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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17115213 No.17115213 [Reply] [Original]

this based man confirms Chainlink is vaporware, what else do you need?

>> No.17115236

Exactly, I'm gonna use towncrier and deco for my oracle not shitty chainlink

>> No.17115244
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>> No.17115281

>im busy learning skydiving
>oracle? Yes i heard about it, probably make an inside solution over the weekend

Imagine thinking trannycoin is not a scam

>> No.17115340

I listened in for two seconds. Long enough to hear him arguing for trusted data feeds from trusted node operators who run blockchain consensus. Turned it off immediately.

>> No.17115362
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Good interview with Andrew Dobson. Very smart mans.
TownCrier and Deco btfo out Chainlink very much.

>> No.17115699

Most of the interview is just
>reeee, the Tezos people are so mean to us. They come into every Reddit thread and talk bad about ADA.
Not exaggerating here, he literally said that.

>> No.17116301

he also said Chainlink was vaporware, what else do you need?

>> No.17116328

Both faggots

>> No.17116407

On what minute, anon?

>> No.17116456

hoskinson married a bird

>> No.17116471

Guy is so far up his own ass it's unbelievable kek

>> No.17116482


>> No.17116483

>not a programmer
>never been with a project to product delivery
>documented lying over and over again

Unbased, fuck chainlink though. Middleman services are not needed.

>> No.17117037

He said Chainlink is vaporware though, what else do you need?

>> No.17117053

only real post itt

>> No.17117081


Dude is cluless...wtf.-...

>> No.17117144

Except its complete wrong lelel

>> No.17117183

This fat neckbeard manlet says they are going to use "something called Town Crier, have you heard of them".
>he doesnt know

>> No.17117184

>Middleman services are not needed.
chainlink cuts out the middleman you fucking ape.

>> No.17117202
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>This fat neckbeard manlet says they are going to use "something called Town Crier, have you heard of them".

Relevant quote in full:

“…And then there’s a question of well, do you want this data feed to be public or do you want this data feed to also provide private information, and then also do you want to introduce more sophisticated cryptography or hardware, maybe you’ve heard of Town Crier, came out of Cornell … (it uses) Intel SGX to scrape information so you’re using trusted hardware for it.

We haven’t really solidified what our final oracle solution is gonna be; obviously the Cardano Foundation looks for partnerships everywhere. We’ll probably make some deals to get integrated to these types of frameworks, but we’ll probably build - like we’re doing with identity(?) and prism(?) - a native oracle solution that’s tightly coupled with Cardano and pull something in. And there’s some cool tech that we’ve been looking at like DECO and some other things, there’s a lot of great papers floating around that should be fun to implement and it’d be fun to create a token for them and pull them into Cardano”

He doesn't realise that DECO and Town Crier is Chainlink - and by the looks of it he thinks that he can cut a deal and create a DECO token on Cardano kek.

>> No.17117324

I think what he implied is what most of us already knew about Chainlink: Token not needed

>> No.17117335

Hoskinson, founder of literal vaporware, calls Chainlink vaporware
>we'll use Town Crier for our oracles

>> No.17117342
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>based man
Egomaniac cuck more like it.

>> No.17117573

He implied making an oracle token for TownCrier and Deco, not realizing Chainlink is exactly that and already exists.
You're a very dimwitted person.

>> No.17117611
File: 18 KB, 620x250, BB52E877-DEF8-4BD4-B533-BE6F58413D2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good my fellow chainlink holder! Now spread the word! $1000 EOY and having sex with traps or fantasizing about trap penis isn't gay

>> No.17117886

Hoskinson is so myopic and stuck up his own ass that he doesn't realize that the white-papers he wanks over are literally in production right now and/or ready for release and use by major industries. He should spend less time riding camels in the desert on ADA bagholders dime and more time building.

>> No.17117914


This guy could be worth 10B and still couldn't get a decent 6/10 to care even the slightest about him.

>> No.17117926

cardano is using town crier.. what a dumbass.

>> No.17117928

>he doesn't realize that the white-papers he wanks over are literally in production right now and/or ready for release and use by major industries.
Not to mention directly tied to Chainlink.

He's saying "Chainlink is shit, use TownCrier and Deco instead". lmao
The exact same shit happened with iexec, and they ended up explicitly partnering with Chainlink.
Goes to show how fucking early we really are.

>> No.17118159

Like an atomic clock
Buy my course goy

>> No.17118182
File: 67 KB, 320x512, Sergey Chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes to show how fucking early we really are.

Also goes to show how shrewd, calculating and deliberate Sergey et al have been from the very beginning to cover all the bases - TEE's, Mixicles, DECO, bagging a SWIFT partnership so early on... Oracles are a chess tournament and all of Chainlink's opponents are playing Sergey's game and he won the fucking prize before he even sat down at the table. It really is use Chainlink or get left behind, because Chainlink is the standard.

>> No.17118189

>use TownCrier and Deco instead
Aren't they both owned by Chainlink?

>> No.17118252

Yes, that's the hilarious part.

Sergey has been extremely clever about the whole thing.
Even starting with how he acquired the smartcontract(s) dot com domains.
Sergey already mated all comers, and they're still moving their pieces around completely oblivious.

>> No.17118266

Only reason anybody cares about this faggot is because his shitcoin mooned so violently and managed to somehow stay at the top 20 with all its promises and "academics" and what not. Basically he and his team were working on their own thing, the mania made their shitcoin bull and they took that opportunity to larp shit up to stay relevant and keep normies in.

>> No.17118302

chainlink acquired town crier years ago
Charles is the biggest faggot in crypto

>> No.17118397

He is a egomaniac scamartist, not an idiot. He built the 'Ethereum killer' scam ADA and he is setting up a 'Chainlink killer as implied by the "Town Crier with a Token" nonsense.

>> No.17118413

No you fucking ape it's a middleman service for existing middlemen with its own proprietary token.

Literally shit for retards. So is ADA though,

>> No.17118506

>No you fucking ape it's a middleman service for existing middlemen with its own proprietary token.

You had two years nigga. If you don't get it by now you'll never get it, literally priced out by your subhuman IQ LMAO.

>> No.17118558

No, he implied the token is not needed, i.e. they will build their own, copying whatever tech they need and never use the useless vaporware Chainlink token.

>> No.17118700
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>dunning kruger 'programmer' and estrogen filled travel blogger don't understand chainlink

Colour me surprised

Ivans Channel is literally JR Business tier

>> No.17118769

>he implied the token is not needed
lmao, he was talking about making a token for TownCrier and Deco functionality you absolute tard. He literally does say it's needed.
Except such a token already exists: Chainlink.

>> No.17118785

So chainlink is worth ir or not?

>> No.17118850

Not worth do not buy. Biz is a scam community full of Jews. They want you to buy Link so they can dump on you.

I have a Jew friend and he says the plan is to dump to $0 after reaching $4.00 again

>> No.17118866

Lol ty

>> No.17118874

kek, as if you have friends

>> No.17119046
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>> No.17119088

I have seen your future and you will rope

>> No.17119101

>ywn be as rich as this nigga

>> No.17119154

This took me by surprise that a CEO of a blockchain ecosystem has no clue who the players are in regards to oracles. is /biz/ just this early that even those that are building in the blockchain domain have no clue of the importance of chain link?

>> No.17119224


>> No.17119228

>This took me by surprise that a CEO of a blockchain ecosystem has no clue
Exact same thing happened to iexec's ceo; he also had no clue Chainlink owned TownCrier.
He also didn't know Oraclize had announced they were integrating Chainlink, he thought they were still competitors.

In the end, iexec ended up integrating Chainlink last week lol.

> is /biz/ just this early that even those that are building in the blockchain domain have no clue of the importance of chain link?
Absolutely yes.
All those devs are operating from within relative bubbles and echo chambers; while /biz/ is an absolute blender where everything from the biggest players to the smallest fry get thrown into the middle of the shitstorm and only the absolute cream of the crop rises to the top.

>> No.17119244

Yes, indeed!
100% Free json parser for any kind of texts(not only smart contracts) already exists.

>> No.17119292

we are sending it to mars, coinbase will happen with the shelley release in less than a month.. it's our time, CardanoCHADS!