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17089498 No.17089498 [Reply] [Original]

sex is fucking gross btw

>> No.17089508

Sometimes yep

>> No.17089549

try anal

>> No.17089554


>> No.17089576

Why bother having sex when you can use your hand?

>> No.17089597

This looks like the girl from requiem for a dream.

>> No.17089613

Yes, vaginal mucus is rather unsanitary.

>> No.17089621

10/10 would marry and be happy with

>> No.17089622

it really is, but it feels nice while its happening

>> No.17089624

Like all basic biological functions, it is kinda nasty when you think about it

>> No.17089637

I have a rule where I never marry anybody with a face manlier and more chiseled than my own.

>> No.17089654

Can anyone tell me how does (active and straight) anal sex feels like? I’m looking for a normie/rational/non fetish opinion

>> No.17089655

Asexual biz squad reporting in

You must be very feminine looking

>> No.17089681

Nice cope incel

>> No.17089684

Lets just say a sphincter is designed to close/grip tightly and leave it at that

>> No.17089686

anal is not a thing it's pushed by jews and no one enjoys it.

>> No.17089687

men prefer fucking girls in the ass for the following reasons:

-more degrading to women, thought of this alone should make you diamond

>> No.17089694

It's the most incredible feel in the world. It's so fucking tight at the entrance it acts like a cockring and the inside has a different texture than the vagina, it's almost slightly ribbed. The sensation of pounding an ass is just unexplainable unless you try it, and do it with a partner that enjoys it too. If the girl is in pain or doesn't like it, it won't be anything special. But if she's into it and loosens up her ass muscles then you can just dog it. Nothing like walking down the street with your girl and knowing she's got your cum in her used ass under her clothes. No I have never fucked a guy, but vaginal sex is just boring to me after having tried anal.

>> No.17089712

Respec your lizard brain, fren.
It's beautiful if you in love

>> No.17089719

That's all bullshit
Its just pushed by kikes in porn

This is a homosexual

>> No.17089720


>> No.17089724

Not with her it’s not

>> No.17089728

As the woman, it hurts like a motherfucker, and obviously no pleasure. Inb4 women's orgasm doesn't matter or you deserve it replies.

Like other anon said, it's perpetuated by jew media. My ex couldn't get diamonds unless he was watching hardcore porn or with me, an age gap of nearly 15 years. He couldn't get fully hard to any of his ex girlfriends. Stay away from that shit, literally.

>> No.17089729

It feels like a ring of tightness all around your dick. And it can feel more exciting/naughty if the girl you're with doesn't like to do it often if ever.

>> No.17089745

I like the idea of it but when I do it to my wife on the rare occasion she lets me I kind of become a bit disgusted by it after about 30 seconds. Doesn't help she is normally crying by this point. Save anal for whores only..

>> No.17089761

my girl prefers anal

>> No.17089768
File: 676 KB, 2000x2575, 1580608598279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't help she is normally crying by this point

>> No.17089773

tits or get the fuck out

>> No.17089782

it's da jooos maan

>> No.17089785

Your girl is a pick me and her rectum will suffer the consequences later in life

>> No.17089804

Yeah it is lol fucking faggot

>> No.17089819

I had a gf who loved it more than piv sex. She said it felt better than regular orgasms if she touched her clit at the same time. She was a jewess though.

>> No.17089823

Married man here, never done anal, its disgusting don't do that jewish shit.

My wife has a lovely pussy, why would I shy away from that and go to literal shit.

>> No.17089824

no she's just always been into it, way more than me, i like breeding

>> No.17089848

Anal is great, but women don't enjoy it. For me there's no pleasure if my partner isn't into it. That's why I exclusively fuck transwomen, they LOVE getting fucked in the ass and even cum from it.

>> No.17089853

Again, women lie, or maybe I'm just the odd one out. Anal feels like nothing at best.

>i like breeding

>> No.17089865

Disgusting jew

>> No.17089875

pussy is literally made for cock

>> No.17089889

Shut up, cunt

>> No.17089895


>> No.17089924

Maybe she only liked it because the degradation turned her on and that's what made it feel better, but anal did make her really wet.

>> No.17089968

Sir, this is a Somalian potato farming forum, anyone is allowed to post.

I got wet from the experience too, but I was not turned on. Sometimes my body reacts however it wants to react, but if she told you she liked it, then she probably did.

>> No.17089995

this is a litmus test for faggotry

>> No.17090034

not a kike and i know kikes push it in order to normalize homosexuality and in reality you're fucking someone where they shit from but still doesnt change the reasons i listed, they are all true

>> No.17090041

It is the best feeling there is anon, only bj can compete

>> No.17090065

i hate women so much. all their bullshit, all the lying, lazy and retarded. who would hang out with women if they had no fuckhole.

>> No.17090082

also cleaner and smells better than vaginas

>> No.17090104

Imagine being this offended and insecure about the human body.

>> No.17090128


>> No.17090158

I don't think she lied about it, since she was the one who wanted us to try it. Or maybe she just wanted it because she thought I wanted it.
>But if she's into it and loosens up her ass muscles then you can just dog it.
This is true and it feels good when you've reached that point. But the preparation and the time it takes for it to be comfortable for the woman makes it a chore if you're not turned on by the idea of it.

>> No.17090165

not really sure how you arrived that i am insecure but read what i was replying to

>> No.17090192

>tfw she won’t let me put it in her butt
Fuck me bros. I want to know what it feels like so goddamn much. It’s like being a virgin all over again

>> No.17090301

I agree, it's wet and smelly, and most actions involved sound like stirring macaroni in a bowl

>> No.17090340

>femanon here

>> No.17090352

>Business and Finance

>> No.17090361

You seem stupid, cunt.

>> No.17090370
File: 75 KB, 750x746, 53B75396-9184-4194-BB27-D00DB7003D6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do most girls have bad breath when they come over to bang
they might be absolutely drop dead gorgeous
they might be very well groomed otherwise
they might be fresh out of the shower
but they always got shtinky breath

>> No.17090448

Have you ever thought that it’s because of their ‘fuck hole’ and the power it has over men that caused the bullshit?

>> No.17090453

i actually prefer it because the girls literally go crazy and make sounds that make me diamonds. it's a much much more intense feel for them than vaginal sex. every girl i did in the ass enjoyed it immensely and that really gets me going. i had multiple orgasms on more than one occasion sticking it into their pooper none from vaginal. oral is also good if the girl knows her job she can make you last many seconds. those prolonged orgasms are also insanely good.

>> No.17090465


>> No.17090497

Don’t you just love it when the orgasms last so long, you crack your toes in euphoria and then it fucking hurts.

>> No.17090531

if she knows her shit it won't hurt. it's just a continuous dribble of ejaculation instead of pumps that lasts soo long and you are in a constant state of orgasm. then she gently sucks your glans so you don't feel pain just content and fulfillment.

feels like being a god really.

>> No.17090534

This but unironically. I’ve never had a sexual encounter that felt better than masturbating.

>> No.17090651

I have. Jerking it usually feels better because you have more control. But there's been a couple times when she's riding the D and grinding her hips back and forth while my cock is bottomed out and that shit feels so fucking good. Instacoom every time

>> No.17090684
File: 42 KB, 700x436, 1541442765851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when did you realize you were gay?

>> No.17090734

lmao k
I'm a dude and I love it when my partner pushes fingers in my ass.
you're fucking catholic level of backwards.
My ex could only squirt if I fucked her in the ass for 20 minutes.
fuckoff to whatever rock you climbed under from.
and your ex is gay for fucking you bc you're clearly les and baiting but fuck it, my 2 sats

>> No.17090876

who the fuck are you seeing!?

>> No.17090927
File: 111 KB, 680x589, 8C6BC48A-524D-42AA-B4CE-F6710C1FAE7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17090986

I'm asexual, so I obviously agree with this sentiment.

>> No.17090996

Yes, and the really weird part is there are certain people whose entire lives revolve around what is essentially just a biological function. Kinda pathetic if you think about it.

>> No.17091013

i like sex 100x better
feels great when you blow your load inside

>> No.17091028
File: 34 KB, 640x582, mandodad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anal is pleasurable to men because they have a g-spot in their ass. I have plenty of straight women friends that hate anal and think it's painful or boring. I'm asexual. I got gaslit into thinking I was making my sexuality up, but I always feel nothing, no matter who it's with or where, including solo. "I can change that" = Every man I've been with. Inb4 meds because I'm not taking any. Related hormone levels are normal, are actually above average in terms of health.

>> No.17091031

>sex is fucking gross btw
not if you bottom

>> No.17091065

Blowing your load into a 20-something year old's mouth while she's looking up at you is something else. I like wanking but it's hard to top the feel of a young cutie sucking you off.

>> No.17091097


It’s like we were born to do this

>> No.17091279

asexuality is ok anon

>> No.17091351
File: 113 KB, 500x500, ithinkimace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren

>> No.17091490

How do I get my girlfriend to do anal with me?

>> No.17091529

you should keep on trying m8 it's out there.
i mean sure lot of times a good jerk is better than the sex. it happens.

>> No.17091574

>I have plenty of straight women friends that hate anal and think it's painful or boring
about 65% of women never experience orgasm in her life and many from the rest only cums from clit stimulation. so that does not sound outlandish at all to me.

the girls i have been with loved it tho. found it extremely hot and pleasurable. guess i just got the right dick for it. long but not too thick.

>> No.17091594

>promise her you’ll return the favor
>anal sex
>dump her gaping ass

>> No.17091604
File: 12 KB, 345x338, wtf-wuz-dat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda enjoy it.
But not as much as moon missions.

>> No.17091612

Extremely overrated. Vaginal and oral are usually 9/10 or better, anal is a 3/10 usually. Messy, smelly, you can hurt her, and it can give you a UTI

>> No.17091618


>> No.17091664
File: 117 KB, 749x888, BC67AAA0-830E-4753-9E64-3CE960302C76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about 65% of women never experience orgasm in her life
bull fucking shit
is this why women keep coming back despite me not being able to get it up half the time and just resorting to finger blasting them until they pass out?
this is extremely bullish

>> No.17091685
File: 35 KB, 539x640, 196122-zoe_castillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vidyagaem lookin ass bitch

>> No.17091688

i think this statistics includes a lot of women you would never touch from all around the world. but still. most women don't find sex pleasurable it's just duty or a control mechanism for them and also validation.

>> No.17091689

20 3's

>> No.17092390

So much this.
The time I have wasted chasing women, that I could have used to perfect any other profitable skill.
Transhumanism fucking when, I want to be freed from all my biological BS needs

>> No.17092432

no they dont idiot. women dont have a g spot. theres no stimulation for them when they get fucked in the ass, it actually hurts them.

>> No.17092564

It's 2020 anon. There are plenty of women with g-spots up their asses. Some even have penises.

>> No.17092595

Tbh, anal is just gross. People shit from there, and you get it on your dick. The feeling isn't even that great, the hole wasn't evolved for sex and a pussyhole was. And it shows.
Mostly a turn on for deviants for whom normal sex isn't possible or satisfying anymore.

>> No.17092597
File: 68 KB, 474x474, 820d486082ef985079559a1e4adf3652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got really drunk 2 weeks ago and ended up fucking a girl on her period. She didn't tell me until it was too late and I just kept going. I can still recall the smell.

>> No.17092644

extremely extremely overrated. when i entered i felt the grit of the sphincter and anal cavity and felt kinda like sand paper - was kinda gross... my dick is kinda long so i wasnt even more than halfway in and the girl said STOP - when i pulled out there was a piece of shit on the tip of my dick.

i ran to the shower and rinsed it off and left.
shit was fucking absolutely disgusting. never again will i ever fuck an asshole.

vaginal is where its at and mouth fucking is the best in my opinion as long as they dont drag those teeth

>> No.17092771

show us your feminine penis or gtfo

>> No.17092780

sex is not gross it's just that you OP are not desirable, so this is how you rationalize it.

I'm fat and hairy with man tits, and sex is basically anxiety for me, as I have trouble getting it up (half a lifetime of porn) + blow my load early.

So since I end up disappointing any woman I sleep with, I avoid sex as they'll eventually want nothing to do with me. Some people are meant to enjoy relationships and love in this world, and many are not. It's just the way things are.

>> No.17092897

WRONG! think about sticking the floppy veiny hairy sweaty stick that you use to get rid of liquid waste. the one thats right next to your shit hole all day. then sticking that inside of a womans slimey hairy open liquid waste hole the one right above her shit hole. slamming it inside of her over and over all while your body oder and sweat is mixing with hers until your pee hole shoots out a sticky slime inside of another persons pee hole.

sound totally not gross

>> No.17092938

>felt the grit of the sphincter and anal cavity


>> No.17092965

You're just a lowly animal. And the shit you wrote is just a way of rationalizing why everyone must like sex (most likely primitive, with many different disgusting whores at that), in order to cope with their lowly existence. A drug addict would reason the same way, about why doing drugs is cool. And the only reason some would forgo being a druggie is "bad trips" (bad sex).

I mean... if you have sex... please, be my guest. But don't invent pseudoscientific bullshit rationalizations in order to justify it. Especially when it comes to excusing women (and men) from being disgusting and filthy whores. I mean... I completely understand your delusion of why sex is "loving" and all that shit. But it ultimately is just a delusion. And your "psychological rationalization" talk really is just a shitty way of justifying something that is ultimately akin to doing drugs. Which really is a bad thing in case you start indulging and fucking around with tons of different women (or men). Then degenerating and being shallow about it.

>> No.17093449
File: 40 KB, 538x538, 1523718740925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ancient artifact male portrait doesn't look impressed with his g-spot stimulation faggots
you homos are just making it up

>> No.17093507

yeah it felt gritty and totally different texture than a vagina.

a vagina is smooth and wet and nice - the pooper felt like sandpaper kinda - was not enjoyable

>> No.17093517

That's the point. God made them insufferable but you still deal with them because fuckhole. It's all a big joke. Fuck living imo.

>> No.17093531


I did the same one time like a month and a half ago. She got off 3 times, I never did and swore I'd never do it again. I'm surprised I didn't throw up and was able to maintain a hard on.

>> No.17093535

interesting from my experience the vaginal wall has much more texture than the anus which is much smoother. maybe you were fucking some wart ridden syphilis ass.

>> No.17093636
File: 16 KB, 303x328, feels good man1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with someone you love is actually really nice.

Imagine the love of your life looking at you with doe eyes as your thrust your cock inside her, then she moans "I love you" before you blow your load and collapse on top of her. No feelings of shame or post-coital tristesse afterwards either because you know she's clean, you're in love with her, and if you somehow accidentally knocked her up you would just marry her and raise the baby together.

Feels good man.

>> No.17093826

this bitch looks exactly like my ex-wife to the point it could actually be a pic of her

>> No.17093846

maybe you were fucking some wart ridden syphilis pussy

>> No.17094005

unlikely i was not the one complaining about sand

>> No.17094071

Post bobs

>> No.17094150

I see life still has many lessons

>> No.17094315

coke breath.

>> No.17094452

I’ve never been on a date or felt a boob. I’m 34 years old.

>> No.17094497

It's tight but I think a lot of the pleasure in it comes from the domination aspect of it. That's not really a fetish thing, men are biologically programmed to dominate women in bed. You need to use a lot of lube and ease your way in so the girl can get used to it before start pumping away.