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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 266x220, jockowillinkattackmondays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17087231 No.17087231 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you wasting your life in front of a screen, anon? All these years, just gone. Wasted. Nullified. You could have tried out so many different things and hobbies, you could have made many new friends and found legit business opportunities while actually having a life.
However YOUR decision was to waste your hours playing some shitty vidya and shitposting, all the while asking yourself
>"What is even the point of this?".
There is none. Your current lifestyle is completely pointless. Your life absolutely isn't.
Do you think this is all just a stupid joke to laugh at? Is it smart to just laugh about your imminent failure and keep wasting your time with fucking horseshit? Get serious, dickhead, stop fooling around.
>lol I don't even wanna study, who cares about math
Your brain cares.
>lol who even cares about diets, lol who needs a fucking sixpack
Your body does.
>haha I can just stay at home and play vidya, fuck people durr
You won't have made any friends by the end of this year. You will regret this decision by NYE and consider suicide. It will be such a sad moment that it's really better to just kill yourself now than to wait for it.
>lol girls are sluts, might aswell wank it to sloots haha
You aren't content just wanking it. Be honest. You want to be the best that you can be to attract the best girl that you can get. Nothing else. No monk mode fucking bullshit.
>my genetics did this, lmao why even try
Ok, dumbass. Are your genetics tied to you doing nothing but jackshit the past couple of years? You did absolutely fucking nothing to put your potential to good use. All you did was waste time. Now, are you a genetic failure? You are a failure, yes. Your genetics have nothing to do with it, it's you, dickhead. Get fucking serious.

>> No.17087276

I needed this bro. Bless you.

>> No.17087454

this is good advice for the kind of anon who would reply the greentext parts
but i've done all that life has to offer except parenthood, and i honestly feel better in my underpants browsing /biz/ while playing a mmo
some of us are just low energy by nature

>> No.17087461

This. Thanks

>> No.17087462
File: 19 KB, 646x720, 1560465468919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks based Jocko, the fud was getting to me

>> No.17087568 [DELETED] 

>go and make more friends
I've got enough friends
>get a gf
No, i'm not blaming any woman for not being good with girls, i'm just fine in myself, people overrates relationships.
The rest is ok.

>> No.17087599
File: 1.00 MB, 1038x584, alone_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people overrate relationships.
Yeah just wait until NYE to think about that part.

>> No.17087620
File: 63 KB, 583x408, EMvkRI5XsAAbg_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually have a life
Is this what wagecucks think of commuting and dealing with normies lemmings? "A life"? As opposed to me not leaving the comfort of my home and not having to apologize to lenmings for being different than them?
My gf is a neet too.
Are you kidding me? Is this unironically advising neets to study math like that will have any impact on their situation? "Learn to code" is better advice, and it is still shitty advice. Low intellect boomersplaining larping.
I smoke weed every day and have never been overweight in my entire life, I can do handstand pushups and generally look/feel great. No amount of hard work is going to save anyone from age and death.

"Enjoy your life" is way better advice than anything in OP. If you are too retarded to make it on your own and OP resonates with you, just join the military because you lack the agency and creativity to think for yourself.

>> No.17087642

This thread needs a pruning. Mods?

>> No.17087799

>people who make 100k a year are "wagecucks"
>normies lemmings (because you're so special, princess)
>comfort of my home
>My gf is a neet too
>math? Are you kidding me? (dumbass)
>I smoke weed every day (congratz)
>No amount of hard work is going to save anyone from age and death. (yeah because health isn't a thing)
>"Enjoy your life" is way better advice (enjoy your life being fat and broke "bro")
>join the military because you lack the agency (lmfao)
Read what you just posted. You are absolutely pathetic and in no position to give anyone any advice.

>> No.17087980
File: 41 KB, 370x292, EPQdbQ_WAAASvMc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, if you make "100k" but it costs you 60-80hours a week, commute, and dealing with other miserable wage cucks.. I do not and never will envy you.
>comy home life and gf
Yes that is what I said. Having a gf isn't an accomplishment, I was born good looking.
>health isn't a thing
Like I said I'm in great shape, but havr no delusions about the very finite nature of life - yet here you are trying to place money above everything, which shows how pathetic you actually are(as though making this thread wasn't pathetic enough).
>fat and broke
What the fuck are you talking about? Have never been either. I'm extremely comfortable and prefer not to loan my time out to other people. No one on their death bed regrets not having waged more, they regret not having lived more/loved more/enjoyed more.

You're just a successfully conditioned bitch. Congrats!

>> No.17088055

The issue with what you just said is that you're telling miserable people to stop improving and just live life as if they were born marvelous. You're a lucky son of a bitch and didn't earn fucking anything, why should anyone respect your opinion?

>> No.17088151
File: 430 KB, 686x526, 1580517712234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100k in fake monopoly money
imagine being incentivized by that, kek

>> No.17088157

post body with timestamp

>> No.17088179

>able to save enough money to buy land and live comfortably without working for a few years
>"fake Monopoly money"
Spending more than 40 hours at work is too much, I agree. However if some guys decide to make that investment the return will be insane.

>> No.17088405

I can let slide everything you said except for math. The best paying jobs that don't involve being a surgeon all rely on math to some extent. It can't be a coincidence that the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century were nearly all Jews.

>> No.17088694

>Yeah sure I agree with not improving at all lmao

>> No.17088721


>> No.17088757

Whoever pays your bills and cooks your tendies finds that monopoly money pretty real

>> No.17088776
File: 106 KB, 511x671, 1579605878959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes his opinion less respectable than that of an unlucky person or a "hard worker" you dumb fucking boomer?
If you're still under the delusion that this is anything but a rigged circus, why are you even on this Rhodesian futanari safari board at all? Go to plebbit or facebook.

>> No.17088777

true words, i wasted lots of time here

>> No.17088867

>What makes his opinion less respectable
He has shit for brains. Niggers didn't have to struggle either. Look at what they've built. Sure take life advice from that kind of a guy

>> No.17088876

I made 380k last year and spend a couple of days a week getting drunk and masturbating at home. Women are an inconvenience, and if I want pussy I can buy it just like anything else.

Why else would you want to make a lot of money? The only thing it's good for is to pay people to fuck off. There's literally no other purpose for it. You pay your mortgage lender to fuck off, the utility company, your old bosses, your parents to some degree. If you have money, you can pay people to leave you alone long enough to do what you want instead of what you're told.

>> No.17088902

>I've spend a couple of days a week getting drunk and masturbating at home
>No I don't need meaningful relationships
>No I don't need friends
You sound very happy doing all that fun stuff at home. Exciting! Tell me more about LIFE

>> No.17088917

get out of here with this joe rogan tier normie shit. faggot.

>> No.17088932
File: 43 KB, 499x498, smugbabypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does losing at life itself translate to being superior to the majority of people?

>> No.17088941

I'll do whatever I want, fuck you.

>> No.17088958

I'll be 38 yo in two weeks.

Let me tell you something. When you look back at your life you are not going to regret your time playing video games. Those were the good times.

>> No.17088983

Clearly you'd be perfectly happy as a fat lonely piece of shit sitting in front of a screen all day, why the hell wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that you wouldn't be content with that?

>> No.17088987
File: 80 KB, 1000x721, 1557380838513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're absolutely right, anon. The people you describe I loathe with a passion. Life, history, the universe in it's eternal beauty is right there literally in your palms, all you gotta do is grab it and hold on. We're going for one hell of a ride, best believe my niggas.

Every movie you've watched, every book you've read (none but you get the point), every legend throughout history has taken place on this godforsaken sphere of dirt levitating in space and time. All those experiences, all those scenes and scenarios. People have lived through for millions of years just to end up here... with you. What are you gonna do about it little buddy?

>> No.17089052

WHO actually listens to this faggot? What demographic of humanity makes up his audience?

>> No.17089067
File: 58 KB, 594x673, DjekNqcUcAExpHM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoken like a true pleb. I bet you didn't even do your sets of burpees today

>> No.17089082

What else am I gonna do anon... It's the way I am and it's what fulfills my inner positive feedback loops or whatever. Maybe I'm just broken but this is the intj curse, introversion, autism, call it whatever you want. It's the only place I don't find utterly insufferable and where I fit in. With similar autists, who have similar autistic interests and jaded world views and don't care about social etiquette or niceties. I tried the normie life, I tried all the self help crap lifting dating whatever you won't believe me but I did in fact seduce hundreds of girls and it didn't fulfill me I tried the wholesome relationship thing and I just got bored because I can't stand the way of women I got bored and refused to compromise. My brain isn't normal and the only thing that seems to satisfy and stimulate me is uncomfortable and unconventional truths which it seems can only be acquired in massive doses on this god forsaken shit hole even now as it's filled with zoomies and normies and I have to crawl through 99%of literal shit to find the 1%of based and red pilled insight I do not give a shit it's still worth it it's still the purest and highest high for my autistic bitter brain because this is the only remaining space where people can express real shit instead of npc conformismem because of the anonymity and edgy counter culture. Also this is why I'm literally out performing wall street hedge funds right now because unironically the faggots of biz saw chainlink or any similar trends in a collective obsessive powerfully intuitive and predictive way that literally no other organization can rival, not even the Mason illuminati kikes. Tldr. who are you trying to kid faggot you are here forever see you tomorrow. I love this place about as much as I hate it, I hate you op as much as I hate you. Niggers

>> No.17089087

Guilt, cope and projection. Death awaits you no matter how you live your life, it's all meaningless so live it how you want to and live it well.

>> No.17089112

>I am addicted to unfiltered truth
>which is why I bought chain link
did you sell in July? otherwise I'm not buying it

>> No.17089145
File: 11 KB, 600x800, 1580496268670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only thing that matters is dopamine spikes. I beg you, do not disagree with that.

>> No.17089149

>crypto's for fag nerds, lol, wagecucking until you die is what gives you purpose in life

>> No.17089167

based and correct

>> No.17089170

Hey, if that's what you want in life then make it so, it's all meaningless. But please, spare us of your guilt, cope and projection, it's disgusting and sad.

>> No.17089183
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, patrickb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can only become wealthy either wagecucking or gambling

>> No.17089187

Jacko too pure for niggertits. Hold the line boys.

>> No.17089211
File: 242 KB, 1600x1064, camelwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spare us with the truth, we don't want to hear it
>do whatever you like
>it's all fine
Until NYE.

>> No.17089241

Any of the Jocko Willink-Tim Ferris shit is just wagecucking by another name.

Really, to define your existence and worth by work, "productivity", "grind", whatever you call it, is pathological. It's fucking Sisyphean. And you're buying into this mindset from people who make more from podcasting or ebooks or lectures than you ever will from any of the methods or life hacks that they promulgate.

>> No.17089273

>productivity aka honing your skills, making money, becoming independent
>is pathological
Oh I think you've figured everything out. No need to listen to people who are professionals in any way. I can just follow your piece of advice right there.

>> No.17089293

Just a title given by others. Only your own experience and perspective are worth anything in truth. You are your world. When the lights go out, that's all, the world ends.

>> No.17089301

>it's all fine
It really is but you've been convinced by the media that you're not a valuable human being unless you fit their criteria. This is where your guilt and insecurity comes into play.

You go on to an anonymous image board to make believe that you've "made it" by delivering a pep talk to people you deem less than yourself. In reality, this is your own internal monologue turned outward in a sad attempt to feel better about your guilt and insecurity. This is your cope.

>Until NYE where I commit suicide
The details you've injected into your pep talk are your projections.

People don't accomplish their goals by going around spilling their guilt, cope and projection onto others. This is your REAL pep talk for today.

>> No.17089305

based. Sigh...it's hard Jocko.

The thing is, it's all too common to be motivated for a few weeks. Gym it, eat right, etc. But it's so hard to fall back into being a degenerate piece of shit (eating garbage, jacking it to porn), when you look around and are not motivated by things.

Money? Who cares? Theres a certain point where you are comfy, the rest is just gamification.

Women? Who cares? It's fun for the first couple weeks or so, but then any girl who is attractive wants you to keep her emotionally and physically satisfied, otherwise in today's time, she will drop you for someone else. Which has happened to a lot of us, so we get bitter

I sound like such a nihilistic faggot, but it becomes hard to "do it for yourself", when complacency is ubiquitous. And I really want a hot young blonde girlfriend (like that's my internal desire), but fuck man those humans are so hard to acquire and keep entertained and happy.

>> No.17089309

From what I've read, your experience is worth shit

>> No.17089320

>listen to people who are professionals in any way

Professionals at podcasting and marketing their brand. Are you really going to idolize and emulate a fucking podcaster? It's the gayest shit ever.

>> No.17089326
File: 100 KB, 1024x758, Kokou No Hito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off. This guy's a hero. This man preaches and actively lives the life of discipline while I can't even commit to working out and walking my dog everyday, much less work out 5 days a week. Or make it to my job on time. The things he teaches can be applied to anything, even the very mechanics of blockchain technology and its success, i.e. decentralized command.

And his kid's podcast is pretty great.

>> No.17089339

Exactly my thoughts Anon. It's just programming to make you a more docile, obedient worker. Why wouldn't you waste your life away under fluorescent lighting doing pointless work for some soulless corporation?

>> No.17089341

>you've been convinced by the media
>that you'd be content with a vocation that fits you, surrounded by people who appreciate you and a girl to creampie every night
>the media is at fault, don't listen to the media
It's real life. Not the meme bullshit. You do not like it and that's reason enough not to take you seriously.

>> No.17089359

>lives the life of discipline

It took discipline for Sisyphus to push that boulder up the hill every day. That doesn't give the task itself purpose or valor.

>> No.17089361

>Professionals at podcasting
>Member of the Navy Seals
>Professionals at podcasting
You really are a professional at spewing garbage.

>> No.17089362

Somebody skipped one fap and ran a kilometre today, huh schnuckums?

>> No.17089371

>It's real life
Ah, so that's why you're sitting in your mother's basement crying about things the media tells you will "fix" you.

>> No.17089373

We are vewy pwoud of oo! Yes we aww! Vewy vewy pwoud. xo

>> No.17089377
File: 94 KB, 224x258, I_love_gaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>struggle has no purpose
>why even do anything

>> No.17089384

You told me I'd be projecting

>> No.17089407

laugh at your misery faggot, go make jokes to make you feel better. mock others who do shit while you don't. but don't complain.

>> No.17089436

You absolutely were and absolutely continue to do so >>17089407

>> No.17089443

Post Physique

>> No.17089461

Go be a degenerate. If that "fixes" it for you.

>> No.17089468

And no one gave a shit about him until he slipped into the Tony Robbins mold.

You want to talk about people to study and emulate their methods - why not President Trump? Massive success in his own right, shit like The Art of the Deal was an afterthought. For all the self-help faggots, it was the exact opposite sequence of events.

>> No.17089473

>struggle has no purpose

This, but unironically.

>> No.17089479

So what's your point?

>> No.17089486

Oh I'm not at all lazy. Lol.
I just think it's hilarious how different the OP probably is from Jocko.
I suppose you have to start somewhere, and trying at all is somewhat admirable, but it's still funny.
Additionally: although I somewhat like Jocko, he is essentially just a force of destruction - and now his money comes from telling other people to do stuff. It's the classic parasitic public speaker role.
You shouldn't really admire people who "do stuff", you should admire people who CREATE stuff.

>> No.17089487

You need to fix yourself before you can even attempt to help others, anon. Print out all of your posts in this thread and bring them to a shrink.

>> No.17089506

>wait? you tell people to improve themselves and it works?
>go to a psychiatrist, and take your meds
Wouldn't be too surprised if you were jewish

>> No.17089519

How do you attempt to create "stuff" if you're just distracting yourself from life

>> No.17089527

Another meaningless word.

>> No.17089553

The OP wasn't addressed at guys like you anyways. There wouldn't be any point.

>> No.17089594

With the overwhelming success of your seminars one would think you'd be gainfully employed by now. I

s the Jewish bit based on envy or blame I wonder.

>> No.17089609

sir this is the crypto scamming board, not the incel board

>> No.17089618

That the Tedx self-help (or the "self-improvement" rebranding of self-help) culture of success and fulfillment is cancerous and for faggots, I suppose. How sad it is that that shit is the closest thing to a mainstream consensus on success and masculinity.

>> No.17089627

>numerous threads about being miserable in any way shape or form
>there are no "incels" on /biz/

>> No.17089646

No I meant what is your actual point? Should you just be content as a NEET as long as you get your dopamine spikes from any source? Would you recommend that to anyone?

>> No.17089656

It's based on you promoting nihilism

>> No.17089674

I see like 2 threads up right now like that, and those threads don't belong here either
the only thing that matters here is grabbing their bag
now shoo, back to wherever you came from

>> No.17089683

How do you even make new friends in this day and age

>> No.17089688


>> No.17089689
File: 98 KB, 430x528, AnalLube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go buy into another scam retard, no one invited you into this thread

>> No.17089696

By being useful, approachable, attractive and assertive.

>> No.17089702

>Should you just be content as a NEET as long as you get your dopamine spikes from any source? Would you recommend that to anyone?
Seems to be working well for you.

A little less nihilism and more hedonism or a life-is-what-you-make-of-it-ism

>> No.17089703

Thanks gonna get more links

>> No.17089708

I would recommend buying Chainlink before buying anything related to Jocko Willink. But to you, that's categorically worthless NEET shit, so, I guess, fuck you too then.

>> No.17089715

>A little less nihilism and more hedonism
So basically nihilism. Good point, teach me all about how everyone should live their life.

>> No.17089746
File: 231 KB, 782x730, Crying_Jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would recommend buying Chainlink, not listening to anyone about self improvement
If that calms your money grabbing hands...

>> No.17089829

>self improvement

Explain to me how "self-improvement" is any different from "self-help". Far as I can tell, it's identical bullshit, except one is marketed to women, the other to men. Like a body wash once exclusively bought by women now repackaged and aggressively advertised as a man's product.

>> No.17089834

No, not really and I've already stated my case above. People should find their own meaning and not give into the pressures of the media and their victims, especially not victims who aren't even successful in their own eyes.

>> No.17089911

This is true. There is a difference between societal values and a man's own values. Once you discover the latter you gain true strength and walk the path of light in the True Man's World. Don't let yourself be chained by society's dogma. Collectivists and conformists are just afraid of the path of light.

>> No.17089931

life outside the screen is overrated, hobbies like hunting, sports etc. are not that fun.
people are overrated, most of them have nothing interesting to say and the people that are interesting often are in a fairly negative mindset which can be draining to be around.
Girlfriends are also overrated, it is 90% non-sexual activity you will be doing with her, watching movies etc. and odds are good that she is not that fun to be around - if you are in love you might put up with spending most of your spare time with someone that is not fun to be around.

Seriously, listen to other people talk in a restaurant or in the grocery store, it is very rare you hear a conversation you wished to be a part of, most of the time they talk about product consumption and feelings in regards to specific events and their subjective understanding of the events.

>> No.17089957

Fuck you man I used to believe all this shit but its all fucking cope for being a loser.

>> No.17089962

Oh yeah like Vidya games and such are (mostly) a waste of time, although relaxation has its place and games can be inspiring.
But I just think listening to a trained killer as if he's some kind of idol is wrong. His job was as a destructive force and now he doesn't bring anything to society except telling others to be like him.
You should get your life in order for sure, but the glorification of people who mostly just consume resources like Jocko and other gym monkeys isn't ideal.

>> No.17089973

personality disorder + limited, momentary self-awareness = never leave the house to spare others from my behavior

>> No.17089983

also this, although for me its less low energy and more just a natural propensity toward boredom

sitting at my computer is the only activity that lets me switch tasks at a whim, from 48 hours straight to 5 minute binges, which prevents me from baby raging over being bored

>> No.17090017

you can call it cope, but there really isn't wrong in anything i have said.
We are obviously social creatures and need social interactions to function properly. But claiming that time you are not engaged with other people are "wasted" is retarded.

i will repeat it, people are not that fun to be around, that is why video games are so popular, it is "free market mechanism", what would you rather spend your time on Hobby X or video games? X or video games? A lot of people actively chose to not do X because they rather play video games.

>> No.17090022

>hobbies like hunting, sports etc. are not that fun.
Cope more faggot. Bow hunting is literally better than sex

>> No.17090073

what are you doing on 4chan, why are you choosing to spend your time here?
Shouldn't you stop wasting your time and take up another hobby like knitting or building model planes..
you are here because it is more fun than those other activity, if you decide to go on a bow hunting trip rather than staying on 4chan, then it is because you think that is more fun.

The idea that you should chose the lesser fun activity, because the activity you actually want to do is "wasting your time", is retarded.

>> No.17090126
File: 1.75 MB, 720x540, 35463c2909735df7150d5e0e1003c45de89fca9903b7b5412dc6ff694e841073.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you I think about this every year, but how does one move on from the constant mental assault of self-loathing, and make positive steps to better oneself? I wanna quit smoking weed and invest that money instead. But all I can think of is how much a fucking loser I am. God damnit.

>> No.17090358
File: 422 KB, 1332x1949, dopamine_detox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dopamine detox might help (pic related). Other than that make it easier for yourself to at least get started. Every day counts, do something that gets you forward, even if it's only minutes of your spare time. Think about what drives you towards weed consumption and the things that make you avoid it (friends and family, hobbies, specific items and other helpful things). I'd recommend pic related though, take yourself some time to read it through and maybe you'll consider it.

>> No.17090404

>you are here because it is more fun than those other activity
False, it's because of the habitual dopamine spike. He might still enjoy other activities a lot more, which involve some actual effort compared to just typing insane fucking bullshit and circlejerking all day.

>> No.17090464

Jesus Christ... That's fucking heavy. I'm going to try this but holy shit that sounds fucking awful hahaha. Thanks for the graphic

>> No.17090498

The main reason you're miserable right now is because of the constant distraction. Cut it and things improve.

>> No.17090819

And do what?

>> No.17090869

How many cocks do you think this obvious homosexual has sucked? I'd guess in the high hundreds at least.

>> No.17090883

This kind of reaction is just cope. Don't fool yourself thinking your lifestyle will serve you well.

>> No.17090910

So? What should I do instead then?
Get a job? Why should I slave away for some soulless corporation that cares only to exploit me?
I already have money, not just for today but for the future as well.

>> No.17090988

Just stop smoking, faggot. Buy silver with the money instead.

>> No.17091021


I'm addicted, sir - and also am lost, no guidance or role models, every option available to me and no idea what to choose. Past the age of career choices. It's very difficult.

You're dead right, though - whenever I have a couple of days break from the internet my brain heals.

I lost my teens and 20's to this shit, younganons you still have time.

>> No.17091041

I'm currently getting paid to sit on my ass and do jack-shit. I'm browsing 4Chan to pass the time until my shift is over.

>> No.17091090

Thank you for telling me what to do Mr. Muscle Man, please fuck my ass. I was a directionless babybrain faggot until I started to live according to the principles another adult male told me to. Get killed

>> No.17091112

I'm 23 years old and I've been going to the gym for three months which means I'm in a position to belittle others: The Thread

>> No.17091113

What do you think most people do? how do you think they live their lives? They work shitty meaningless job and spend their spare time 'bitching' to each other or on their "get away" thing.
you haven't wasted anything on "the internet", you are just mediocre and would have done irrelevant meaningless shit anyway.

There are no social-butterfly hiding somewhere inside of you, there are no entrepreneur or person intended for greatness within you.

Just enjoy your life and try not to think to much about what could have been, because your are just projecting yourself unto your idols - and not the mediocre cashier/used-car-salesman which you are.

If you want more in life, it will have to be your circumstances that changes i.e. more money, and not your mental state.

>> No.17091130

I've never finished a book but I've watched 9000 "inspirational" "self-improvement" YouTube videos and still haven't learned a damn thing: The Thread

>> No.17091156

Your life is a tragedy. I hope you have enough common sense to look back on this thread and realize what a wastrel you are. You literally had to put on the mask of someone who's ten times the man you will ever be just to talk down to them. The most pathetic display of insecurity I've seen in a long time.

>> No.17091169

This is cope.

>> No.17091186

Every single person in this thread deserves to be shot in the head when they aren't expecting it

>> No.17091233

Looks like someone's mad.
Cope lol.

>> No.17091239

Who the fuck is making these posts? "Get off the computer and bend over, Alpha Male is here to set you on the right path!" You know half of you sick mindfreak faggots are jacking off to how detestable you are, how shitty you think your lives are, how Chad will always be there to screw you over. Again, I ask, WHO IS EARNESTLY MAKING AND REPLYING TO THESE GAY ASS THREADS? WHO LACKS THE SELF-RESPECT TO MAKE POSTS LIKE THESE >>17087462

>> No.17091244

Wow dude why are you so angry lmao

>> No.17091271

Have sex, incel.

>> No.17091272

In your words, who am I mad at, and why? I'm angry, but I'd like to hear what you have to say. No memes, please. Your own thoughts only.

>> No.17091288

Again, just memes. No cognition behind your dim eyes, just memes. Only memes, now and forever

Yes, I am mad. Care to tell me why I'm mad?

>> No.17091296

>7 posts by this ID

>> No.17091301

I think OP's words resonated with you more deeply than you would care to admit.
It seems to me that you regret spending so much time in front of a screen rather than making something of yourself. lol.

>> No.17091347

this thread and all you imbecils is enough to drive me off this site forever

>> No.17091368

>It took discipline for Sisyphus to push that boulder up the hill every day. That doesn't give the task itself purpose or valor.
Who said I don't already have purposeful tasks on my plate?

>> No.17091390

some fat fuck basement dweller

>> No.17091406

>8 posts by this ID
>Get killed
>The Thread
>The Thread
>shot in the head
damn bro, you're literally just shouting shit into cyberspace at this point, not even replying to anyones posts - where to even begin to respond, you're like a huge bundle of wires all twisted together

it would take no less than the will power and strength of mind of Jocko himself to have a conversation with you

>> No.17091448
File: 84 KB, 540x720, D33BC020-74C3-4B52-8549-CE17E70AEFF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Episode 170-174 jocko podcast. Army Manuel. Hold the line boys.

>> No.17091454


>> No.17091471

I love seeing that faggot and thinking how feeble you would have to be to need that.

>> No.17091502

Many men do not have a father. Or a faggot father. Or really a gay father.

>> No.17091510

I think I'm gonna get a job lol.
Not giving up my crypto and my pron thou.
Also I go to the gym everyday and work out for 2 hours. Ahahahaha.

>> No.17091517


>> No.17091523

>I think OP's words resonated with you more deeply than you would care to admit.
>It seems to me that you regret spending so much time in front of a screen rather than making something of yourself. lol.

So just a more verbose accusation of projecting my own insecurities, another meme. Pretty much the same weight as braying "cope." Got it, thanks.

>> No.17091554

Your post contains enough salt to season an entire barbeque

>> No.17091667

This is why I still come here. Some nuggets of good info. Thanks anon.

>> No.17091676

It's not too late to save the future anon.
You don't have to admit you were wrong.
Why not start with some gym? Even if it doesn't work out, hey it's a new experience you got.

Also thank you guys. You made me think. Bye bye.

>> No.17091824

are there any decent books/ressources out there about creating and maintaining a routine/schedule?

Im a neet but its pretty difficult to maintain discipline, I waste too much time on the internet

>> No.17091871

This puts the first post to shame desu.
Gonna actually try this.
The sad thing is, the only things I do everyday outside of work is watching YT videos, playing video games and looking around social media.
And I only really enjoy the first thing, and even then, not that much as my brain expects. The dopamine has long lost it's effect on my brain at this point.
I've got nothing to lose.
I'm only 18 and I no longer have deppression, no longer feel bad, haven't felt suicidal since I was 9. All it takes is for me to actually achieve something, even if it's just a shitty online degree, and feel good about myself outside of my daydreams and inner conversations.

I've been planning on understading the whole /biz/ deal and the stock market this whole month but I haven't done anything worthwhile yet, and I know if I keep doing nothing I'll keep this up until next year. Fuck.

I get nausea just thinking about how my brain and body works, just reading this made me laugh, probably out of stress. But I guess this is necessary to treat it. Thanks buddy.

>> No.17092142

someone should pin this to the board. I'll work on this... next week.

>> No.17092531

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." -- attributed to various persons of interest including Bertrand Russell & John Lennon.

>> No.17092559

>my first attempt to post this indicated that this ip (nyc café) was banned for 3 days 6 years ago on september 2014, which means that the last poster on this i.p. hasn't posted here again on this i.p. in six years, which might be some kind of record, idk, here this anon goes wasting more time on the internet.

>> No.17092579

>rich and accomplished people, one who was an international icon, talking about how they love wasting time
wow, I sure feel inspired

>> No.17092593

But yeah that's pretty cool

>> No.17092620

what good does it do you if you will die?

>> No.17092630

not to disrespect big man Russell but that's an incredibly hedonistic perspective, that's something a junkie could say and justify him throwing his life and infinite potential away for "enjoyment"
the joy i get from working hard and doing the right thing outweighs any enjoyment i get from relaxing or whatever and that relaxation will mount up to a big ol' ball of non-enjoyment, unless of course you tell yourself something like that quote

>> No.17092668

>the joy i get from working hard and doing the right thing outweighs any enjoyment i get from relaxing or whatever and that relaxation will mount up to a big ol' ball of non-enjoyment, unless of course you tell yourself something like that quote
What do you do for a living? how much are you worth? if you objectively should rate your girlfriend, how hot is she? is she a nice person to be around?

>> No.17092785

what does that have to do with anything?
to return to the quote, an example: i have more respect for a buddhist monk working on transcendence through meditation, starvation, isolation than some fat fuck who shoves twinkies in his mouth and says "time enjoyed wasted is not time wasted", that's just a big fucking toddler, no brain, zombie human who will amass zero wisdom, zero character and ultimately have lived a pretty worthless life

>> No.17092864

>how much are you worth
Well, I'm a sexy twink, I'd be worth at LEAST 6 digits as a slave. At least.

>> No.17092904

No one gives a shit how "enlightened or transcendent" a janitor is that live in a small apartment with a slightly obese gf that always act like a bitch.
that life is a losers life, no matter how much of a "go getter" attitude he may have.

>> No.17092927

i had no father to teach me this when it actually mattered. all my early life i've been a degenerate and genetics matters almost entirely

>> No.17092981

TFW have a loving father but he just so happens to be the freaking incarnation of Homer Simpson

>> No.17093155

an enlightened janitor wouldn't give a shit if anybody gave a shit about his enlightenment
an enlightened janitor would live in a small apartment, that would be more than enough for his endeavor, actually it would be the optimal condition, sell everything in it only have a matress, a lamp, books, a pullup bar, maybe a plant (just maybe)
and an enlightened janitor definately 100% wouldn't live with a "always act like a bitch"-girlfriend

if his girlfriend acts like a bitch all the time then he probably does too, perhaps not in the same way

i wouldn't say that's a loser at all my man, perhaps by society

have you ever experienced long periods of isolation, starvation or other scenarios which would put you in an extreme state of consciousness? i suggest you try it, it could provide big answers

try to not eat for a couple of days then workout really heavy for example, stay awake too
(don't take any risks

make no mistake, people who are extremely rich, good looking etc and "have it all" are also unhappy, they ask themselves "i have everything, why aren't i happy?" i believe you could be one of those people that if you "had it all" still would feel lost

>> No.17093183

look into atomic habits

>> No.17093186

it's not so much about achieving the goals in themselves as it is about the struggle, the work, the passion, the path because once you have a slightly bigger apartment, a slightly thinner girlfriend you'll want an ever bigger one and a even thinner one

>> No.17093218

he'd die an honorable death

>> No.17093236

Read the last paragraph of the OP again, maybe something clicks

>> No.17093374

cringe is the DOMS of social gains

>> No.17093595

>genetics dont matter

t. chad

>> No.17093681
File: 138 KB, 890x1066, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how come all that bullshit didn't work for you?

>> No.17093873

>"have it all" are also unhappy, they ask themselves "i have everything, why aren't i happy?"
There is a saying "i would rather be crying while driving a Mercedes, than be laughing riding a bicycle".
You may be happy or content with no material wealth and being at the bottom of the social hierarchy, that speaks more of your mind rather than your state of mind.
Go look at videos of homeless talking, most of the time they express that generic gratitude-of-life/tranquility, i only think less of people that are content or outright happy with circumstances which everyone knows they would never have accepted as a younger person.

>> No.17093960

Fucking neet cope, literally even just reading OPs post and considering what he says makes you ten times better off than this faggot

>> No.17093963

this was me two years ago, until i realized that it was the internet itself that was slowly draining me of my concentration and ability to stay interested on tasks.
i stopped browsing, quickly got interested in my jobs and relationships, increased my workload and eventually got promoted
then i slowly started browsing again, and now i'm back here and my job sucks even more
there is no escape

>> No.17094209

The best mathematicians were white dumbass

>> No.17094317

I make 100k a year as a software dev. I workout, play vidya, have a gf and a good social life. No drugs or alcohol. Also live on 700 a month including rent in Midwest. Life gets much better if you actually try.

>> No.17094335

Forgot to mention I work 40 hours a week. Max.

>> No.17094359

>"i would rather be crying while driving a Mercedes, than be laughing riding a bicycle".
another dumb quote, i could probably predict the next one at this point
>You may be happy or content with no material wealth and being at the bottom of the social hierarchy, that speaks more of your mind rather than your state of mind.
what's the difference between my mind and the state of it
>Go look at videos of homeless talking, most of the time they express that generic gratitude-of-life/tranquility, i only think less of people that are content or outright happy with circumstances which everyone knows they would never have accepted as a younger person.
i admire people who can express gratitude and tranqulity in situations of extreme adversity, you should seek adversity in your life, comfort makes you weak and dumb, you're supposed to be running around barefoot in the jungle with predators behind every bush my dude

>> No.17094460

I've been to every lighthouse in France and made 300k on ETC this month and a half. Still live in a studio apartment alone playing Everquest.

>> No.17094493

Based OP. But it's much harder said than done, that's the truth of it. The small step at the start is much easier depending on your personal situation etc. Some people really cant do much about their situation. You say study math etc, but some people aren't cut out for it, literally, their brain simply can't compute. No amount of hard work will help them. They'll be suck at most wageslaving until retirement if lucky.

>> No.17094565

>Go look at videos of homeless talking, most of the time they express that generic gratitude-of-life/tranquility, i only think less of people that are content or outright happy with circumstances which everyone knows they would never have accepted as a younger person.
so you're agreeing with me then regarding the first dumb quote you posted
you are all over the place with your shit my dude

>> No.17094585

>Go look at videos of homeless talking, most of the time they express that generic gratitude-of-life/tranquility, i only think less of people that are content or outright happy with circumstances which everyone knows they would never have accepted as a younger person.
>"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

i now realize it wasn't you who first posted this quote, my apologies. but let me return to your first post.

>What do you do for a living? how much are you worth? if you objectively should rate your girlfriend, how hot is she? is she a nice person to be around?
"how hot is your girlfriend" literally laughing my ass off

>> No.17094610

> literally laughing my ass off
sorry about that but it's true

>> No.17095179


>Why are you wasting your life in front of a screen, anon? All these years, just gone. Wasted. Nullified

lmao stupid boomer

every good tihng in my life comes from sitting in front of my computer all day

>how to get good job
>how to make frens
>how to get gf
>how to be a good parent
>how to have a happy life

>> No.17095243

All I have is $8,000 to my name but a $16,000 in debt
what do
an hero?