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File: 9 KB, 239x250, 1580437260306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17073454 No.17073454 [Reply] [Original]

Or you're not going to make it

STFU with your "scam coin" "jew coin" garbage. You're a piece of shit know nothing retard and you know it. Buy some or regret it forever.

>> No.17073555

Get dumped on you dumb faggot. Jew coin scam

>> No.17073576

Undeniable trips of truth

>> No.17073614
File: 352 KB, 720x960, IMG_3116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a Jew coin. That's exactly why I'm holding it. Never bet against the (((bankers))) long term.
t. knowing goyim

>> No.17073620

>still down 90%

>> No.17073642


>> No.17074163
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>> No.17074171
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>> No.17074184

You really dont understand how this scam works do you? The Jews are winning but only because they're dumping on retail retards like YOU

>> No.17074207

I only have 5k stack
Will I still semi-make it?
I only need 3 mil to make it.

>> No.17074574
File: 54 KB, 626x417, 5777A94E-CEE8-4819-91CC-8966B957B1ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is actually on point here.

>> No.17074940

10k or bust fren

>> No.17075041

5k stack will be plenty for 3 mil, you'll have more than that. XRP will be 2000 USD this year.

- insider

>> No.17075046


>> No.17075050

Like I said in another thread, every single person worth anything in the financial sector knows about XRP and is told to keep quiet about it. It isn't hopium, it is fact.

>> No.17075052
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>> No.17075058
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so you're the one retard they trusted to tell? kek keep hodling!!


>> No.17075070

Well I bough some bags 3800. Im up a whole 4%

>> No.17075081

I work in the industry anon. Thus the "insider" part. I've seen the contracts that are about to go off Q1 and Q2 for XRP. It's happening and you will miss out because you do not DYOR.

Good job, 3800 x 2000 is a lot.

>> No.17075114

5k stack. Will be pumping to 10k when I get my tax return. Shooting for 25-50k stack depending on how long it stays below .30.

>> No.17075119

Scam that only brainlets buy

>> No.17075136
File: 35 KB, 220x211, wow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scam that only brainlets buy
only brainlets think xrp is a scam

everyone else can see that it's only a matter of time before banks adopt it

>> No.17075166
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It's 7.6 million to be exact.

>> No.17075180
File: 486 KB, 383x681, f95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$2000 would give XRP a market cap of 87 trillion. $87,371,116,366,000. say that out loud...

can you actually be this retarded ranjesh?

you got DABBED ON

>> No.17075188
File: 800 KB, 1735x934, stol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stealing this pepe you can't stop me

>> No.17075193
File: 9 KB, 219x230, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>542 trillion derivatives market
>Talking about what will become the global standard
Bullish, thank you

>> No.17075196


>> No.17075201
File: 1.11 MB, 978x827, 1580454857853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$2000 would give XRP a market cap of 87 trillion. $87,371,116,366,000

Good times ahead

>> No.17075221
File: 8 KB, 227x222, 1522776113562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cripple tards have done nothing but lose money the past 24 months and then wanna say their shit is gonna moon harder than anything in recorded history....within two quarters...while btc is halving....you have to be the brownest of browns, sanjeet.

legitimately, keep coping.

>> No.17075227

It's sad that you have no clue that marketcap is irrelevant. You wont get anywhere because of pride.

>> No.17075229
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Just sayin

>> No.17075230
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We're mooning within about an hour according to the chart chaiwala

Stay posted to see how bad you look

Fetch me some tea BOI

>> No.17075237

Low volume

Fucking trash

>> No.17075252
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Computation isn't the bottleneck senpai, adoption is

>> No.17075253

FLETA stands out here ;)

>> No.17075265

Ironically, my international bank transfer might be too slow to buy around 20k XRP while it’s still under 25 cents.

>> No.17075290

stupid fucking pajeets. there is no helping you but i guess you're so far down from the ATH you have no other response but C O P E

enjoy your 10% trade ranjesh. $2000 will never ever ever happen tho.

>> No.17075325

didn't work in 2017
isn't going to work in 2020

>> No.17075368

XRP can handle 1500 continuous, but can scale to over 50,000.

the Next Cobalt update allows XRP to scale to infinity as fast as your router can handle.

>> No.17075410

I hate our shitty boomer banking system.

>> No.17075462

Fuck off, pajeet.

>> No.17075478


>> No.17075527

20% green candle is in the works. The dabbing has begun.

>> No.17075557

Holy fuck 2000. What does that make the marketcap? Are you retarded?

>> No.17075584



>> No.17075597
File: 381 KB, 1364x2048, IMG_20200124_223956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do retards focus on market cap so much regarding crypto markets? I'm asking you because you're retarded and you might be able to answer.

>> No.17075603

XRP is going to $0.00

>> No.17075609

40k+ reporting in, thrilled af

>> No.17075610


>> No.17075635


>> No.17075760

I am not, but you might very well be. You don't even know the space.


>> No.17075809
File: 400 KB, 488x519, 1430410248540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to file my fucking taxes before the moon

>> No.17075815

Im a fucking retard fuck my face the article

>> No.17075992
File: 128 KB, 882x960, 1579689978134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I honestly feel sorry for XRPfags. This sold for close to 4$ each..

>> No.17076054
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>> No.17076635

alright here we go faggots

>> No.17076803

what are you retards even on about, this crap can't even pump with the rest of the market, dumps like mad at the first sight of red in bitcoin, the worst perfomer of 2019, still 95% down from ATH and can't even hold fucking 25 cents right now. But sure, it'll be $2000 a piece in under 2 weeks.

What a bunch of drooling retards...

>> No.17076835
File: 22 KB, 133x112, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this crap can't even pump with the rest of the market
remember these words anon

>> No.17076840

Buy high, sell low then retard

>> No.17076924


fugging faggots, all you do is spew curry smelling bullshit here while your precious shitcoin is dumping yet again

those shill rupees won't last very long, enjoy staying poor before coronavirus wipes all you shitskins out

>> No.17076956

yeah yeah


>> No.17076980
File: 39 KB, 474x683, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir, buy my shitcoin ples, sir do the needful, sir

>> No.17077080
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>> No.17077207
File: 156 KB, 700x1025, we moonin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17077226

super pooper 2020

>> No.17077464

You got it backwards; pajeets hate XRP because it competes with their various shitcoins.

>> No.17077496

>You got it backwards; pajeets hate XRP because it competes with their various shitcoins.
oh lol that actually makes more sense

>> No.17077504

>MUH centralized
> MUH banks
you're betting against the house again /biz/

>> No.17077567

>you're betting against the house again /biz/
biz hates money lol

>> No.17077606

I'm a lifelong contrairian and even I am betting in XRP

>> No.17077785

>95% down from ATH

This is an argument for buying, not the other way around lol. Buy when blood is in the streets.

>> No.17077799


>> No.17078015

that was meant for things like property you mong, not some vaporware imaginary shitcoin made out of hot air

>> No.17078041

xrp was at $0.18 a month ago. seems like we missed the big increase already

>> No.17078335
File: 183 KB, 1439x1438, Screenshot_20200203-075332_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like this don't want you to have gains like this. They target Scotty with their weak bullshit listen at your own loss. Ripple is going places and they are taking xrp with it.

>> No.17078463
File: 28 KB, 400x300, right you are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally any and every shitcoin chart

>My shitcoin is soooooooooooooo special

>> No.17078491

You let yourself get dumped on by Jews, good job faggot

>> No.17078576

yes, most shitcoins will pump, xrp has been in top 10 for like 6 years, do u really think it wont go past ATH? mong

>> No.17078650


you came up with that one all by yourself, did you now?

>> No.17078715

t. upset

>> No.17078738

you have to be 18 to post on this board

>> No.17078895


>> No.17078896

XRP historically has begun rallies after 95% corrections from ATHs generally after 800ish bars have passed

>> No.17078932

Why do 17 year olds FUD XRP so much

>> No.17079011

It's the only shitcoin that's used by Ripple.

>> No.17079043

quit that linear shitscale you fucking nigger
put on the log scale and zoom the fuck out
you dance in the palm of ripple, they can end your fucking position at any time for any reason
you're a cuck