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File: 608 KB, 2000x1664, AE6C7A6E-3BB4-427B-9311-B7B3F5C60D8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17150657 No.17150657 [Reply] [Original]

Successful and God pumped BSV as a sign of appreciation for my abstinence from nasty energy drinks, we’re all gonna make it bruhs.

>> No.17150664

Just switch to caffeine pills with water then to just water


>> No.17150670

In since 280. Satoshi has blessed us.

>> No.17150879

Quit sugar in general, then go to 10% or less carbs, then carnivore diet

Drink water and 1 cup black coffee in the morning

>> No.17150938

Based that’s kinda the end goal desu, I did Keto before and I’m trying to get back on it.

>> No.17150984
File: 397 KB, 1332x1949, 1580127623841 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every dietry transition you make will leave you feeling like shit for a week, the great afterwards
Pic related

>> No.17151075

>God pumped BSV as a sign of appreciation
People aren't really this supremely self-centered to believe this kind of thing, are they?
That an omniscient and omnipotent creator of the universe somehow gives two shits? And not enough to actually simply take energy drinks away, or to actually help you quit them, no ... that God Almighty would use his capability instead to magically pump the price of a fucking digital virtual currency? God, Supreme Creator of all the universe, the Alpha and the Omega, decided that some shitbrain human on some random shitstain planet in outer Milky Way, who has committed one fucking day of his life to making himself a tiny bit healthier, that God decided to reward you?
Not save someone who is dying, not reward someone who has spent their life in sacrifice to serve others or the betterment of humankind, hell not even reward someone who decided to give up energy drinks a week ago or even two days ago. No, the most omnipowerful supreme entity whose presence begat all of creation, decided that OP deserves a reward?

People seriously believe things like this? Is it mental illness or just pure selfishness that people think they're actually this important?

>> No.17151208

Imagine typing that

>> No.17151340

The delusional self-centeredness and self-importance that religious people display gets me worked up.