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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17137195 No.17137195 [Reply] [Original]

/sad stories general/

>buy bitcoin @ 8$ , sell at 12$
>buy eth @ 1$, sell at 10$
>but xmr @ 1 $ sell at 2$
>instead of buying 100,000XRP @ 500 sats, spend the money to peercoin or some shit

>last time I saw pussy, George W Bush JR was the president, the year was 2008

I've never felt this lonely. But how does it feel? It feels like you've win jackpot three times, but lost the ticket EVERY single time.

I cannot work anymore, i could had 1.3 million dollars, but now i'm counting my pennies to buy a bag of rice, this is horrible, i'm never felt this sick in my entire life, only thing what i have is my mom and dad, which are the reason I'm not killing my self.

I've could made it already three times, but every time, ive failed.

I'm just a shade of former myself, a sad reminder of failure.

>> No.17137226

Put your shits together.

You missed the easy times, but there are still a lot of money to made in this market.

Next time don't sell at the first shy green candle that you see.

>> No.17137229
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Tears run down my cheeks as I write this, Once a week im remembering my sad fate, a fate of legit failure. I'm 30 and I'm unemployed, single and broke and broken.

>> No.17137250
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Move forward

>> No.17137252
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I'll never recover from this. Never. I've been drinking heavily for past years just to forget this incident.

But i can't this is horrible fate.Not one, not twice, but three times i've failed to succeed

>> No.17137265

you still have time and opportunity
get your expenses together. sell anything you don’t need or use often. buy kleros, it will do at least a 10x when it hits major exchanges and from there it will moon with LINK and all other ethereum middleware once legacy institutions start adopting smart contracts en masse (absolutely within the decade, almost certainly within 5 years, good chance by EO2022)

>> No.17137276

Nice blog you fucking faggot, nobody cares

>> No.17137283

At least you have a fat stack of LINK, right?

>> No.17137305
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I've been buying every /biz/ and crypto-twitter shill there are,

i have about 10k in shit coins but i still feel like i've failed already, i just had to buy ETH but that was the last coin i was going to buy, but now it's pumping and I was late. It was literally the last coin i was going to buy.

But bank refused to give me 15k loan, because they're opinion was that i have bad credit.

If only they know, whatwhat I could have achieved. I was going to buy ETH when it was 140$ few weeks ago. It hurst me even more that I couldn't reach it.

I just keep failuring all the time, i feel i'm cursed, i have some altcoins but not anything significant (


I'm just praying god that i'm going to make it somehow. I'm poor, unemployed, and lonely, and because of my stess, i've developed a heart failure, in addition to all this. this is horrible.

>> No.17137333
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this is just a reminder to youngsters that don't do the same mistakes i've made.. I'm just sleeping 13 hours per day just to forget.. I dont know know do what to do anymore..

>> No.17137345
File: 7 KB, 264x191, 13A80170-C275-46DC-953C-4A323BE52407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell every shitcoin you have for 80% PNK and 20% LINK. you have the opportunity to turn 10k into a cool million. do not waste it.
ranjeesh out

>> No.17137353 [DELETED] 

You have more than me pajeet

>> No.17137358
File: 70 KB, 540x1199, EQAEl4ZW4AAd05H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just trade options bro

>> No.17137381

dump all those shitcoins and invest them in better projects.Some anons will be here to help you long with your selection.
And dont feel so bad I missed out on bitcoin at .45 and eth at 2$ and chainlink at .40 so everyone misses out you cant keep beating yourself over this to the point you're gonna die. I think of all the multiple millions I would have had had I got that 30k I had in bitcoin when it was .45 and somehow held it til 20k ATH. at least once a day I ponder on what i'd be doing right now. But I dont beat myself up I push forward and keep my eyes on things and always looking for fresh startups or coins that I know will pump to sell shortly after and take profits. Now seriously stop drinking you're wasting a ton of investing money that way and stop beating yourself up tons of people on here have I would be a stories to tell you arent alone

>> No.17137409

Fuck off. Reported.

>> No.17137545

Hope you sold that already because you're in for a world of pain if you didn't.

>> No.17137599

I mined bitcoins when it was a couple dollars. I had about 20 of them. Then it mooned to $20. I was like fuck I have like $200 I should cash out but I held. Then it crashed and I just forgot about it and when I reformatted my computer I just let it erase my wallet keys. Later when it was going up again past $20-30 I was thinking about putting the $200 to buy back in but I was in college and it seemed like so much. Now a days I just throw $200 in shitcoins all the time with complete disregard. I've also resorted to yoloing on stock options to try to make it big.

>> No.17137618

sad but you have to remember that this is just how markets work. people buy at X and sell when they feel like they have made a good profit, ad infinitum until the people who bought originally would have a massive fortune if they just held the whole time, but the vast majority simply don't.

>> No.17137833

Buy kleros op