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17137977 No.17137977 [Reply] [Original]

Cryptocurrency privacy isn't real because you can't go from fiat to crypto without KYC. Prove me wrong.

>> No.17138019

i have to poop lol

>> No.17138030

a) why go to fiat?
b) trade crypto to cash in private

>> No.17138031

Cant you use Bitcoin ATMs still?

>> No.17138067

from fiat, not to fiat, although it applies to both. if someone new to crypto hears about a privacy coin like monero and wants to buy it, they have to go through kyc. probably very discouraging for that person as well.

>> No.17138311

Do it in person, also carry a handgun. Or just do it by mail using localmonero

>> No.17138340

Also what is to stop you from just buying XMR on an exchange, sending it to your wallet, then just using it however you want?

>> No.17138380

>nobody who hears about monero will be able to buy it privately
>I’m am this smart
Lol this nigga is that smart

>> No.17138472
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>> No.17138490

fiat -> crypto requires kyc on exchanges

>> No.17138615

The most bullish thing to happen to monero recently is Bernie.

>> No.17138639

DAIHARD. How fucking far behind is this board these days lmao you faggots have no chance.

>> No.17138728

>buy any crypto from exchange
>send to personal wallet
>send that to changelly or any other exchange that doesn't need personal to swap cryptos
>impossible to trace the Monero back to you
It's not that hard man. Not including transfer times it'll literally take you less than 2 minutes to get untraceable Monero

>> No.17138763

A shady exchange from serbia that is probably a scam let you deposit and withdrawal without KYC, the exchange is from the same scammers who made the SAFEX and Dascoin scam
Google xcalibra and don't hold more than 50$ in there

>> No.17138790
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Based af

>> No.17138860

can you read, anon? being forced your personal information to an exchange is kyc. nobody should want to do that. on top of that, changelly is a scam exchange. multiple cases of them stealing peoples wallets.

>> No.17138911

The argument was crypto privacy wasn't real because of KYC, not that it's impossible to get around KYC. Your Monero cannot be traced back to you, therefor you have private privacy. Also you can buy cryptos outside of business exchanges; you can even buy it from the mail.
>changelly is a scam exchange. multiple cases of them stealing peoples wallets.
What are you on about? It doesn't hold wallets, it's an instantaneous swap like shapeshift. Also there are other exchanges that don't have KYC to go from crypto-to-crypto.

>> No.17138997

You're not entirely wrong, KYC is a large barrier, but it's also possible to get around KYC. The standard method, is by being legit. However, if you still want to be shady,

1) Get information of somebody legit (Use with permission? Steal? Borrow?)
2) Put $500,000 into Bitcoin on exchange (or whatever the correct number is)
3) Transfer that $500,000 to a private key
4) Trade the Bitcoin for Monero
5) Sell the $500,000 of Monero to your customers, for $530,000
6) They use the Monero
7) When someone wants to cash out, repeat the same basic procedure

But you're right. Your customers are taking a significant legal risk, and paying a premium to get Monero. And the harder KYC laws get, the larger the legal risk gets, and the more you'll probably have to pay.

>> No.17139011

You’re low IQ and that’s why you’ll never make it. You could use Bitcoin ATMs, buy gold, or set up a company in a tax haven if you really make it.

>> No.17139391

bitcoin atms, lbc, cash dealers...wat?
furthermore: john buys monero with KYC
john sends monero to bill for a debt, or even just john sells it to bill for cash as a friend
bill now has anonymous monero he obtained without KYC
do i need to go on or??
>1.4k eoy

>> No.17139402

I mine Nerva and trade it for Monero on TradeOgre.
I am anon!

>> No.17139436

someone redpill me on monero what is the point of it

>> No.17139507


>> No.17139520

You can just buy it privately

>> No.17139539

bitcoin has all transactions available on a public ledger, monero doesn't?

>> No.17139582

Nobody sees your riches with CN coins.

>> No.17139590

how is it even on the blockchain lol

>> No.17139599

Wow you're retarded

>> No.17139604



which is part of the point behind pow if you believe in pow (i don't), you can earn your way in
more realistically you should get paid in crypto
it actually makes little sense for fiat to be tradeable for crypto, when you think about it on a philosophical level. fiat is bullshit money. people who wagecuck don't really do real work either

>> No.17139640


>INB4 infinite inflation

No, the supply is totally auditable you simple can't see the addresess.

>> No.17139751

solid explanation, thanks
similar thing could be achieved manually with bitcoin mixers and an ungodly amount of burner wallets but I guess monero saves all the hassle

>> No.17140008

I guess that all bitcoin mixers are dirty as fuck, people using btc are legit doing online purchases everyone using a mixer must be a little shaddy.

XMR solves this but not for crime mind you the problem is that btc being public eventually will end with a lot of coins "tainted" by coins used for dirty shit.

So if someone sends you a coin that was used for dirty shit you can be blamed for it.

So far there has been few cases of that but it's an attack vector that can be used by the regulators to cuck crypto(everyone is a pedo psycho terrorist moneylaunderer communist fascist nazi unless proven otherwise).

XMR solves that i been looking at this project for some months and it's clear the people involved been thinking ahead.

Also the inflation curve & mining algorithm are genius.

>> No.17140204

>what is randomX
You may mine xmr at home. Checkmate glowie.

>> No.17140495

1) Buy small amount of BTC using KYC Goybase
2) Coinjoin it
3) From now on use Bisq to get your BTC
4) Exchange BTC for XMR using Bisq or Binance(no KYC)

In the future:
1) Use Strike on Zap Wallet(KYC but money destination is private) to buy things.

>> No.17140640

This, just recently found out about the trailing inflation, and we almost hit the softcap of around 18 mil coins. Once people find out about they will fomo

>> No.17140873

you can, local.bitcoin.com

>> No.17140893

Completely false. Chain analysis can easily track any attempts at mixing coins.

>> No.17140917
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Yes XMR inflation goes bellow fiat the same week that bitcoin halves.
You can't make this shit up but it's syncronized that week xmr inflation curve goes bellow 2% too, from then on xmr continues to go bellow bitcoin inflation and by 2021 xmr inflation will be 0.80% , while btc will be 1.80% , ltc 4%, eth 3% , dash 4%.

It's clear that this project is the true deal the shilling for other coins like zcash is probably done by people accumulating xmr.

I mean 400 xmr mined per day in 2021 , this shit is insane for 32k usd you can buy today what will be an entire day of supply in 2021 and for 11m usd you can buy what will be an entire year of supply.

This shit is the real deal.

>> No.17140931

Dont know about you,burgers, but here in Moscow you can easily cash out any crypto without passport.

>> No.17141041



>> No.17141078
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You're supposed to trade your labour for crypto. There's no fiat in this equation.

>> No.17141459

Great summary of the inflation. The monero bull run is going to become detached from bitcoin and take a mind of its own. The fomo will be massive from all the normies on the outside who beforehand were too lazy to learn about moneros tech. I can’t wait.

>> No.17141593

The point is buying and holding then you leave America forever when you make it.

>> No.17141609

How is monero untraceable when compared to other cryptos?

>> No.17141646

Normies can't buy it yet

>> No.17141709

It has an opaque ledger. One time stealth addresses are created for every transaction to hide the recipient. Ring sigs are used to obfuscate the sender. Ring CT is used to mask the transaction amount. No other crypto comes close in terms of untracablility, especially when this is all built into the base layer (meaning no research is needed by the person using monero to attain these privacy benefits). Also the anonymity set for monero is far far higher than any other privacy coin.

With the exception of coinbase, monero is available pretty much everywhere.

>> No.17141757

Use bisq. Or just learn a useful skill and work for crypto

>> No.17141797

Well yes kinda, but your private-to-exchange trasactions can be traced in non-private blockchains.
With Monero they can't be traced so even when you deposit to an exchange, your actual holdings stay private.

Not always. I bought my first BTC from non-verified localbitcoins account.

>> No.17141810

Two sets of private keys. One for spending and one for seeing the balance

>> No.17141845

Yes it's going to be insane.

Yes but that's a plus because it also mean official institutions won't be able to short it while any ban can by bypassed by using other crypto to adquire it or simple mining with randomX or buying locally with cash.

>> No.17142265

>bitcoin atms
phone verification and high fees
kyc and ran by feds at this point
>cash dealers
seems okay from a trusted source, but not practical for the vast majority of people around the globe.
>do i need to go on or??
no, you can stop, because at this point john is marked and on a list because he gave kyc. i'll pass, goyim.

>> No.17142318

you can't profit off of randomx mining, even with the most cost efficient setup.

>> No.17142347

fiat -> RuneScape gold -> Bitcoin

However, there's some risks associated with that method:
>counterparty risk (people "scamquit" all the time)
>chance of RWT ban on RuneScape
>spread between buy/ask is roughly 5%
>not viable for more than a couple thousand dollars

>> No.17142412

What a retard. Go on kraken or binance or kucoin or any of the other dozens of exchanges.

>not realizing that monero is going to 100x

Fucking pleb

>> No.17142439

>What a retard. Go on kraken or binance or kucoin or any of the other dozens of exchanges.
what a retard. go read the op again and understand what the entire point of this thread is.
>not realizing that monero is going to 100x
even if you believe that, mining is not practical. coming into a thread about non-kyc options for peopel to get monero and saying hurr durr just mine is retarded.

>> No.17142505


You don’t need kyc for kraken or kucoin
Or for morphtoken or most coin swap services.
Or you can use any of the other aforementioned services.

This is just a failed attempt at fudding. You don’t even understand how stealth addresses work because sending to a wallet from an exchange is untraceable. Even if they know who you are they have no proof as to where you sent the monero.

Mining monero is absolutely profitable in the long run. You are just too stupid not to see Moneros value.

>> No.17142664

I have accounts with binance, idex.market, bitfinex, hitbtc, hotbit.io, hbg, probit, and coinbase, only coinbase required KYC. I buy bitcoin from kiwi-coin.com (New Zealander), which required KYC. I only really use binance, idex, bitfinex and probit though.

>> No.17142751

better to hedge with stuff like ARPA, I'm watching for Tari stuff too.

>> No.17142942

Google OASIS+nimiq
You're welcome

>> No.17143335


Listen, I love XMR. I want to own a giant stack of it.

BUT, I work in AML/BSA/Compliance and I KNOW what is coming in the US. Regulation is coming and XMR can't be regulated therefore a US "ban" on XMR will come in the next year or two. AND YEAH I FUCKING KNOW IT CAN'T BE BANNED! But when the US ban hammer drops I don't want to be holding a big stack because the price will plummet. And even though it's fucking bullshit and we should overthrow the Government for this type of dumb shit nobody will do anything and I'll be worried to own any and get thrown in prison for the bullshit.

Good luck to you all though, I'm seriously on your side and hope nobody gets in trouble when the ban comes.

>> No.17143370

You can mine.
You can wash traces with Zcoin.
You can offer services straight for crypto.

>> No.17143465

not gonna happen

>> No.17143482

also, you can buy coins with credit card using the atom wallet
there are other credit card methods available too
the KYC there is tied to your credit card, but that's beyond the point

>> No.17143536

>thinking a ban wouldn’t be bullish


>> No.17143655

it's going to happen and you will still be able to change it freely for other coins in non cucked exchanges.

That's bullish as fuck anon , randomX allowing mining with cheap hardware + ban will create a massive cash to crypto market for xmr.
Also a ban in the usa means no shorting by big institutions making xmr probably the only coin that won't be able to be shorted.

Their long term goal is to cuck all cryptos and offer some "legal" crypto aka cucked that resembles a bank website more than a true crypto.

It will backfire terrible by forcing people to xmr which by then will have half the inflation than gold.

>> No.17143674
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>you can't go from fiat to crypto without KYC

>> No.17143829

you do need kyc for kraken and kucoin, retard. they over-comply with us law.
i don't give a fuck how untraceable monero is on the blockchain, i still have to give out my personal information to third parties who will gladly comply with governments and possibly advertisers. fuck off. mining isn't profitable and you have no guarantee that it ever will be.

>> No.17143866


Use fixedfloat, 100x better than changelly and shapeshift shit, they have the best rate, the best support and they dont ever hold your accounts because "we need to kyc your foudns uu"

>> No.17144008

not an argument.

>> No.17144016

>thinks a retarded statement warrants and argument
that's not how any of this works. go back

>> No.17144028

On chain mixers ya wankers!!

>> No.17144450

>you do need kyc for kraken and kucoin, retard. they over-comply with us law.

I use kucoin frequently and all they have is a burner email address.

>i don't give a fuck how untraceable monero is on the blockchain, i still have to give out my personal information to third parties who will gladly comply with governments and possibly advertisers. fuck off. mining isn't profitable and you have no guarantee that it ever will be.

It's not that you "don't give a fuck about how untraceable monero is on the blockchain". It's that you fundamentally don't understand how Monero works.

There is no way that the feds can look at your monero public address provided to an exchange -- and yes, this includes KYC exchanges -- and then use that public address to track your wallet. The fact that you can't comprehend this means you are either a retard or a vapid shill. They would know you extracted monero at a date/time and that is it.

If you want, you can then just send that transaction to another private wallet, thereby completely removing any trace whatsoever. But this is really an unnecessary step.

Your complaining about KYC is fine. I agree with you that it is BS. But you are acting like by submitting this KYC info is then going to lead to feds knocking to your door. This is insanely retarded and you are jumping to schizo conclusions.


Why don't you understand this? Like others are saying, the increase in KYC regulations is the literal reason that more and more people are going to move to Monero, an actually fungible crypto that can't be tracked.

>> No.17144729

There is a certain irony with these "anonymous" cryptocurrencies. I can go into any shop and buy anything I like essentially anonymously, or I can go on any online auction site or other online shop and buy anything I like only providing them with my address, but if I want to buy crypto... suddenly I have to prove my identity.

And OP, did you realise that acquiring crypto with fiat isn't normally the problem (unless you want ungodly amounts of it)... it's cashing out crypto that gets people in trouble (supposing you had acquired a significant amount of crypto with a method that is moral, but regrettably illegal at this moment in history).

>> No.17144754

No one knows about bisq on this board.

>> No.17144802 [DELETED] 

How do you make the payments on bisq, is it with credit card, or do you just work that out with the sellers on a case by case basis or something?

>> No.17144935

Because there's no reason for investors to worry about KYC to acquire crypto, only people using DNMs care

>> No.17145083

Based and rsgpilled

>> No.17145262

>No, the supply is totally auditable you simple can't see the addresess.
is it? where can i see it?

>> No.17145418

use monero blockchain explorer
or run this command in daemon: print_coinbase_tx_sum

you can also download the blockchain and run your own node.

>> No.17145792


>> No.17146267

>400 xmr mined per day in 2021
isn't this bad?

>> No.17146292

that's pretty cool

>> No.17146471
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You can buy Crypto without KYC on BRAPsearch.com. It includes a mixer and uniswap. Zk tokens will be added soon.