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File: 668 KB, 1000x712, 1561741744422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17135228 No.17135228 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on this board who watched chainlink go from sub 30 cents to over $3.00 and have not purchased a single link

is it autism?

>> No.17135238

>is it autism?
Retardism actually. Also they are pussies.

>> No.17135241

so you're telling me that I should buy now, at the top?

>> No.17135258

I just applied for a 100k loan to buy more stinkies, wish me luck

>> No.17135264

no im telling you you should have bought a long time ago
what exactly was goign through your head the past 3 years watching chainlink 10x, did you actually fall for the "chainlink is a scam" posts or was it something else

>> No.17135267
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it's..... going.... under a... a.... dollar soon... right? guys?

>> No.17135275
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>he thinks this is the top.

>> No.17135276

its a stupid erc20 token that got added to coinbase which caused the run up. thats it. oh yea the only person pumping this is cz and his chink exchange so congrats

>> No.17135280

Spot the bsv cuckold

>> No.17135284

I bought 1k link at 50 cents.
Now its 3 dollars and I'm still poor. It has not saved me.

>> No.17135286

coping so hard you contradicted yourself in the same sentence lmao

>> No.17135288

Nah just stupidity.

>> No.17135292
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the opposite. they did not buy because they are neurotypical.

>> No.17135299

People said that when LINK was $1.
Some people believe ETH could hit $10,000 this market cycle.
$1,000 LINK token will follow.

>> No.17135338

I Only fell for the "chainlink is a meme" meme. Started stacking Aug

>> No.17135348

I have 15 link. Should I buy some more link or what price should I wait it to drop?

>> No.17135361

i was under 18 in 2017 and 2018. last year i wasnt following crypto and completely forgot chainlink existed, only in the last couple weeks have i been following it again hoping that chainlink would dip close to 2 dollars then i would buy in.

>> No.17135378

Gamble on shitcoins like ARPA to get a few thousand bucks and then buy 1000 link.

>> No.17135415

No . It's normism

>> No.17135431



>> No.17135463
File: 33 KB, 490x586, 69038C0E-D53B-4B8D-8082-B189A2F8DC13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw would have 200k instead of 170k if i didn’t sell 30% of my stack

what do bros

>> No.17135466

Do anons really have no motivation or hustle? I labored all summer painting and stacked 2k linkies. Get off your ass and hustle faggot
t. 19

>> No.17135529

But chainlink is a meme and that's exactly why you should buy

>> No.17135531

Even though it's a bit early, you did the right thing.
Don't try to time the market, take profits incrementally.

>> No.17135534

Not everybody is meant to make it anon, simple as that

>> No.17135549

I know you’re a larping fsggot but if you hold LINK I hope you make it

>> No.17135560

ignorance is bliss

>> No.17135614

are soilads neurotypical?

>> No.17135653

>bought between 40 cents -> 60 cents -> 20 cents -> 40 cents over 13 months
>finally caved and sold at 1.23 to take profits
>tripled 1 month later
>bought back in at 3.50, 4, 3.5, 3, and 2.5
Feels bad being retarded

>> No.17135659
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I just got back into crypto beginning of January

>> No.17135673

Never gamble with link

>> No.17135698


in the current paradigm, yes.

>> No.17135706

they're (((neurotypical)))

>> No.17135741

Yes, tell me who's the real autist now

>> No.17135743

Never got into it because I never had any spare cash living pay check to pay check ... two kids, single dad life. I finally bought 200 link a week ako. Will never be enough to live off but would be good to get some nice Christmas presents for the kids in a year or two.

>> No.17135750

why purchase something that will implode? can anyone make a decent argument for the viability of chainlink over more established crypto like BTC and ETH?

>> No.17135756

thats 200k thurday next week mate.

>> No.17135761 [DELETED] 
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I wanna linger

>> No.17135770

I'm glad to see fine gentlemen like you reproducing. We need more poor people in this world don't we

>> No.17135774

nah I wont bother, maybe when it hits $30 ill explain it to you

>> No.17135781

every affluent man was once a pauper or the son of one.

>> No.17135822

There goes the whole thread.

>> No.17135829

your money is better off in microsoft and google

>> No.17135839

I get what you're saying but that's false 90% of the time. Most rich families are rich because of their intergenerational culture of longterm planning.

>> No.17135851
File: 73 KB, 739x837, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your money is better off in microsoft and google
anon i....

>> No.17135879

>swing with 30% means you lose 30%
He obviously only lost half the sats value of his swing stack.

>> No.17135945

based. if you're poor you shouldn't be having fucking children. or if you do at least kill them and yourself, as well as your wife. jesus christ

>> No.17135946

Own both retard.

>> No.17136000

only a hard core loser would type such non sense
bet you are a fat fuck, gross with little to no friends don't bother replying what a shitpost i got way better things to do
doubt you do

>> No.17136007

I own three houses in Melbourne, Australia... I never said I’m poor I just don’t have cash to throw around on coins because it all goes into mortgage. This is the problem with you self entitled poor people that you assume things to make yourself feel better. Good luck with your life.

>> No.17136155

1)Now you would have made profit if it goes back down to zero
2)learnt a lesson not to sell, you are not going to pick the top - you need to accept this fact

>> No.17136230

you havent figured out its a scam?

>> No.17136341
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>> No.17136600

yes actually I am anti link

>> No.17136646

linkspam kills this board. its like that jex coin. only for niggers who think oracle is some magic internet coed. its nothing. not even a cryptocurrency. lets talk stores of value and digital currency and stop spamming the board with chainlink

>> No.17136663

Been here since before the weird ico and never was interested, I’d sell while it’s up

>> No.17136675

Based chink

>> No.17136693

You linkies are really obsessive individuals.

>> No.17136883

It's not the top mate, you will be spending alot of money in comparison but it's no where the top yet

>> No.17137362


>> No.17137371

10,000 was always the suicide stack.

>> No.17137389


>> No.17137803

poorfag with 320 LINK

maybe for a suicide stack

>> No.17137924

lmao link is such a scam. the whitepaper is so poorly explained. they don't even mention how the link token is actually used within the network. the token isn't even mined or doesn't have POS implemented.

>> No.17137952

I'm loving that folks are carrying on the statueanon legacy, but for the love of god start selecting better preserved, better lit, more interesting pieces you fucking swine

>> No.17138018
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>> No.17138110
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>That's right goy, don't have kids unless you're a millionaire

>> No.17138153

how will you react when the government freezes your money and deems you a criminal for dealing with crypto at all
that goes out to all of you dumb faggots, enjoy losing all your money. you have gained nothing. enjoy prison.

>> No.17138177

Because it is a steady, low volume, long term exit scam. Sergey will draw you idiots out for years dumping a light but constant drizzle on your heads...

>> No.17138352


>> No.17138840

There are other gems in the space that will disrupt the sphere just as Chainlink did, i think wanchain backed Finnexus is one of them

>> No.17138881
File: 39 KB, 1222x149, Screen Shot 2019-06-23 at 6.10.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have pic related link

i dont even feel comfy,

i feel so bad for anyone with less than 10k . really

>> No.17138951
File: 2.41 MB, 1920x1080, 1572185492358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green ID w/ dubs
>Grey ID

LINK is the way

>> No.17139143

I sold at $4 and re-bought at $1.75, same with $3 -> $1.85. I just dumped half again and put everything else into UND.

will wait for $2.60 to re-enter link after UND 5x's.

>> No.17139148


>> No.17139157

I agree. They actually believe what they say.

>> No.17139177 [DELETED] 
File: 429 KB, 334x739, C189ACB8-D8F8-42BE-B51B-C38250B52170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 1m link

>> No.17139370
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>now, at the top?
>Link at 3.20

>> No.17139541

it's because we didnt buy that it pump
don't thank us you jerk

>> No.17139616

Nope, 1k suicide stack, 10k make it stack, 100k fuck you money stack. It has been like this forever.

>> No.17139657

lol nobody has ever gone to jail for crypto.
what are they gonna do, arrest the Winkevoss twins?

sorry you missed out.

>> No.17140013

I pay taxes on my crypto gains, I only traded a few times. The gov knows what I have.

>> No.17140050

This pic desu

>> No.17140072

Let him showcase how he's a newfag that came on board one year later.

>> No.17140103

i sold my ico bags at 33 cents so i refuse to buy back in

>> No.17140107


>> No.17140110

I made enough threads at 20 cents trying to spoon feed people. Fuck anybody who was too tarded to listen.

>> No.17140139

Got a gf instead of buying more link.
Now im stuck with 3.5k link.
Getting much more will be hard i can just buy 50usd - 200usd per month.

>> No.17140891
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You know the moment one whale sells his bag all you will be fucked right?

>> No.17141011

I missed these posts, can't wait to see these turn into pink wojaks again in a month


>> No.17141019

I thought sirgay was dumping 700k every day??

Lol, seething. Accept your were wrong and move on.

>> No.17141026

>Got a gf instead of buying more link.
I wouldn't mind this trade off desu

>> No.17141113

>Link: will make you rich
>Gf: will make you poor but she'll touch your peeper from time to time
>Prefers the gf

>> No.17141119

What's the point of being a rich unlovable loser

>> No.17141390

Any reason for the recent pumping or is it just the usual pumping for no reason?

>> No.17141403

>he needs money to be loved

>> No.17141867

That's my point retard. Money can't buy you love.

>> No.17141877

But it can buy you pussy

>> No.17141881


>> No.17141888

That too

>> No.17142293

I was in LINK the last time this happened and sold a bit after it started dumping back down to <$2

This isnt gonna shoot up to $100, or $1000 or whatever, it'll go up to $5 MAX if that and start dumping again and people will start posting pink wojaks and how LINK was a scam and stupid shit like that

Don't get caught up in the feelings of euphoria autismo

>> No.17142593

Never chase a pump

>> No.17142728

imagine going all in

i've got a bag of UND too but I hope you still got some linkies left

>> No.17142767

Lol if all i wanted was to stick my dick in a vagina cum and leave I could do that right now too anon.

>> No.17142814

But you won't because the price of it isn't valued around pennies in your present financial situation. If you were a millionaire, this would be like buying a bag of candy.
Also one of the biggest redpills is that the need to be loved and validated by others only means you neither love nor validate yourself.
Do note that you can be an utter piece of shit and still come to terms with it and start to love and validate yourself. This will remove the need for external attention.

>> No.17142859

I put my money into 20 - 50x coins instead. Thinking of buying some link now tho.

>> No.17142918

I have enough money to splurge on escorts if I wanted to. I think its pathetic and would be my last resort. You are very right on the self love part. I dont love myself. I feel I'm an ugly piece of shit with 0 self esteem. Ive fucked up the few chances i had to experiment with girls that have shown some interest in me but whenever they do that I go into full autist mode and start ignoring them. I hate myself. I wish I could experience having a girlfriend and feel what its like to love and be loved. Sucks being a fucking loser.

>> No.17143062

>literally hundreds of scams shilled over the years
>one grows 10x by random chance
>"why didn't you buy <this particular scam>?"
The greatest link larper assblaster called REQ and OMG fucking BLUECHIPS and linkies agreed with him

>> No.17143132

Try to develop an interest for something really really niche, but that would further human knowledge. For example, it's pretty simple if you have interest in foreign cultures or even better a specific foreign culture
Being a western expert in whatever culinary traditions of a very specific region of the world, or a dialect, or a theatre form, or a musical genre, or a poetry genre etc etc just as long as there are very few people studying it from abroad you will feel validated by the simple fact that you're an expert in some very niche domain, and that this expertise is really worthwhile because it doesn't originate from the culture of origin of this domain.
Notice how those kind of experts are always happily autistic?

>> No.17143227

This. Not sure about ARPA, but unfortunately if you are a poor fag you need to do gambling on shit coins. Exit them with 100-300% gains. If you get too greedy they can severely dump and screw you over at any time (e.g CHX)

>> No.17143291

You have such a comfy stack you can easily make it as long as you aren’t too retarded like that again.

Make a better plan. Maybe sell 10% when at $10, another 10% at $25 then $50, $100, $250, $500, then 30% at a $1,000 and hold 10% forever and only sell when each link is worth a billion

>> No.17143319

Eh you got weak hands. You are never going to make it. The moment link is $10 you will sell everything again

>> No.17143351

Most linkies had subhuman IQ so I didn't trust it. I picked up 1k around $2 because I realized $1k LINK is FUD

>> No.17143382
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I got some for pic related

>> No.17143389
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I'm actually waiting for that beautiful moment, is ALWAYS the same every year