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17129134 No.17129134 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to Tulip Trust?

>> No.17129160
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It was james bonded by a courrier who happens to be britains top lawyer, he just works a little fedex on the side

>> No.17129213

This, the courier was Craigs lawyer. He obviously knew 10 years ago that the bonded courier will also be his lawyer in the future. how convenient

>> No.17129342

What do you mean what happened?

>> No.17129351

Craig should have received Satoshi key right?

>> No.17129388

ok autistic responsr

craig says the bonded courier arrived and gave him the keys.
he cant say anything about the courier because he is also an attorney, which protects him by law.
anyway the whole lawsuit wasnt about private keys but the private keys which he delievered and sealed from public because privacy.

>> No.17129394

It never existed. Craig has been lying to everyone for years and perjured himself multiple times. He's going to jail soon and BSV will evaporate overnight

>> No.17129407

holy shit someone on here actually bought it

>> No.17129425

The tulip trust is composed of many trustees to which information reveals itself over time. Craig set up this trust because he had millions now worth billions in a new kind of asset (bitcoin), from which he tried to protect himself from, in the risk of his identity (Satoshi) becoming apparent. This way, no one could force him to move Bitcoins, which is actually very smart.
Does he currently have access to all of his Bitcoin? You will never know for sure.
Does he have access to a lot of fucking Bitcoins? Probably.
Now that silkroad and such has been taken down (He was a major factor in this), we are seeing him coming out publicly as Satoshi, because he has no other options if he want to change the world in the way he thought he would. He probably underestimated how much he would have educated people and companies about his tech. He probably didn't think he would have to do this himself, but after the fucking shitshow that spawned after his creation (the whole crypto scam market and drugs market and core and the whole craig is a scammer campaign when he literally is Jesus of the 21st century), he simply has no choice now.
BTC losing it's ticker and name, same for BCH. BSV at 3-6k. Enterprise adoption. Bank adoption. It's all starting this year.

>> No.17129437

LOL sure buddy, you think that.

>> No.17129439



>> No.17129452

Listen to this man, couldn't said better

>> No.17129479

$1200 eoy

Err $12,000

>> No.17129484

i just recapped
this year? then next year. then the year after next yeat and so on

>> No.17129485
File: 29 KB, 602x318, D3FF5A48-2CF7-45FC-9D48-CFA91F8A97CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say tulips?

>> No.17129513

he really isn't worried about the risk of him being satoshi becoming apparent in that he has consistently claimed it, directly and indirectly, without proof, often to massive media organisations.

>> No.17129529

Either pajeet or retard level IQ, hope it’s the former

>> No.17129742


>> No.17129767

Listen to the wind blow
>from fat cregs arse
Listen to the water drop
>ohno, its yet more piss

>> No.17130488

You know this has been unfolding over a period of 10 years right?

>> No.17130823

choose one:

>tulip trust is real
>craig signed with the genesis block key in front of Gavin

those two can't be true at the same time
but they can be both false

>> No.17130832


>> No.17130882
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>he cant say anything about the courier because he is also an attorney, which protects him by law.


>> No.17130883

based retard

>> No.17130897

You have a very narrow perspective if you think those two events are mutually exclusive.

>> No.17131801


>> No.17131878

june 18 you will see sirs

>> No.17131896

The first 70 blocks, including the Genesis block, are not locked in a trust.

>> No.17131903

February 29th. There's a reason we got an extra day this month. Check em

>> No.17132456
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you mean the reward addresses, you can't lock a 'block'
if they were not locked where is the signature
they are
and both these events are false

>craig does not have the private keys to 1A1z
>craig does not have the private keys to https://web.archive.org/web/20110228054007/http://www.bitcoin.org/Satoshi_Nakamoto.asc
>craig showed an old public signature to gavin
>tulip trust isn't real

>> No.17132627

That's only 3500 bitcoins. Hal was mining too. The difficulty was 1. Craig had nothing to do with creating Bitcoin.

What are the chances that a Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto not just in the same country or county, but in the same town as Hal Finney. Both were involved in programming. You can't make that up.

BSV is just like Super Bitcoin, Bitcoin Diamond, Bitcoin Gold. A fork of the original protocol. But But muh whitepaper. BTC isn't peer to peer cash. You know that designs are subject to change. Bitcoin 0.1 was upgraded and changed many of times over the course of time that Satoshi was still active in developing it. Yeah there's issues with a small block size and capabilities of segwit. blah blah blah. Nobody gives a shit because no one uses bitcoin as p2p cash. It's digital gold. There's second layers that can handle scaling. Lightning network isnt the be all end all of second layers used to scale bitcoin. It can be another one that anyone can come along and make right now.

It's not Craig's tech either dipshit. The work put into making bitcoin started many years ago when Craig was still in diapers. One thing led to another and the pieces were put together from a variety of competent programmers, mathematicians, and economic experts.Wei Dai's B-Money and Nick Szabo's Bitgold were precursors. Where the fuck is Craig Wright in this? He isn't.

Craig is actively trying to claim what isn't his because he can and has the wherewithall to do it. I'd say his diplomas are real, but that doesn't mean he can code or that he comprised all the elements together needed to make Bitcoin. Get the fuck over yourselves.

>> No.17132803
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lmao at both of you, sincerely.