> No.17157618

Yeah precisely, also I no extra token sale will be approved there won't be any

>> No.17157620

>not mineable
What is it? 2016?

>okay ico
Okay...token just sold over $1.2 mil in 2 weeks

>okay market cap
Implying that this means anything

>bullshit white paper
Has multiple working products, already generated over $350k for jurors.

>> No.17157629

Imagine being as mad at the world as this guy

>> No.17157660

>he doesn’t know vitalik shilled it multiple times
>he didn’t check etherscan during the token sale for all the breadcrumbs
>he hasn’t checked kleroscan
>he doesn’t realize their oracle alone is worth 10x the current mcap (see augur and link)
>he doesn’t realize pnk (Or something with a human aspect) is needed to solve the oracle problem entirely

>> No.17157669
File: 203 KB, 600x600, 04298754-012A-4C89-B158-D0B5071C29E6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post
biggest buy signal i’ve ever seen

>> No.17157711

Please show proof of this working system?
not minable means its actual code infrastructure is nonexistant as in a barebones coin with no actual utility or complete scam. The ICO basically failed because it didnt get 100%. market cap and coin circulation is the absolutely fundamental basic indicator for the price of a all crypto especuially ones that have no mining cost.This right here proves youver even opened windows alculator.
lmaoing at your shilling , hmm "oracle"? .. wait .. whats that? or yeah... a completely imaginary concept that doesnt even exist in a line of code somewhere. I might search for this breadcrumbs thing and etherscan klerosscan dont know cant judge
Fuck even if you want to see how chainlink is doing (very good ico and market cap) you will see that the price is clsoe to 3 times the fundamentals.

>> No.17157739

i stand corrected
THIS post is the biggest buy signal i’ve ever seen

>> No.17157746
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>This thing will not moon for another two years for sure. There are two token sales left (minimim). Think you fucking retards.. Why would it moon if I can just buy it in a few months directly from the team? Pic is from their secondary token sale FAQ. https://blog.kleros.io/kleros-token-sale-frequently-asked-questions/amp/
are you fudding platonically to get insights? Or just stupid? I threw in a few eth and have 60k. PNK has half the supply of LINK and while they're both oracle networks, they aren't really competing. Anyone who has done some due diligence on LINK can see the value in PNK without sperging out. I see it at a few bucks easily, which is an insane return because it is low sats.

>> No.17157772

I never told you not to buy...

>>he didn’t check etherscan during the token sale for all the breadcrumbs
what do you mean by that?I searched and nothing came up ,especially for kleroscan, what do you mean by breadcrumbs?

>> No.17157866


>> No.17157910

And waht am i supposed to see from all the breadcrumb trails of eth addresses? that its going to magically pump and be used to scum people because its doing some shady shit and using all those addresses to make it harder to see?

>> No.17157919

Are you actually retarded? PNK total supply is 1 billion you megatard. I also bought 2-3 ETH worth, but am not expecting this to moon for at least another 2 years. Anons here are really good at shilling, but nobody can just accept the truth that until the team can dump on us PNK will not moon.

>> No.17158140

Happy to see a logical fellow here. Based

>> No.17158147


>bull run us this year


>> No.17158176

You sound like a woman

>> No.17158195


>> No.17158581

Supply is not set in stone, since we don't even know if another token sale will ever be approved.
Quite frankly the team might never need to do another sale round if ETH goes bull (and therefore also PNK).

>> No.17158845

They don't. They are fully funded by grants and government sponsorship. They even said the tokensale was only to honor their original plan and promise and to distribute further.

>> No.17159179

No facts backing this up, meanwhile the supply info is set in stone in their blog posts. I am talking about the current situation, you guys are literally pulling this out if your ass. If only wishful thinking would make you rich.

>> No.17159187
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This is just 15 mins ago from their telegram. Stop your fucking shit shilling mate. They might use it for sale or might not. Probabably they will.

>> No.17159353

Well I'll spoonfeed you then:
Kleros plans to have decentralized governance by Q1 2020.
This means replacing the governor with a decentralized version which requires 51% majority for enforcement.
Minting PNK can only be done by the governor
Therefore, in the near future (end Q1) further token sales will require 51% approval by PNK holders.

Even the latest token sale was put to PNK holders https://forum.kleros.io/t/pnk-minting-and-2nd-token-sale-exact-pricing-tiers-and-numbers/291
Ofcourse they could ignore the will of PNK holders since it was a forum post that time, but not in the near future.

Please just do some research before accusing me of making shit up.

Have a nice one

>> No.17159355

They most likely will, but the sale price will reflect the current market price. Those claiming it won't pump until another token sale is completed will end up paying considerably more..

>> No.17159384

>Kleros plans to have decentralized governance by Q1 2020.
I literally CANNOT wait for this

>> No.17159471

I'm new to the party. where do you guys suggest to buy the pnk?

>> No.17159490

uniswap(dot)ninja is your best bet. Use metamask

>> No.17159600

>2017 vibes
Follow this anon

>> No.17159696

IDEX with a VPN if you are ballzy

>> No.17159873

>Kleros plans to have decentralized governance by Q1 2020.

>> No.17160249

uneducated and huge buy signal

>> No.17160639

You’re not going to make it being this dumb

See my comment above^

If you knew anything or did any real research, you wouldn’t be asking these shitty questions. BTFO this thread now

>> No.17161147

Who told you they are doing another sale in a few months? Fud harder.

>> No.17161196

Kleros is unironically unfuddable

>> No.17161207

Uniswap all the way

>> No.17161238

buy signal located here >>17160984

>> No.17161326

tthey come to OUR house and try act like decent human beings?!??! as if

>> No.17161563
File: 140 KB, 462x422, Gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kleros $1000 eoy!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17161604

Maybe $.15

>> No.17161747

Based and realisticpilled

>> No.17161852

300K enough?

>> No.17161940
File: 83 KB, 1245x763, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Kleros

>> No.17161953

Unironically yeah

>> No.17162233

Same brother

>> No.17162467

Is this unironically the average net wealth of biz? 200k ish PNK too

>> No.17162638


>> No.17162678
File: 483 KB, 1078x1062, Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at 10.39.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't embarrass yourself, see pic.