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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17124040 No.17124040 [Reply] [Original]

I sold my Link at $2.79

>> No.17124053

I was going to buy some at $2.79 and I'm still waiting on coinbase to send the 2 deposits to my fucking bank account to verify it.

>> No.17124056


>> No.17124111

Eh. You were never going to make it if you had such weak hands. If you held on you’d be selling now and then complaining that it’s at $5

>> No.17124128

Why would anyone sell link at these shit prices? $10 I MIGHT take a lil profits for a fun night in vegas

>> No.17124130


>> No.17124136

wait were you the one who made that thread earlier?
> sell at 2.79 and back back lower, trust me.

>> No.17125115


>> No.17125129

Sone retard on here told me to buy zcash so i bought a zcash at 60usd with link at 2.79
I feel your pain

>> No.17125137

i sold at 2.29
im currently jobless and applying for jobs like mad hoping i can earn enough to buy back my stack.

>> No.17125145

>Some retard on here told me to buy zcash
>so i bought a zcash
and he's the retard ?

>> No.17125152
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>> No.17125155

Kek, you can buy BTC instant from bank with cashapp with lower fees . Coinbase is.cashing in hard in Reddit crypto fomo

>> No.17125181
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>> No.17125245

Fucking why?! It's not even worth the miniscule returns at that rate.

>> No.17125328
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This isn't funny assholes, I'm tired and I feel physically ill.
Should I fomo back in or not? What coin will guarantee me a x100?

>> No.17125335

why would you do that?

>> No.17125341


>> No.17125342

Same. Deposit is approved literally tomorrow.

>> No.17125343

no one can save a literal retard. im sorry.

>> No.17125378
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I make the world go 'round, I make it squirm, I make it scream.
Clean and Pristine.
Sleek and Unique.
I dreamt a dream.
If I could never run or eat again, I'd be happy with my body.
If I could see people naked, I'd want them all to see me watching.
If I could make people happy, I'd do it right.
The moon and the sky, filled with rainbows and little ants, falling all over everyone, tangled up in their hair, and falling into their plaid shirts.

>> No.17125424

this desu

>> No.17125431

>I sold my Link
lmao ngmi

>> No.17125441

Bought a bit of Link but last month, but it was the end of the month and I'm a poor fag so not much. Is it worth buy in big now or should i wait for a dump?

>> No.17125443
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>> No.17125453

It's gonna be dumping

>> No.17125457

Same thing happened to me during the mainnet pump to $1.30

>> No.17125462

imagine Reading and Selling LINK

>> No.17125464
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>sold at 2.90

>> No.17125469

I sold most at 60 cents back in 2017
Feels bad

>> No.17125483

Its ok, there will be a short dip coming soon then back onto the moonshot

>> No.17125499

I fucking hate how chainlink is shilled. It’s all coordinated. FUCK YOU JIDF FAGGOTS

>> No.17125509
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>> No.17125516

This. Had a comfy 200k stack sold the vast majority under $1 I feel retarded every single day. Will never sell another stinker.

>> No.17125532
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Same, never selling again

>> No.17125575

>bought at 0.3
>sold at 3.6
>re-bought at 1.9

>poorfag who cannot afford to lose it all
>never actually went all in
>not even 2.5k profits when selling the first time
>even now only hold 500 linkies

>> No.17125593
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You know, "giving a handjob" is definitely not a little person's idea of a good time, but you want a nice girl who could give a handjob while listening to "The Muppets Theme Song" but you are afraid she would walk out on you.
And so, what can you do? Like most women, we're afraid of rejection, and often times we don't even realize what our fears are. And so, we blame the frog. How dare the frog make our loins moist? That frog in our pants. That frog in our loins. That frog in our panties. That frog in our butt. That frog in my girlfriend.

Well, I can assure you that the frog has nothing to do with it.

>> No.17125630

Why would you sell your link? You won't have any link!

>> No.17125638

fuck yo jump off a bridge you wannabe penny pinching scalping jew fuck

>> No.17125685
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Sergey Nazarov's face looked at her. "Look...I can be anything you want me to be. I can fuck you like an animal, I can smoke weed with you, I can fuck your mom if you want, I can eat your face, I can even make a smart contract about it, just please don't leave me for loving big macs..."
"I'll leave you for Big Macs!!" Jaime said angrily.
"Why? Cause you're gay? Do you hate gay people? I bet you do."
"Don't fucking call me gay! Now go fuck yourself." Jaime said angrily.
"Come on girl, let's go, fuck...ah fuck...fuck...ah fuck...ah fuck...ah fuck...", Sergey replied, laughing.

>> No.17125738
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"Come on girl, let's go, fuck...ah fuck...fuck...ah fuck...ah fuck...ah fuck... I'm lovin' it!"*I snuck under my sheets and lay there, squirming about and panting like a dog on a hot-dogging binge.* "Ahah...fuck you're so hot!" grumbled sergey as he munched on a big mac while he looked at a poster of chainlink on his wall and continued his work on dominating the world of smart contracts

>> No.17125795

It will come back down

>> No.17126058

no sympathy
get fucked you clinical retard

>> No.17126122
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Rate OC

>> No.17126141
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Shit forgot to crop

>> No.17126221

You two are actually retarded - I scraped together a 10k suicide stack and NEVER selling

>> No.17126236

stay poor/10