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1714294 No.1714294 [Reply] [Original]

Dips almost over faggots buy now or cope later

>> No.1714296

Yeah, im thinking about throwing some into SPWR if it drops a little.

>> No.1714299
File: 178 KB, 603x301, takeheroutback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North tower fell on its footprint.

It never got back up.

You have days to get through the 5 stages of grief.

Then the window closes and it ends up in the bottom of the ocean.

Memes can't save you now.

>> No.1714301

>Dips almost over
You better hope so.

>> No.1714305
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don't worry guys it's all good. nocoiners btfo

>> No.1714410

There it was faggots its over 1000 by tomorrow

>> No.1714446

I don't understand why ppl who have bitcoin revel in the idea that those without bitcoin are missing out. If you're making money, who cares what others do? It seems like a mechanism to hide your insecurity regarding the premise of your decision to invest in bitcoins.

I think bitcoin has value as a slack variable, similar to gold's function. If an individual is unsure about an economy/ currency they can invest in either and that investment functions as a hedge.

Comparing gold and bitcoin, i'd say they're about even. Gold's draw back is that, ultimately it's a physical asset and therefore has high storage/transport costs, but it has tangible value in that it's used in creation electronics. Bitcoin is new, somewhat technical (which hinders widespread adoption), but storage & transportation costs are considerably less, however, if there is some yet-to-be-found flaw in the code/ blockchain the entire system may be rendered worthless... This risk doesn't exist with physical gold.

Everyone on here is so binary about bitcoin, but I think it, more or less, functions like gold. I don't understand why everyone is so polarized... I tend to think everyone who exhibits such an attitude is not confident of their decision (whether it be investing in bitcoin or not).

Sorry if any of this doesn't make sense or contradicts itself... I've been drinking.

>> No.1714456

>not recognising and understanding desperate ineffective shilling

>> No.1714460
File: 18 KB, 480x360, Push it somewhere else.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, not going to be your bagholder

>> No.1714463

why do people shill gold and silver then? its basically the same thing

>> No.1714469

Maybe, but if it's shilling it has been so consistent... Usually shills have shorter attention spans from my observations. I really don't know though.

>> No.1714482

The reason gold and silver have value:
1. Gold and silver have been valued for 1000s of years.
2. Pretty to look at/ jewelry (let's include tangibility here)
3. rarity (true or percieved)
4. functional - electronics

IDK if this is comprehensive... It's just what came to mind

I think bitcoin has #3, but also lacks some drawbacks of G&S

>> No.1714487

i agree that GLD and SLV have value.. for me, BTC has value, personally because I love pump and dumps..

With BTC you can pump ALTcoins for profit.. it does serve as a store of value, but I cant deny.. GLD and SLV is the way to go.

BTC is for gamblers like me

>> No.1714490

U almost had me before

>> No.1714514

Maybe it's partially FOMO and greed that sustains bitcoin. I'm tempted the idea that there is a fixed amount to be mined coupled that IF wide spread adoption happens causes the average individual to deduce that 1 coin could be worth a retirement.

But there are several things that have kept me from speculating in bitcoin:
1. There is a Recess (animated TV show) where a type of stickers becomes a currency on the playground, and the main character eventually gets a monopoly. And because of this the currency is discarded for something different.
- My thinking is that, just like in the episode, those with established wealth will not allow randoms to (essentially) steal it from them... So if bitcoin is thought to be a viable candidate for adoption, those with wealth will act to take it back. (this is a pessimistic view, but I don't believe in the idea that, we all, systematically could buy 1 bitcoin and be millionaires in 10 years.... That's too many people doing nothing and receiving much, h/o if the currency gets fucked somehow, bitcoin holders could be millionaires, but 1M would be worth much much less).
2. Money can be made quicker elsewhere. I write stock trading algos which outperform bitcoin... I'm sure there are innumerable ways to make tons, they just need to be discovered, but for the lazy/unimaginative bitcoin seems like a safe bet.

>> No.1714522

I appreciate your candidness.

If I may ask, why are ATLcoin pump and dumps better than penny stock pump and dumps for you (if there is a reason)?

>> No.1714530

>discarded for something different

In a scenario where bitcoin becomes obsolete and drops in value.. Its easy to swap them for Moneros or ETHs which will increase in value as BTC drops.. its all part of the game

>money can me made anywhere

This is true, but cant hurt to diversify.. I personally dont like BTC, but its another market and another avenue for making money if you know how to trade.

Not adviseable to put life savings into BTC, but a few thousand dollars, not like it affects you in a big way..

>ALT pump and dumps

Huge volatility.. Prices can fluctuate as much as 1000% a day.. Its a traders dream. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But its fun for a speculator / trader

I got into btc considerably early, so crashes are part of the market, the important thing is to make an exit before it does

>> No.1714543

>Dips almost over
Hahahaha we got a fortune teller here boys

>> No.1714560

To your first point, is it predictable how the markets' exit will be when bitcoin becomes obsolete? IMO, technology is obsolete, so if it does, it won't be a slow decline... No buyers will exist, so it'll go from [current price] to 0 in hours (maybe days depending on diffusion of info).

To your 3rd point: Huge volatility can be good, but how do you predict a crash? And, don't give your strategy away, but in your opinion is it art, science, feeling..., or luck? If i can't predict (on average) what's going to happen, then what's the point of "rolling the dice" to make money (unless I'm a gambler)?

>> No.1714562

bitcoin is an actual meme

>> No.1714585

bitcoin $50,000 by tomorrow night, buy now or lose out faggot retards.

>> No.1714589

Bitcoin is obsolete imo.. The only thing keeping it alive is the infrastructure built around it, like the exchanges.. BTC is like the USD of the crypto world.. You cant trade ALTs without BTC in most cases.. BTC still has a long life, especially if the devs update it to become faster. BTC wont become obsolete in a day, it will be a slow die-off that will take years.

>Huge volatility can be good, but how do you predict a crash?

I cant predict it, i dont have 100% good trades. But overall, im making profit. Its a combination of experience and feelings and being patient. Keeping an eye on the market caps and charts helps alot too.

"buy dips" meme is mostly correct. Technical Analysis doesnt make sence in the ALT world. Everything moves so fast, i dont even bother with TA.

Its got nothing about luck.. You just need strong hands and buy dips, alot of patience, and you'll make profits.. I dont really have a secret strategy.
You'll know when somethings overbought just by how ridiculous the prices can get.