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17129467 No.17129467 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17129503

Bitcoin's Satoshi isn't craig wright Very obviously

>> No.17129557
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he will start shilling bsv after the conference
screencap this

>> No.17129566

Based Jimbo

>> No.17129578

Wikipedia is for kikes

>> No.17129589

Holy fucking shit ahahahahahahahaahah

>> No.17129590

jimmy and craig will prostate orgasm him to the dark side

>> No.17129599

How does it feel to be deluded as fuck and live in a fantasy land? I honestly don’t know what goes through the brains of people for then to believe a project that has every red flag in the book pointing this to being a scam

>> No.17129610

like who even gives a fuck all i read is yada yada yada yada yada

>> No.17129611

guy is a straight retard. who said anything about articles only being accessed by the highest bidders? he clearly has zero idea about how the metanet will work.

>> No.17129638

Read the first tweet again, creg.

>> No.17129667
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>> No.17129671

>c-consider my donations cancelled!!
lmfao what a buttblasted bitchbaby making emptyass "threats" like that

>> No.17129675
File: 163 KB, 910x503, Mr.Satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i listen to greg's sockpuppet accounts and fake fud
well anon i did my own research and came to my own conclusions
my sister works at nchain and earns a real salary and nchain is a registered company in london
soo...literally not a scam, maybe if it was registered in the caymans like some shitcoins, then i'd be more skeptical.

>> No.17129677

She did numbnuts. He is refusing to pay editors for content regardless of currency. Rose suggesting that article writers could receive micropayments of BSV would quite literally be paying people for content.

His stance on the issue has nothing to do with BSV. Fucking retards on this board need to spoonfed everything. Do you need someone to tie your shoes for you before you start your day honey?

>> No.17129727

>guy is a straight retard.
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. nothing of value. wikipedia will NEVER use. STIFF

>> No.17129760

on the other hand though:
>agrees to be keynote speaker at BSV coingeek
>shocked when people see this as an endorsement
>no no no not an endorsement I'm going to SHIT on BSV actually, Wikipedia wouldn't ever use it

if it was anyone else except BSV I would say he's kind of acting like a cunt but because it is BSV I'm going to say he's BASED and REDPILLED. the people in charge of organizing BSV events though... just... maybe start asking your keynote speakers if they are planning on shitting on your product rather than assuming they like it

>> No.17129798

sir i will have you to ask you to delete this sir

sir kindly delete

sir please dont are letting things get out of hand or you there will be consequence

>> No.17129844

As if brainlets like that have ever donated to a greater cause anyway. their parents don’t give them that big of an allowance.

>> No.17129902

i dont see anything about the highest bidder greg

>> No.17129910

and still no mention of a highest bidder.... lame effort

>> No.17129913

I'm going to unironically donate $100 to Wiki. Fucking based.

>> No.17129931


He will look like a fool publically. Bullish news

>> No.17129947

As if this would make any difference long term LOL.

>> No.17129958

I know a lot in here don’t want anyone to succeed and that we all pretend we’re not the crabs in a bucket but look guys. We’re in a boom and this bull run I have already made more than the last by being a little more smart. You may not believe me because I’m a random anon but I started here in Dec 2018 and learned how this board functions. Please, if you have not looked into ARPA, do so. Nobody is talking about it on this board for a reason. They want you to by link because they have accumulated. They are accumulating ARPA on this board. Goodluck guys.

>> No.17130002

BSV shills are gonna get raped

>> No.17130126

If you can't extrapolate anything from obvious context and a minute amount of critical thinking...

>> No.17130175

>chain is a registered company in london
>soo...literally not a scam, maybe if it was registered in the caymans like some shitcoins
lmao - and who, exactly, are the totally not-offshore owners of this fine English establishment, pray tell?

>> No.17130208

>maybe start asking your keynote speakers if they are planning on shitting on your product
tbf, who else they gonna get to shill for this shitcircus? I hear the cregs sister is good for a few lines and public display of her assets, if the lineups running a bit light.

>> No.17130221
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Thankfully this will finally be the end of BitCoin and Craig Wright

>> No.17130275
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