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17098566 No.17098566 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17098589

digits comfirm
we're gonna make it
>t.bought at 23¢

>> No.17098598

$2k XRP confirmed

>> No.17098600

Can i stick my little cock in your vagina as you explain yourself

>> No.17098609

>>t.bought at 23¢
i did too but then got hyped from these threads and bought more at .2779


>> No.17098619
File: 11 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been buying in between .23 and .28. I'm not gonna stop buying this shit till it's 1$. I just hope there are some dips along the way. Can't wait for ripple to capture the 10 trillion dollar cross border payments market, and then expand it.

>> No.17098621

youre still gonna make gains bro. Anything under $1 and you've practically made it.

>> No.17098624

XRP is going to 2000 USD and up and you fucking bitch about 27 cents? LOL poor little tard

>> No.17098632

It'll dip back down no doubt, but if it goes under 25¢ again id be suprised

>> No.17098637

how are you guys so certain?

i have $800 in XRP atm.

avg. cost i paid for was 0.26 for it.

>> No.17098652

They aren't certain, they are coping with having bagheld down for a 90%+ loss. You can tell from the angry and accusatory tone that xrp shills are almost at their wits end.

>> No.17098658

anon... did you invest in XRP without knowing what it is... anon I...

>> No.17098679
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Think about it anon. There has to be a currency that becomes big...really big. It has to bring the currency mainstream. Retail money isnt going to do it. Regular joes arent going to mass adopt the currency.

Institutions and the wealthy are going to do it. Hell, they are the ones that hold the majority of wealth in the world, anyway. Thus yes, the World Currency coin, the King, is going to have a massive, world's largest marketcap.

That is XRP.

There is also technical issues as XRP is going to provide on demand liquidity, its literally designed to be high priced. David Schwartz literally said it himself.

I'm just giving you the big picture here.

>> No.17098683
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The 2000$ shit is retarded, but I'm very confident XRP will smash it's ATH in the next bull run. It's constantly making big partnerships like the one linked in the OP, it's helping rebuild moneygram, ODL volume is forming a stairway to heaven, and it's even being mentioned on stages like the US Senate and the Davos Economic Forum. It's also most likely going to be classified as a commodity, and potential investors who were scared away by the lawsuit are going to buy in. Then you have the upcoming Ripple IPO, and with XRP being their biggest asset, there's no reason for them to not want it to increase in value, thus increasing the companies evaluation. This really is a longterm hold for me. I'm not fucking selling for 5-10 years unless something crazy happens, ala 2000$ shit.

>> No.17098697

i have a cursory understanding of it. but if you're implying greater knowledge leads to greater certainty, then there'd be far richer folk around.

i understand that it's faster and more information-dense. but what's it got on BSV, chainlink, etc.??

>> No.17098700
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But I only started buying in at sub .30 cent prices? Tell me, what projects are you invested in?

>> No.17098716

dont even bother with the retard, he thinks everyone bought at ATH like he did.

;) if you HODL you will be happy, there have been several insiders on 4chan telling us this shit is happening, HODL

>> No.17098725

BSV is based on bitcoin technology. Bitcoin is inherently inferior to XRP in all technical respects. They are also completely inferior in the sense that XRP has deep connections to world governments and has a whole list of partnerships and already working product.

Chainlink is very similar to XRP, but Chainlink runs on ETH. ETH is slower than XRP. XRP transaction time is nearly instantaneous. I used the XRP wallets and they are incredibly blazing fast and dont require the bullshit required to set up an ETH wallet. They are designed for institutional use.

No project in the HISTORY OF CRYPTO has the government and business connections like XRP. Mnuchin met with the Ripple executives. It's real.

>> No.17098812
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Can only achieve less than half of XRP's current 1500 TPS, at 700 TPS. Meanwhile XRP is already ready to be scaled to 65000 TPS (VISA's current rate) should the need arise. I'm also personally of the belief that Craig is not Satoshi, and there's no way big money is going to invest in such a shady guy, even if the Tech is decent, considering that there are better alternatives.
XRP was aware of Smart Contracts before Vitalik. The former CTO, Stefan Thomas, left Ripple to start Codius, a smart contracts platform, with the exact same name of Ripple's inhouse Smart Contract solution circa 2014. Something tells me Stefan has not completely severed his ties with Ripple. I see XRP being the coin of choice for settling smart contracts with Codius. But it's still in early development (only launched in 2018). But I don't see smart contracts being XRPs main focus, and perhaps Codius or Ripple will somehow use Chainlink for Oracles/Validators if their network becomes the standard. I'm bullish on both.

>> No.17098816

I'm also curious as to what you think the value of BSV and LINK are.

>> No.17098819

So close anon. ;)

XRP and Codius will be used for the derivatives market. Not BSV, Not chainlink.


>> No.17098869

Do you have any Codius hints to drop by any chance? It seems very important, but there's so little information. How exactly are they going to compete with Chainlink's established and growing Oracle Network? Of course XRP could probably shadow fund Codius to dwarf Chainlink's funding, but I don't see evidence of it.
Can ETH 2.0 fix ETHs slow times or no?

>> No.17098943

>Can ETH 2.0 fix ETHs slow times or no?
It doesn't matter. Even if it does, XRP can scale to where it can handle the needs of the market.

David Schwartz, the CTO of Ripple, is the real Satoshi. Back in 1988 he filed a patent for DLT technology. Everything starts and ends with him. At the end of the day, all of this was planned years in advance. The whole crypto market was started by the Elites and the Rothschilds. They own the whole thing and they control the whole thing.

XRP's price is suppressed through their own trading bots and through the slow release of XRP into the market. Why do you think they do it? Because the fudders tell you that they are funding their operation? Lol, the fools! No, it makes no sense, of course they are wrong. It's to keep the price stable and low for institutions to adopt the token for cheap.

You are asking about ETH because ETH gets more coverage...this is all by design. Bitcoin and a lesser extent, ETH are there to be smokescreens, while XRP is the real king behind the curtain.

>> No.17098948

XRPL smart contracts are coming on multiple fronts not just codius

>> No.17098960

Holy fucking delusion. Your shitcoin is just terrible centralized trash.

>> No.17098973

Think what you want. I'm not gonna sit here and shill the coin, there is no need to pump it. By all means, don't buy it. XRP is going to pump to $2,000 with or without you. :)

>> No.17099012

<3 day will be good

>> No.17099074
File: 5 KB, 159x250, 1522556773951s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>centralized trash.
literally the least centralised of the top 10

stay poor and stupid biz

>> No.17099089

Why are you lying?

>> No.17099105

kek ikr

>> No.17099107

He is surely talking about the centralization of the supply in the hands of Ripple devs, and that is a reasonable objection.

>> No.17099331

XRP shills never address the issues with their shitcoin. You bring up the centralized supply distribution, the foundation dumping on holders monthly, stellar network Jed holding billions of their tokens, they scurry like rats. Notice how they all attacked me when they thought they could win an argument but you bring up a valid point and they disappear or reply with brainlet wojak pics. It's pathetic

>> No.17099346
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It's all going to be bought up by exchanges, banks and other financial institutions, my friends. It's already beginning right now. You either know or you don't.

>> No.17099433

>literally the least centralised of the top 10
You fucking mongoloid. They can literally freeze your funds if they don't like it. It has happened before already. Even the shittiest of shitcoins were never so centralized to perform something like that.

>> No.17099491

>They can literally freeze your funds if they don't like it
Gateways can do that, just like they can for any currency held on them. Ripple cannot. This shitty fud is so fucking bullish, keep it up.

>> No.17099511

You are beyond saving with your delusion. No bank is going to buy up foundation tokens, those are for dumping on idiots like you. At least when mETHheads shill their coin they acknowledge they will compete with the existing infastuctures. Ripple shills literally think the entire world will bow down to their shitcoin lmao

>> No.17099516

Biz calls everything a scam when it's cheap to buy in and has the greatest ROI potential, then they FOMO when it 10-100x's.

Betting against XRP is betting against them. Stay poor and stupid you dumb faggots.

>> No.17099526
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HAHAH someone put me in the screenshot

>> No.17099532

XRP will hit 1000 usd EOY

>> No.17099539

Comfy af

>> No.17099549
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Digits have been confirmed. This year is going to be great

>> No.17099668
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my man

>> No.17099690
File: 8 KB, 269x188, tym6m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to take off

Get in or stay forever fudding

>> No.17099693
File: 70 KB, 960x590, ripplescam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are just parroting what that jew Joel from twatter said, right? I don't even have to check it to know.
>Ripple cannot
Yes, they can and they fucking did. Find me other currency that performed something like that and still call itself "decentralised" or shut the fuck up. You have no argument. They literally asked exchange to freeze someone's else funds because he was crashing the price of their precious scamcoin and made a new rule on the spot. Then few years later they claim they don't interfere with xrp and boast how xrp isn't their property. It blows my mind how shameless they are.
You have to be an utter bagholding retard to not see through their lies. The same kind of idiot that's indebted to banks. They never even planned that whole escrow bullshit, they only did it to get their dumb investors onboard. They even went as far as to make some useless nodes to fake their decentralization aspect. Useless, because once they sell off their bags they can just abandon their work and claim it just didn't work out and no one would be able to do shit to them. Those decentralised nodes would dissapear instantly and everyone would stop giving a shit about ripple.

Rippletards whole argument is basically that institutions are going to buy their overpriced bags. It's funny because even Ripple doesn't believe in this shit.

>> No.17099697

>Yes, they can and they fucking did
>Provides no proof

>> No.17099733

Holy fuck, literally just google it.
First link I found.
Here is another one
They literally made a deal, so they could keep their scam going smoothly. Imagine someone dumping their bitcoins and then BTC CEO asks CZ to lock that person account until they strike a deal.

>> No.17099779
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Hahha look at this brainlet.

>The freeze feature only applies to issued currencies (Trusts, non-native assets on the XRP ledger).
No one can freeze XRP, the native asset on the XRP ledger.


Try again panjeet.

>> No.17099791
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>Holy fuck, literally just google it.
god you're fucking retarded

You can issue tokens on the XRPL just like you can on ETHEREUM. These can be frozen by the issuer you god damn stupid nigger retard.

You might as well say the Ethereum foundation can freeze funds because some ERC20 token lets the issuer freeze their token.

Fucking -11 out of 10 FUD

>> No.17099797

Are you retarded? That's an instance of a gateway freezing funds. Your article literally says:
>Ripple does not possess the power to magically remove the funds from a customer’s personal XRP wallet.