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17120127 No.17120127 [Reply] [Original]

When you beat a video game you stop playing.

What motivates people once they've made it?

>> No.17120133

it's an mmo not a single player game

>> No.17120136

you are not supposed to make it.

>> No.17120142

what possess people to post these ugly girls

>> No.17120145

you buy another one

>> No.17120146
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Making a beyoodiful garden to enjoy

>> No.17120150

is that a mobile-home? looks neat af, how much does one of these bad boys cost?

>> No.17120157

You realize the journey was the most fun.

>> No.17120159

You've have not made it until you can raise an army and conquer. Needless to say only very very few people ever made it.

>> No.17120230

When you beat a video game you unlock very hard mode, and when you beat that you unlock revengance mode, and when you beat that you replay all the stages until you have all S rank, and when you get that you unlock all the collectables, and when you get those you buy the Jetstream Sam and Blade Wolf DLCs and beat those. Git gud, faggot.

>> No.17120257

plz sir, how many camels for this nice looking live stock?
sir. I Will offer you 10 camels and my first born son

>> No.17120280


>> No.17120289
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>> No.17120300
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>How do you go about asking a female if she would let you eat her ass?

>> No.17120348

new game+

fucking casuals itt

>> No.17120421

Looks more like a tour bus

>> No.17120431

The post-game content is pretty fun.

>> No.17120454

That looks really comfy. How do I build one?

>> No.17120542
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Have you even played Dark souls?

>> No.17120554

>All day IPA

My nigga

>> No.17120698

Tough question. Have known some people that committed suicide after retiring. Need to always have something. I would go all in on in a hobby or a new project every year. Could even dedicate a year to helping at a children's cancer hospital.

>> No.17120713


>> No.17120721
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you looking at her face, faggot?

>> No.17120736

Yea, 4/10.

>> No.17120758
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>When you beat a video game you stop playing.
umm no sweetie

>> No.17120760

And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.

That man is my spirit animal!

>> No.17120784


>> No.17120805
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>> No.17120873

I don't think you "make it" permanently. Think of all the bands/musical artists who have "made it" by making a best selling album, this doesn't mean they'll stay at the top. They need to continue putting out quality work or their reputation declines/disappears

>> No.17121000


>> No.17121087

You beat game? Y u no beat game perfectly with no hit point loss, in hell mode, blindfolded, and one arm?

Asian father.jpg

>> No.17121161

Once you've made it you basically have unlimited creative freedom. Think of the level editor in games you mess around in after you finish. Get your pilots license and fly around in WW2 planes? Why not? Have houses built to your design spec? Sure, build a race track and zoom around in race cars? Absolutely. Travel to any location you like? Yup. Build a chemistry lab, hire a chemist and do some sick experiments? Hell ya. You can master any skill you like, learning from the best, you can build whatever you like, and go where ever you like. It's real freedom, not the freedom we think we have where we they allow us to put a check mark next to a name on a ballot.

>> No.17121239
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Easy just relax, maybe go fishing more frequently, act like the Boogaloo happened, just go off grid and stop caring about the outside world.

The way my life is going right now I project that I will officially make it between 3 to 6 years. While I enjoy my life I'm mentally exhausted and my life is like traversing a war zone without getting shot. I view making it like completing the mission successfully without being shot and dying and after which I just want to go sleep in for a while and rest up. After which I might be well rested to pursue something more ambitious, I might decide to make starting a family a priority, I might just tell the world to fuck off and basically become a drifter with an unlimited bank account. All I know is I'm tired of always being worried about something in the back ofy head and hopefully that will be eased one way or another.

This is turning into a rant but honestly I would probably be equally content if Corona-chan just kills off society for a while than I would with making it.

Pic related as ridiculous as it sounds is someone who has technically made it and just fucked off from society.

>> No.17121413

DLC duh. Buy SHOCK

>> No.17121422

If you don't spend all your money on stupid shit and have passive income coming in yes you have indeed made it. Keep inknd many actors rockstars and etc do not keep as much money as portrayed, they have to pay the record company, the venues, they have to suck off the radio stations and don't forget the Jews and the manager. After all is said and done, presuming you get fucked over by divorce, drugs or the legal system (getting that magic lawyer who can get you off for anything is fucking expensive) then and only then have you made it as a hollyweird celebrity.

>> No.17121554

If my wife sent me a 9 minute youtube video, I wouldn't watch it. If it was my best friend's dying request, I would still probably not watch it.

>> No.17121584

>Get your pilots license and fly around in WW2 planes
Unironically what I'd do. I'd fix up a P-51 and a Wildcat and find other billionaire nerds to have mock dogfights with, maybe with some kind of laser gun system to register if you've hit the other guy so they're "out". You could take your superyachts out to international waters and recreate naval air battles at their actual sites, it would be sick.

>> No.17121641

I'd love to dogfight you in a FW190 or even get together a crew to fire up an old Lancaster.

>> No.17121715

I'd go with a Corsair, but Wildcats were all the Navy had for early war battles like Midway, and they still had some flying through the end of it, so it would give the most flexibility for what battles I could recreate if I cared about historical accuracy. Depending on just how much money I had I would have more variety and better late war fighters if we were doing operations over Okinawa or something.

>> No.17121750

Most highly succesful and/or very wealthy people have bigger goals than simply having enough money to live a comfy life. That's what you (and OP) don't seem to get.

>> No.17121772

>New game+
>Unlock all achievements
>Speed runs
>Make tutorials to teach others

>> No.17121884

That depends on your definition of making it are. Are you defining "making it" as simply taking care of your finances to a level of high passive income and wealth or as fulfilling your true life goal?

>> No.17121892

>I beat the elite 4 guys, may as well delete my save file
Fucking idiot

>> No.17121939


>> No.17122243
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>tfw Kobe didn't beat the whole game

>> No.17122310

Checked and based

>> No.17122386

