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17140161 No.17140161 [Reply] [Original]

>keeps complaining about the same issues for YEARS
>doesn't imagine it could get tiring and threat a genuine online friendship
At this point should I just ghost this guy?
t. alpha thought he could help.

>> No.17140175

what a fucking crybaby, how can one handle so much onions

>> No.17140180

just block that faggot
i am a lazy shutin virgin but even i got laid at 23 and i never complained nor even tried to get laid

>> No.17140181

How could you do this to me.. I thought we were friends :(

>> No.17140188
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Not /biz/ related. Asking how to profit off you gay little social shit doesn't make it biz related. Kill yourself retard normie fuck.

>> No.17140198
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tfw i know exactly how he feels...

>> No.17140222

>how to short incels

Go long on anime, Vidya and sex dolls.

>> No.17140292

helping him breed is anti eugenic

>> No.17140342
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Former cook but I've never got used to the onions. The tears and then the fingers smell..
I'm trying to save our friendship.
That's a long.

>> No.17140823

He will learn he's a whiny annoying fag to both girls AND boys when he complains about feelings and has zero creative hobbies, or he won't learn and will use his stupidity as an excuse to say "poor poor undeserved me"

>> No.17140956
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yesterday my boss told me "you fuck up your 20s figuring out what you want to do, then you build your career in your 30s and work through your 40s and 50s. If you're 40 and you still haven't gone anywhere then you're fucked"

he told me this when I told him I was "old" at 27 thinking I was a bit old to be experimenting with what I want to do with my life.

the man was speaking from experience and frankly he's right. your friend's problem isn't his age, which I'm sure is somewhere between 20-24 he's just a whiny bitch who feels its easier to just complain about his shit life than taking on the burden and responsibility of fixing it. he's probably only going to realize this though, when he's creeping towards 30

TL;DR Tell him he's a naive whiny bitch who makes excuses because he's too afraid of real life to actually fix it

>> No.17141190

He's creeping toward 30 not bad looking, rather successful at his job and make money but he's completely obsessed with his other failures. This is something I don't get, with women so many incels could have the best chances at the game and for some reasons they throw away their cards hypnotized by their repulsive narcissism.
Fuck incels.

>> No.17141199

Reminds me of a friend of mine. Refuses to do anything different just keeps doing this effeminate approach with girls and being all in touch with his feelings with them and wonders why the girls assume he's a queer and friendzone him and get shocked when he does his big reveal he wants them. But try explaining what he's doing wrong and its lol no im just destined to be forever alone weep weep le sad

>> No.17141241

What an absolute boomer. If you aren’t close to retirement by 35 you’ve fucked up big time. Imagine telling someone their 20s (an entire decade) is a time to just fuck around