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17140331 No.17140331 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>match up with a black chick on tinder
>actually alright looking
>paranoia immediately goes up
>I'm not gonna show up and several black dudes jump me, right?
>or the long con and she gets my address and several black dudes cone to steal
>or if she has a sexual disease/illness in/on her mouth

Anything I should be aware of if I go on a date with a black chick that SEEMS non-ghetto?

t. Never had a gf

>> No.17140352

blacks tend to rob blacks

>long con
probably not

might be
but you should be able to have tests by the time you marry
you did plan on waiting till marriage right?

>> No.17140362

You’re retarded. Enjoy ruining your life for some strange

>> No.17140389

You'll be ok anon. Just make it clear at the start of the date that you don't want to be robbed.

>> No.17140398

Yeah just say clearly this. "NO nigger shit ok or I'm gonna leave" Sets the tone nicely and with that aside you can enjoy a nice pleasant date. Please feedback how it goes.

>> No.17140399

>meet the black girl
>she’s sweet af
>smart, educated, beautiful, takes care of herself, caring, generous, kind
>she also likes you
>you freak the fuck out cuz you’re not used to such perfection
>self sabotage and call her a nigger
>she never talks to you again
>now you’re stuck in biz

Just save yourself (and more importantly her) heartache anon and stay here

>> No.17140406

you need to pretend like it's murder she wrote and get you some strangela lansbury

>> No.17140419
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>tfw you say nigger a lot but secretly like black girls

>> No.17140450

You seem young. Lad, she may be sweet. Maybe even reasonably intelligent. But she will never be white. If it’s sex you’re after, educate yourself on the extremely high rates of std infections among blacks. If it’s love you’re after, think long and hard: do you really wanna bring some little mulattos into the world? Isn’t life hard enough, do you have to make it even harder on your kids by making them go through this world black?

>> No.17140478
File: 63 KB, 1100x733, gen.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also be up front and mention that there's no chance you'll kiss her or accept a BJ without a full health check. Good luck.

>> No.17140534
File: 96 KB, 506x418, Screenshot_20200208-033654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sex before marriage. However a kiss isn't out of the question. But asking for an std test or outright dodging a kiss ain't going to look good.



Im closer to 30 than I am to 20. Im not caucasian white as Im sure that's what you're referring to. Im hispanic with white skin.

Not after sex but I asked this because im aware of
>the extremely high rates of std infections among blacks

>do you really wanna bring some little mulattos into the world?
Also thought of this. Cant really see myself fathering kids that don't even look like me.

>harder on your kids by making them go through this world black?
Have thought of this long ago. Cant see myself doing that to them either. I want them to have white skin like myself (if I ever even have kids), would be uncertain of even considering a hispanic brown women.

Doubt my dad and mom would be happy if I dated a black chick. I just want to date and see what it's like to have a gf.

>> No.17140545 [DELETED] 

Im op btw.

>> No.17140569

Fag. Just masturbate to male fav porn and go to sleep. You’re clearly not ready for going outside.

>> No.17140890

You should go back to plebbit, plenty of fellow degenerates there.

>> No.17140941

don take your favorite bicycle n sheeeit

>> No.17140946

50% of black chicks in USA have an STD

>> No.17140974

You just need to ask her if she was tested for STDs before sex if that happens. If she transmits it to you you don't want to give it to a future gf.

>> No.17140979

Get off 4chan and clear up your brain

>> No.17141079

>>2017 Prince Harry

>> No.17141090



>> No.17141668

Reminder, no matter how non-ghetto or white acting or white looking your jungle goddess is, the rest of her family are gonna be chimped out monkeys. Black girls are great for a fun time and dating but not good for marrying and starting a family. Do you really want the chance that your kid will come out looking like you stole him straight from the plains of africa?

>> No.17141686

Wm/bf literally have the lowest divorce rate of all couples.

>> No.17141701

>Im hispanic
Do whatever you want then. You don't matter.

>> No.17141777

Theres black and then theres black black. She could be one of the chill nice ones. You can normally tell just by looking at them so I'd give her a chance if she looks ok. Obviously the ghetto looking ones are going to be STD ridden but she could be from a nice family (rare but can happen).

>> No.17141805


>> No.17141849

and? what does that have to do with having kids that look like monkeys or her family being straight ghetto nogs?

>> No.17141871


The white side of my family is all meth addicts that put their while children up for adoption, and a few homosexuals. The black side is lawyers and doctors. Welcome to 2020.

>> No.17141933

>t. never seen a beautiful mulatto woman

>> No.17141951

I say nigger a lot and have a black GF. Go figure

>> No.17142094

I have seen tons of hot as fuck black chicks and they are some of my favorite porn to jerk it too. It doesnt mean they are good family material
uh huh

>> No.17142132

around blacks never relax

>> No.17142599

do you call her one though

>> No.17142699

Lmfao I say nigger beaner and chink all the time. Dated a Honduran 19yo for a minute now I’m onto a flip 23yo. Just control your tongue, retard.