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17075574 No.17075574 [Reply] [Original]

How much did your life improve when you gave up vidya? to understand where I'm coming from my diet is very healthy, I do calisthenics, I fap maybe once or twice a week and have spent less than 400 hours on any given game. But I'm still not as productive as I could be, I'd blame mainly my "addiction" to video games. I might be wrong though, so just share your own experience.

>> No.17075585

Giving up any any activity you use to get a dopamine hit isnt a guaranteed way to improve your life. You will just find something else to burn time. The solution of to pick up something productive, and you will naturally spend less time on meaningless things.

>> No.17075648

what is the most efficient way to satisfy your dopamin cravings?

>> No.17075666

I've been visiting 4chin since 2008, I play video games and work out in my spare time. I fucked about ~60 women before I got married to a hapa virgin qt. You can do it too.

>> No.17075693

Get immersed in a good career that challenges you and have a hobby that you are passionate about. I'm an electrical engineer and flyfish every weekend.

>> No.17075697

Replace video game addiction with a coding addiction. I now spend hours after work coding and when you figure something out and get it working that dopamine hit is just so good. Plus it advances your career opportunities

>> No.17075705

Numbers of perfection, thank you

>> No.17075710

m8 all I want to do is laze around, wtf is wrong with me.

>> No.17075717

Why would I give it up
I make 6 figs as a software engineer and have a gf, and I'm pretty fit since lifting for 5 years
Literally no reason to give up games, especially good well written ones. I did give up competitive games though because they're actually bad for your mental and eat away time for valuable activities. Fuck league and csgo

Nothing wrong with getting comfy and beating a nice single player game. Recently finished ds1 now playing rise of the tomb raider

>> No.17075763
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Two things, first, you should stop measuring the value of your life in terms of time 'wasted' vs time 'invested'. I'm not saying be a NEET and play vidya all day, I'm just saying that it isn't healthy to be so self-critical. Without delving into philosophical territory, there is more to life than making money.

Second, the fact that you are aware that you might spend too much time on a certain hobby puts you way ahead of the curve when compared to most of your peers. Try to set yourself a schedule where you allot at least a certain amount of time to constructive things like lifting, reading or studying. Like most things, it is difficult at first but after a few weeks you fall into a habit.

Good luck, zoomerbro.

>> No.17075788

Giving up Vidya is not the answer to life’s problems, but limiting it certainly is, if you are playing it for more than 4 hours a day you got a problem (1/6th of your day including sleep). It is what it is, just a game, I’d say unless you are a pro or a video game designer you shouldn’t spend too much time on it we weren’t meant to stare at screens all day

>> No.17075789
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That said, there are a lot of things which classic video games taught me when I was growing up. I'm not so sure about the pozzed industry of today but I am pretty sure that the philosophical and moral dilemmas posed in quality games like Fallout (1/2) and KOTOR contributed a lot more to my education than being forced to read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn or some shit.

>> No.17075798

I don't know are you sad or depressed? If you aren't at a good baseline of dopamine without external stimuli then you got to sort that out. You should get to the point where sitting in a room doing nothing you are at pleasantly content with life. If that's not the case then you need to figure out what's causing you to feel down

>> No.17075820

>pretty sure that the philosophical and moral dilemmas posed in quality games like Fallout (1/2) and KOTOR contributed a lot more to my education than being forced to read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn or some shit
yeah sure, however I learned more from a few pages of Aristoteles or Schiller than from hours upon hours of Civ 4

>> No.17075826
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I was a 2010 newfag but this place definitely honed my critical thinking skills

OP, make sure that you form your own opinions about the content here. Also FUCK calisthenics, you need to lift and jog like a true fucking chad

Vidya is fine just force yourself to not make it a priority

>> No.17075844

my shitty life
>father suicided
>basically raised my mom only
>to a weak fat kid
>natural introvert
>whatever follows
I'm just distracting myself to keep going. The times where I'm on my own I just freeze and wanna kms lmao. I wouldn't say I'm depressed rn, but when it comes to my baseline it's really subterranean.

>> No.17075849

>he isn’t a chad sociopath in the year of our lord 2020
>making it
Pick one

>> No.17075874
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This is weird considering how many times I’ve said “kys faggot” etc on this website but your life has intrinsic value. I think that you don’t value yourself very highly, as demonstrated by your self-deprecating comments.

You have to be like 20 at the oldest. Listen dude, just keep working out, keep studying, try to relate to normies by being friendly and agreeable and eventually it will all click. Eventually you will know how to live in the ether between the blackpilled autismos here and the blissfully oblivious rest of the world.

>> No.17075875

>be me
>play games >40 hours a week
>go lift, hang out and smoke drug instead
>stop playing games so much
>start playing games again
>stopped caring a decade ago, not in a doomer way but a legit "I do not feel any particular concern or pressure to change my ways and therefore can enjoy myself in peace," kind of way

Having BTDT I conclude that self-improvement is masturbation. Take care of your money and your body and then do whatever the fuck you want all the time.

>> No.17075894

I'm seeing myself realistically, is that an issue?