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17126669 No.17126669 [Reply] [Original]

it keeps bouncing up and down when will it finally moon to $10,000 Im sick of holding this shit! why wont craig sign the keys and pump it to andromeda?

>> No.17126712

The founder is a fucking liar. What did you expect numbnuts?

>> No.17126717


>> No.17126763

Because he doesn't have them fucking mongoloid. Kill yourself.

>> No.17126764

frens I just want to quit my job Im so tired of waging pls /biz/ told me this is the real bitcoin and will make me rich how much longer do I have to wait?

>> No.17126827

>why wont craig sign the keys and pump it to andromeda?

Because it's a scam.

>> No.17126838

he doesn't want to make you rich, he does want you to build on bitcoin

>> No.17126844

You don't deserve the inevitable moon, desperate reverse psychology fudder. Just sell your bags please

>> No.17126845

You actually bought this shitcoin? Rofl. You deserve to lose everything. BSV fork of a fork centralized shitcoin! hahahahaha!

>> No.17126859

just buy KLEROS and you will be fine you fck gaylord

>> No.17126864

i don't want to build on his faux bitcoin with nonexistent infrastructure and dev tools tho. i'm having a hard enough time building on established platforms with mature frameworks.

>> No.17126889

then you must sell and buy BTC

>> No.17126922

i'm just saying this as an actual dev: the building meme is retarded. also bitcoin is clearly defined and has to follow the nakamoto consensus. bch didn't and sv didn't even follow bch consensus. minority forked twice means forever doomed to be a p&d shitcoin.

>> No.17126949

you're a shit dev
bsv is god tier for building

>> No.17126957

it's literally not. i have been a dev for 30 years now. i have done a lot of shit over this time, but never seen anything as worthless yet overhyped as the sv chain.

>> No.17126972
File: 118 KB, 1854x331, setinstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is a protocol dont like itp dont use it. You should never change protocol.

>> No.17126981

>i've had the opportunity to learn for 30 years and i'm still shit
the next 30 are gonna feel really long

>> No.17126982

>Bitcoin is a protocol
it's not just a protocol if it was only a whitepaper or a protocol litecoin would be bitcoin. but it's obviously not. bitcoin is consensus a very specific consensus started by satoshi nakamoto and only still going on on he btc chain which is thus the real bitcoin.

>> No.17127030
File: 59 KB, 600x900, Satoshi-Nakamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worried about your sidechain scam patent greggy?

>> No.17127031

there is literally nothing in my projects i could possibly use a blockchain for even if it was free and fast and ideal in every regard which no chain is. audit trails maybe but there are quiet a few problems with service availability and transaction integrity and stuff which makes it impossible to write them real time to a public blockchain.

the entire idea of enterprise ever using sv for anything is wholly retarded. i have worked industrial automation the past 20 years for big pharma and car manufacturers. you deluded mongrels are absolutely hilarious.

>> No.17127043

>i don't have a use for it so nobody else does
thanks for sharing bro

>> No.17127053

stable protocol is good or bad for devs??

>> No.17127056

i meant over the years about 50 projects i have participated in had no use for it. absolutely none. you will see no adoption aside from circlejerk projects like pushing unverifiable weather data on chain for pennies.

>> No.17127066

dunno what you mean m8 are we talking about layer 1 harforks here?

>> No.17127085

We are talking about stable protocols generally

>> No.17127095

yeah but you can only change the protocol with a hardfork. so that makes btc the most stable protocol the past years... so what are we talking about?

>> No.17127134

pretty shit argument desu
btc is used for storing tx of btc moving from wallets and exchanges
is that useful?
bsv is currently storing what people post on twetch for one example, among other many things. as well as what btc is currently "used for"

>> No.17127159

Data is only data. For miners it's doesn't matter if its weather data or payment data.

"The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime. Because of that, I wanted to design it to support every possible transaction type I could think of" SN

>> No.17127485

fren I would respect your opinion if you discredit ALL of crypto and blockchain. but if you say BSV is useless and think highly of any other shitcoin you have discredited yourself desu

>> No.17127542

What the fuck is ITP? You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.17127700

>is that useful?
storing and transacting value in a trustless permisisonless yet secure manner?
yeah pretty fucking useful. also no existing technology could do that before bitcoin. it's an actual innovation.

most shitcoins are utterly worthless and pointless just less irritating than sv cucks in the shilling department. for some reason not even linkies are as annoying as sv cucks.

as for the main talking point in sv the metanet and global store of everything that's what i'm talking about when i say it's totally bullshit and worthless.

there are better ways to do what sv tries to do not that anyone has a need for it at all.

you could peg a merge mined sidechain (or a bunch of them) to bitcoin and store magnet uris to torrents on them that makes the content immutable without making it a global burden (especially the storing and streaming) or impacting bitcoin at all.

>> No.17127710

also when a utility coin/token has to have it's own price discovery, you just know it's a fucking scam.

>> No.17127744


Blockstream is currently and always changing the protocol.

>> No.17127888

Man wikipedia dude ripped bsv a new asshole. Hahahaha.

>> No.17128305
File: 97 KB, 1242x699, maxresdefault-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before the halving obviously he said so already
Wrong, segwit broke the protocol. BTC cannot ever lay claim to being *the original Bitcoin* since
Wikipedia is the most heavily engineered source of information on the internet and Jimmy Wales is a faggot

>> No.17128334
File: 7 KB, 480x360, twetch_twembed1578171966989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will surely be the end of BitCoin and Craig Wright

>> No.17128408
File: 2.69 MB, 2480x4134, 1558027792848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I''m not gonna build shit and if creg wants BSV to take off he has not choice but to make neets rich.

>> No.17128511
File: 232 KB, 1166x772, 1561723959717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>is that useful?
>storing and transacting value in a trustless permisisonless yet secure manner?
>yeah pretty fucking useful. also no existing technology could do that before bitcoin. it's an actual innovation.
bsv does the exact same thing, yet cheaper.
AND IT DOES MORE because opcodes

>> No.17128519

I love you dedication

>> No.17128763

this is the right time to do it diversify your portfolio, I recommend Tachyon Protocol #buyandHodl

>> No.17128997

don't be stupid m8

>> No.17129011

I'm beginning to think that BSV is a shitcoin.

>> No.17129014

>Wrong, segwit broke the protocol.
you have no idea what the protocol is apparently. segwit as a soft fork is a stricter ruleset thus can't change the protocol. fully backwards compatible fork.
>bsv does the exact same thing
no it doesn't since it's a minority hash shitfork it's neither secure nor trustless and not even permissionless as it's pretty fucking centralized.

>> No.17129201

Why would i build on something that won't make me rich?

>> No.17129238

why are you posting screenshots of an active forum
you understand that the people who had accounts there still have them to this day, right?
satoshi, whoever he is, can just log back in and do whatever the fuck he wants, because he's the admin, right?

>> No.17129263

OPcodes fuck up the utxo and clog the chain
the funny thing is that since you are heading to a centralized server farm, the moment somebody uploads bad content to your chain, it can actually be brought down

they won't ask for re-arrangement, gov will just put it down for good
you are shooting yourself without even knowing how

>> No.17129293
File: 72 KB, 768x1024, 1570510498632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no it doesn't since it's a minority hash shitfork it's neither secure nor trustless and not even permissionless as it's pretty fucking centralized.
BORING, guess we have different definitions of centralized
but there is more than one node/miner pool on bsv
cope harder faggot
see you when the price flips and btc miners go bankrupt in may

>> No.17129361

>segwit as a soft fork is a stricter ruleset thus can't change the protocol

>> No.17129422

>someone uploaded cp to facebook
>lets shut it down and confiscate all the servers
not how it works

>> No.17129732

Hahahahahahahahah rekt

>> No.17129966


Sell and GTFO. You failed the test