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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17123825 No.17123825 [Reply] [Original]

Make me feel better about my 1500 linkies

>> No.17123831

you had over 2 years

>> No.17123839

I have zero linkies

>> No.17123843

that will be 1 billion dollars some day

>> No.17123851

youre priced out

>> No.17124026

how does 3 billion sound?

>> No.17124046

does 1.5 billion dollars sound good to you?

>> No.17124051

the $1500 passive income in 2026 will come in handy when you have two kids and a wife.

>> No.17124064

a month.

>> No.17124072

i only have 200. Didnt get into crypto until middle of last month.

>> No.17124103

Immagine you have had 1500 Etherium in 2017
You should just have strong hands and don't give it up to the impatience demon who is inside of you
It's along road (5 years) for you

>> No.17124122
File: 41 KB, 886x886, 1579388664383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1500 better than zero

>> No.17124131

You will make it.

>> No.17124132

I have 123. It's okay anon there are always people poorer than you

>> No.17124146

1300 here, we're fucked OP

>> No.17124147

this makes me feel better. t-thanks linklet

>> No.17124148
File: 490 KB, 680x644, EOhlTUqU4AALtJd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 100 linkies

>> No.17124164

how do you only have 100?

>> No.17124167

Hey fren. I have 1500 linkies as well. Welcome to retirement, let's make the most of it:)

>> No.17124169

at least you have some

>> No.17124186

>1500 linkies
That's $1.50 EOY

>> No.17124215

I'm poor and only work part time. I also have 3 Eth and 0.05 btc. Hopefully I'll be getting a full time job soon, should be able to throw a few thousand into crypto in the coming months

>> No.17124355

all in link dont diversify with such small amounts

>> No.17124364

You're still early to grab a decent stack of PNK.

>> No.17124383

i only have 1k link

>> No.17124394

All of you with less than 5k stacks are joking right?

>> No.17124407

I have 922 linkies.

>> No.17124477

I see where you're coming from, but I've already decided I want at least 10 eth, 0.10 btc and I'll try to get 1000 link

>> No.17124518
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1579518024484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only have 3142 LINK
10K truly is the real suicide stack

>> No.17124634

you had 63,072,000 seconds.

>> No.17124666

i have 740

>> No.17124673

You'll be fine lad.

>> No.17124682

Every single person with over 1000 LINK, who holds through the storms, will make it. There is no question if they will make it, it is simply a question of when. Larger holders will make it sooner, obviously. It's really not going to matter once the true value is revealed and LINK becomes the industry standard for smart contracts to interface with the real world and absolutely gargantuan sums of money.

If you know, you know.

>> No.17124683
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>will make it

>> No.17124688

you're going to feel less regret than someone with 3,000 LINK, when sergey starts off the next 700k dump session and it goes back below $1.5 again

>> No.17124808

A whopping 2.5k (2500) chainlink holder whale here. You can ask me anything.

>> No.17124852

<10 chads all smiles

>> No.17124882

no one owns that many

>> No.17124884

i only have 1,100 LINK...in my coinbase account. You had 2 years.

>> No.17124940
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>only 1k stinkies
If it ever moons to 1k the Swedish government will rape me with 30% taxes. fuck this country and fuck swedes