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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17142839 No.17142839 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz,
Was waking on the beach and found this....

<- pic related

Is it ambergris, I know it comes in many shapes and sizes...

I've send an email to the local oceanic research center but I also wanted a /Biz appreciation

>> No.17142874
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>> No.17142906

Nice find

>> No.17142907

why have you not snatched it and taken it home immediately

>> No.17142919

That’s a scamrock if ever I’ve seen one. Sick of these god damned geological scams rotting up our board and beaches.

>> No.17142965

I hope so

>> No.17142982

I've hidden it somewhere, did not want to walk around carrying a "rock"

I'll to back if It's worth anything...

>> No.17142995

Lol, fucking shitrocks.
Whats the pricepredictions on this lol

>> No.17143586


Anyone any guesses?

>> No.17143618
File: 120 KB, 645x773, 1527320044565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Freshly produced ambergris has a marine, fecal odor.

>> No.17143668

From what I read the quality can very a lot, between worthless or more worth more than gold. Nice find OP I'm jelly as fuck. If it's high quality stuff it's a 6 figure payday. Unfortunatley for you you'll probably get jewed because ambergis is a shark's market and they'll skin you alive if you don't know what you got.

>> No.17143675

Did you do the hot needle test?

>> No.17143677

Forgot about this stuff. If I were you Id have walked off with that already not just hidden it. Looks highly valuable if it is whale vomit it's size is rather large from the pic.

>> No.17143900
File: 3.81 MB, 4032x1860, 20200208_144620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notha pic

>> No.17143966

Imagine getting rich because you found some rare item on the ground like an RPG character

>> No.17144042

And another one

>> No.17144080

>local oceanic research center
i mean for confirmation sure, but for selling you want to sell it to the cosmetica industry

>> No.17144099

You're gonna make it

>> No.17144123

Ambergris is quite valuable to the right buyer, in the thousands, how lucky for you

>> No.17144378

Yeah I know, but I need to know for sure that it is Ambergris

>> No.17144425

I'm assuming you've done some research before coming to /biz/, but in case you haven't, check this out.

>> No.17144440

>The “feel” of ambergris is often described as waxy/tacky which can be confusing for beachcombers as this characteristic is more obvious when ambergris is held in the hands for some minutes. This waxy quality increases with the warmth of the hands but may not be noticeable when a piece is first collected at the beach due to the effects of any cold salt water and moisture remaining on the surface.
what's it feel like?

>> No.17144455

Guys we need to know

>> No.17144465

Imagine how badly you'll want to kill yourself if someone else finds and takes it

>> No.17144589

>did not want to walk around carrying a "rock"
Why the fuck not you dumb bastard

>> No.17144718

He's more concerned about random people thinking he's a weirdo than making money

>> No.17144766

There isn't even anything weird about picking up rocks from the beach. Terrible larp thread. OP jerking off daydreaming about making it from stacking slimey rocks

>> No.17144859

Break off a little piece and light it on fire. It should be flammable

>> No.17144950
File: 49 KB, 584x450, grug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grug find whale poop rock
hide poop rock
tell water shaman
cave painting board laugh at grug

>> No.17144957
File: 1.77 MB, 4032x1860, 20200208_144602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notha pic boys...

>> No.17144971

What beach?

>> No.17144975

Somewhere at the Belgian beaches, around Oostende(eastend)

>> No.17144999

Take it home immediately.
People can potentially track the location down based on that picture.

>> No.17145009

Quit fucking about and take that shit with you.

>> No.17145015


now you gotta take it with you OP

>> No.17145105

Lol I did not leave it there haha, hid it 'bout 2km from that location, close enough for me to find.

>> No.17145142

You’re going to keep fucking around and find out someone yoinked it. Just take it home ASAP who the fuck cares you’re carrying a rock?

>> No.17145172
File: 30 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG Stacy! Look at this guy! He's carrying a rock! What a dork!

>> No.17145264

Lol all good guys, noone will find it believe me. Im going back for it later. Eating diner now.... appreciate help and concern /biz

>> No.17145296

inb4 OP returns from dinner to say it's gone

>> No.17145309

I know exactly where that is, you just lost your fortunate blyat

>> No.17145633

Lol sucker please do go looking for nothing. I've hidden it of the beach somewhere, about 2km from that location, bout 300m from my place. Hope you find a small piece tho :) i really hope you do. Gonna pick it up after I smoked my Jay. Just because hehe lol.

>> No.17145664

like 12 year old whale shit melting in your hands

>> No.17145699

Go pick up your stinky fortune you lucky bastard. If it is ambergris it is highly valuable.

>> No.17145717

>local oceanic research center

There's no way this can be taken off anon like the government/ land owner can steal bury treasure found by metal detectorists?

>> No.17145799

OP is the personification of "bumblefuck"

>> No.17145858


So you dragged this thing 2 fucking kilometers and then hid it 300m away from your house, am I understanding this correctly?

>> No.17145994

Sure did, dont wanna lose my find on my crazy bitch of a wife. If It's ambergris im gonna cash it in after the divorce bizbros.but yeah, took it with me for 2km and hid it bcz of my cuntwife. (Tip1; dont get married)

>> No.17146013

It's like finding a hunk of gold on the ground.

>> No.17146039

Lmao you better buy the baddest lawyer after selling it.

>> No.17146256

Haha hope I dont need to. Can always say I've found it after the divorce

>> No.17146288

Yeah they'll buy that, why wouldn't they, amirite

>> No.17146411

Thanks for the metadata anon, it smells like high quality stuff

>> No.17146536

Fuuck I always wanted to find some of this shit as a kid. You are so fucking lucky man.

>> No.17146607

Found the newfag.

>> No.17146701

Finding this shit is rare as fuck. My mom goes agate hunting 6 hours a day on the oregon coast (this is her full-time retirement hobby), she's been at it for three years and she's never found a single chunk of it.

>> No.17146910

Lol why not

>> No.17146922

Noice, stoned af. Picking it up tomorrow. X love ya /biz. I'll keep ya updated. C ya tomorrow.

>> No.17147568

So, this is basically the First time /biz "helped" me lol

>> No.17147607

Cheers man, much appreciated>>17144950 lol laughed out loud, good stuff!

>> No.17147686

Like bags of sand

>> No.17147713

I am going to have an intergalactic kek if I open /biz/ tomorrow morning to a thread of OP an hero'ing after finding his precious rock gone

>> No.17147767

i sold a piece in 2002 for around 2500aud a kilo, mate grab it and take it with you it is better looking like a weirdo holding a rock for a few minutes then losing out on link stash cash.

>> No.17147825

Guys, It's all good. Gonna take a nap. Heading back for it tomorrow. It's safe.
Never had /biz worry about me this much lol

Only thing I regret is telling my sister. That could come back to me but still, I'm safe, It's safe, I'll keep you all updated, check in tomorrow!

Sleep tight buddies!

>> No.17147888

When you get it just cut some little grams and burn them. If it smells musky, you're into something.

>> No.17147901

its not safe you retard. in the 12hrs you go home to jerk to tranny porn and nap someone could "find" it and take it and you come back to nothing. hurrr instead of taking it now imma be a fat faggot lazy queer and do it later risking it being gone. this... this is why you'll never make it in life. you have something sure thing in front of you and like most /biz/ faggots just walk away claiming you'll get it later. I HOPE its gone when you come back cuz you decided to fag it up instead

>> No.17147915

Aight I'll let you know!

>> No.17147926

You know nothing brap! Lol.
It's safe haha, noone's gonna find it.

>> No.17147935

yeah that's a dried up cruise line turd

>> No.17147957

Big ass turd if you ask me lol

>> No.17147994

american cruise line

>> No.17148003

Facepalm i told u earlier that if i was you id have walked away with that thing. If i could triangulate where you were based off tgese pics id find it and take it. 100% since its not your property at this time

>> No.17148013

Now get back there and take it with you!!!!!!

>> No.17148051

chainlink = our money so we don't want you having at it.
Ambergris =Easy money for YOU to put into Our money(chainlink) so if some normie finds it we lose out not you hence the concern.would you leave a 6 ounce gold nugget in a safe place miles away from you or would you grab it and store it in a safe place in your own place ?

>> No.17148058

quit bumping the lost poop fossil thread

sage kys

>> No.17148075
File: 60 KB, 920x596, 920x920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurry up and bring it to the research center OP!

>> No.17148081


>> No.17148106

Lol, have plenty of gold and zilver my man. Im not rich but I have plenty, but I get your point. Also, my gold not in ons place.

>> No.17148121


>> No.17148174

Lol could be true. Dem amerifats got me good lol

>> No.17148199


Okay OP you fucking retard. When you finally take this back to your house, do a test on it. Take a sewing needle or bobby pin, heat it up with a lighter for 15-30 seconds, and then press the pin to your sample. If it melts and smells weird, you are onto something.

>> No.17148203

Anyways Sleep tight faggots ! Thanks for the gud time!
C you tomorrow

>> No.17148246

This looks a lot like concrete to me.

>> No.17148327

i bet ya golds not sitting in a "safe spot" down the beach either and ambergris is worth a hell ov a lot more then silver .

>> No.17148394

Your $500k rock is gone now.