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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17097557 No.17097557 [Reply] [Original]

If you want Ethereum to succeed to its fullest potential, you want secure oracles bringing external data to Ethereum hosted smart contracts. If you want Ethereum to succeed, you should want Chainlink to succeed.
If you want Chainlink to succeed to its fullest potential, you want businesses to be connecting their legacy systems to Ethereum, using uniform standards and easy to use secure, modular smart contract code.
If you want Chainlink to succeed, you should want Unibright to succeed.

>> No.17097593

I want unibright to succeed but I'm hard pressed to find an indisputable technological need for the token.

>> No.17097696

I want everybody to succeed, dumbass.
The only way this shit works is if a ton of projects start to realize their goals and theres a shift away from legacy systems into blockchain and smart contracts for all kinds of things.
If only a handful of projects start to become real working products, the market will be too niche and underdeveloped that none of us are going to make it (except a handful of lucky guessors).
We all should want all projects to succeed.

>> No.17097701

There doesn't need to be "an indisputable technological need". There just has to be a use. And a connection to a successful company. And the likelihood of more exchanges and greater awareness. And there is all of those things.

>> No.17097712

>if you want chainlink to succeed you want pnk

>> No.17097789
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you faggots might be the worst shills in the history of /biz/. at least wash trade your shitcoin so that you can PRETEND people are buying it.

>> No.17097821

>doesn’t know what uniswap is

>> No.17097823
File: 328 KB, 750x502, BAF587A5-FC36-4480-A6BF-B661519BDA21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know about the token sale that generated $1.2mil in two weeks
>he doesn’t realize vitalik shills it
>he doesn’t know what etherscan is
>he doesn’t know Og link whales hold huge stacks of it
>he didn’t see Og link whale spent over 800 eth on pnk last week
>he isn’t smart enough to filter out pajeets from organic shilling
>he didn’t check kleroscan.com
>he didn’t see the platform already bringing in over $350k to jurors
>he can’t still can’t see any potential in it even at a $4mil mcap

>> No.17097843
File: 220 KB, 2048x2048, 6797B088-6529-4948-A2C8-9DF2F7B09AC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High IQ anons. Imagine not holding a stack of this.

>> No.17098443



Paving the way to 4IR

>> No.17098477
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You should add some PNK too.

>> No.17098578
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>it's a useless payment token tied to the "success"of some failing company which couldn't hack it in traditional IT and decided to fleece crypto retards with 0 standards instead, but what if big ponzi pump

>> No.17098641
File: 151 KB, 2278x1052, Screen Shot 2020-02-05 at 1.28.12 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EEA appoints them co-lead of the working group tasked with connecting Ethereum to legacy backbone systems
>EEA describes them as "the leading player in blockchain-based business integration"
>some failing company
lmao cope more. Sorry it didn't dump after the pump, you must be absolutely steaming.

>> No.17098655

yeah why tokens? just stake eth and be done with it... I'm all in btc btw it is the index of crypto shitcoins are risky

>> No.17098666

i like how it went from 0.00 btc to 0.00 tc

>> No.17098694
File: 147 KB, 2136x1044, Screen Shot 2020-02-05 at 5.41.50 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen a nicer bottom since the half time show.

>> No.17098917

This is unironically the most based post on Biz. Thank god i found Unibright like I did Chainlink early. My fear after finding LINK that it would be the last moon mission. Thankfully, UBT allows me to compound my profits.

LINK and UBT leading the way to 4iR

>> No.17098928


>> No.17098970

explorer says this is on uniswap but when i check uniswap its not on there

>> No.17099062

business owner here

why would businesses use a medium of exchange that is publicly traded and fluctuates in price constantly?

if the value goes down during my trade I lost money. If it goes up I made money but now have to file tax info on every transaction I gain on. I can use US dollars and recoup any loss from market fluctuation while never risking taxes on accidental gains.

sure, there's verification services, but those are provided by any bank that extends a credit line already. Those guys guarantee my transactions or pay the price out of their own pocket if they go bad.

is this like credit cards for criminals or something? I just don't see legit businesses adopting a medium of exchange that constantly fluctuates against the dollar and can be legally manipulated by buying or selling it.

>> No.17099102

We're talking about smart contracts, this has literally nothing to do with mediums of exchange, or crypto as currency. A front end business consumer doesn't even need to know that cryptocurrencies are articulating value on the platform (ETH), oracles (LINK) or modular code (UBT).
All they will know is that suddenly there is a way to save significant overheads by automating exchanges of value based on data triggers, and that the entire system is secure and trustless.

>> No.17099114

this already exists though.

it's called a website and a credit card.

is it going to be cheaper than card processing fees or something? seems unlikely.

>> No.17099134

samefag seething pajeet that cant even spoof

>> No.17099252

If this is just being pajeeted, why is pnk performing so well?

>> No.17099407

It has literally nothing to do with credit cards . It's about automating backend processes.
Here's a starting point for smart contracts, there is far too much for me to explain:

>> No.17099425

>$10,000 USD daily volume
>performing so well

>> No.17099499

>still doesnt understand uniswap

>> No.17100487

Unibright (UBT). The gain potentials are insane.

It's at like 250 on cmc.

The only flaw is lack of exchanges. But this is the time to buy before exchanges begin to list UBT.

>> No.17100516

they are German and local law prohibits them from approaching exchanges themselves, they must wait until exchanges approach them on their own.
>Pls shill me why the token is needed.
Heard a lot of people say that's Unibright is great but the token is itself is useless.
Some cares to spoonfeed me on this one?

>> No.17100528

I think token use gets important at a lot higher market cap than current. Unibright's status leading the EEA working group will justify a lot more hype, growth and exchange announcements. Token utility questions come later.

>> No.17100561
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Kleros is the Crown chakra

>> No.17100569

token utility is a basic fundamentals for essential for picking a long bro... Otherwise it just becomes a funding token like Chainlink did

>> No.17100571


>> No.17100573

I agree, the fact that there is Chainlink, Kleros, RLC, Lition etc is very bullish for ethereum. But there is no real reason to hold anything else then ETH at the moment.

>> No.17100582

it's just an icon bro

>> No.17101030

Ty anon, I thought I'd have to tell him.

>> No.17101696

What a gormless fucking retard.