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17126618 No.17126618 [Reply] [Original]

>parents made me play sports instead of teaching me a 2nd language and the piano/violin
They doomed me to a life of low IQness fuck them

>> No.17126622

>blames parents for own shortcomings

>> No.17126641

after a certain age you can't learn a 2d language to native level or the violin to a professional level. So yeah it's their fault. They wasted my youth playing hockey and getting a concussion

>> No.17126676

you can do it yourself OP you don't have to blame your parents all of your life

>> No.17126691

>after a certain age you can't learn a 2d language to native level or the violin to a professional level.
the cope is strong, you're just a loser OP

>> No.17126721
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I think OP and the anons giving it to him hard in anus are both right. Parents have a massive influence on how you turn out and bear some responsibility. Of course it doesn't matter much beyond a certain point - it's your life and it's up to you what you do with it.

If I had to come up with a faggy analogy, it's like parents do the qualifying lap to secure you a good place on the starting grid, but how the race turns out is up to you.

Pic related. Go make something of yourself OP.

>> No.17126735
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Started playing piano when i was 25, i'm 29 now and playing at a professional leveling. it requires you to practise a hour - two hours a day for a couple years, Turn off your pathetic cope mechanism and start working your ass of.

>> No.17126742

I want to be a violinist

>> No.17126746

then go and buy a violin

>> No.17126770

I started playing when I was 20 because I liked an anime called Whisper of the Heart. I'm not a pro but I've played fiddle at open mics and bluegrass nights.

What is your excuse?

>> No.17126775
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Pretty much the same skill requirement. And i'm sure you will be good at it because it requires you to wrap your hand around the violin wooden neck, which i'm sure you know how to do by the way the hand is position around your dick when jerking it.

Now get em tiger!

>> No.17126834

being right handed but jerking off with left is a significant advantage to violin play?

>> No.17126843

I'd slap the shit out of you if you were here in front of me right now

>> No.17126851

That's not true, brain plasticity is real and anyone at any age can learn anything barring crippling intellectual disability. By the way you type I can tell you're not sub 80iq so work harder if you want something.

>> No.17127073
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>> No.17127593

You played hockey you're probably rich too shut up
My dad forced me to play football with school's rental equipment and I didn't even know the rules of football it was dumb as shit

>> No.17127605

Because your parents wanted you to be a man, not metrosexual eurotrash.

>> No.17127906
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My parents didn't care enough to push me towards anything

>> No.17127933

>You can't learn a language past a certain age
I learned my English through video games starting at age 12. I started speaking it at age 15. Now I am 21 and it takes people a few hours of hearing me until they figure out that I am a frog. It's not easy, you have to imitate the accent of Americans for multiple years but eventually you actually reproduce it. Just like children imitate when they start to learn so should you do it.

>> No.17129010

you'll never get the accent down but you can learn to read and write a second language at a native level well into adulthood, Joseph Conrad was in his 20s when he learned English

>> No.17129253 [DELETED] 


>> No.17129335


ur genuienly worthless and low iq and therefore fine with mediocricy. great souls like OP are eithervworld class at something, or won't do it at all. parents can really destroy a genius' life, but you'll never have the mental capability to understand.

>> No.17129444

Hello, cope departmemt? I'd like to file a complaint.

>> No.17129518

Meanwhile I had to play the piano/clarinet. I liked the piano, but the clarinet I didn't care about that much. Never practiced and just went through the motion on it. Looking back I sometimes wish I had taken a sport instead of band.

>> No.17129565

No offense but by the way you write it's pretty noticeable you are not a native english speaker

>> No.17129674


Writing too good, not enough grammatical errors or incomprehensible sentences, clearly not an American.

>> No.17129749

You can do both retard

>> No.17130312


yeah maybe they can't tell ur french, cuz most of the french have a specific, very noticable accent, but they can definitely tell you're not an english native.

>> No.17130443

Howd you know he is french

>> No.17130574

Same here. I just dont get it. They made me play fucking soccer even if theres no future in it in my town kek.

If you teach a kid languages (including musical language) before 9 they will have an easy life than most peasants.

You can teach a kid absolute pitch for example. Thats an skill that not a lot of people have and can open you a lot of doors.

>> No.17130611

do shrooms with the intention of learning mindset, you will realize on the trip that you can do it no matter what, thank me later

>> No.17130613

You cannot play at a professional level in 4 years only playing 2 hours at day.

>> No.17130734

Imagine complaining about having parents that actually gave a shit about your extracurriculars. You're definitely white

>> No.17130830

I'm so tired of seeing these chinese gore/rekt vids everywhere.

>> No.17130876

He said he was French, retard.

>> No.17131649

>geniuses refuse to learn new things as they get older because it's a waste of time learning anything if you're not a child with 100% brain plasticity
seems legit, thank goodness my parents taught me literally everything before I was 8 so I can be the true genius I was meant to be.

>> No.17131696

I'd start with more contractions to make your English read more naturally.
>now I am
>before they figure out I am a frog
both of these could be I'm
And in your last sentence, the "like" could be "as" and the "do it" is redundant; "just as children imitate when they start to learn, so should you." is an excellent sentence.

>> No.17131949

Faggot defeatist. Sports probably left you better off since you’re clearly too retarded to learn anything. You’re parents saw at least some potential in you

>> No.17131970

OP, you are a turboretard. Any adult can become fluent within 6 months in any language, given they know how to learn.

Instruments are also very learnable. What you lack in the neuroplasticity you had when you were a child you can make up with discipline and a methodical approach to learning.

And exercise is very important as well. Retard.

>> No.17131981

What >>17130613 said. This guy is larping or a genius

>> No.17131998

Gauss was in his 60s learning russian

Im sure you can learn japanese in your 20s/30s anon. Just put in the effort.

>> No.17132003

Over 4 years, that's around 2800 hours.
I used to play the piano and the accordion and I got good with faaaarrr less practice than that.

>> No.17132017

You were not a professional. The thing about music is that you don’t know how bad you suck until someone points it out to you.

In four years if you could play Chopin’s first ballade well enough to impress Zimmerman, then I’d suck your dick.

>> No.17132033
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This is wrong.

I've taken to learning Russian and the piano in adulthood.

>> No.17132046
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Funny, my parents send me to play an instruments and learn a language and I told them to fuck off and played videogames instead.
Then after University went abroad, learn the language myself and I do music on FL studio and a midi keyboard.

>> No.17132069

I speak Meridional and Quebec French.

I'd be able to tell.

>> No.17132308

lol. i know a guy who started violin at 50 and went pro at 66. stop coping, stop worrying about your age or trying to literally be the next Paganini and just fucking start.

>> No.17132324

>thinks playing sports is a waste of time
spotted the low T faggot. your dad should just pay for your operation now

>> No.17132811

Who gives a shit retards, you learn English, not Murricanish, or even worse that thing they speak in bongland.