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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17074426 No.17074426 [Reply] [Original]

Just got an $18000 tax return

What should I buy?

>> No.17074431

Bad Dragon

>> No.17074432

buy me a used 2018 Toyota Corolla SE

>> No.17074435

The services of an accountant to fix your retarded overwitholding.

>> No.17074439

Harmony ONE

>> No.17074440

How did you get your tax return so soon?

>> No.17074441


>> No.17074443
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What that guy said...

>> No.17074467
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>> No.17074481

Put 5k into kleros, 5k into btc and keep the rest liquid in case it dumps with the Corona virus affecting the world economy, to buy the dip. Also get yourself something nice. Maybe travel somewhere.

>> No.17074523

Solar credit

>> No.17074842
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NKN, if you aren't retarded.

>> No.17075044


You think you got 18k back anon, but you actually got 2.5-3% less than that in purchasing power. You're a brainlet.

>> No.17075215

op is completely fuckin rekt lmfao

>> No.17075233



Get in while it's still cheap.

>> No.17075365

BitcoinSOV - Deflationary by Design

>> No.17075704

If you want to invest your money in something, then I would recommend diversifying and distributing your money between several different assets. One asset can be stocks, or one asset can be gold, or one asset can be cryptocurrencies.

There is less risk if you have several different assets to invest in.

For example if you invest in cryptocurrencies, you choose for example 5 different ones.

My cryptocurrency recommendations:

Big ones:

Medium sized:

New ones:

I like BSOV (BitcoinSOV) because it is deflationary by design, and is more suitable as a SoV (store-of-value).

You can buy BSOV if you have ETH in a Metamask wallet and go to the decentralized exchange DDEX.

Here is the link to DDEX where you can buy BSOV:

BSOV is currently an undiscovered gem, and has huge upside potential as a new deflationary asset class.
Yes, BSOV is designed to be more deflationary than Bitcoin (BTC), since BTC is "disinflationary" instead.

BitcoinSOV (BSOV) is activism by code, a protest against the inflation of CCIC's (Centrally Controlled Inflationary Currencies) - Made and controlled by your nation states and banks, to make you believe in THEIR economy - Forced by a monopoly of violence.

You can become a non-violent deflationist and protest peacefully by using alternatives, to guide the world into a decentralized future.
Read more at https://btcsov.com/deflationist

>> No.17075811

FRM while it's still $1M marketcap. Rune-esque gains incoming.

>> No.17075858

All in VIDT

>> No.17075927

Depends, if you're planning on getting rich, i suggest getting CENNZ

>> No.17075932


>> No.17075982

Funny way of spelling 86 Tureno.

>> No.17075991


>> No.17076160

lol a currency that destroys itself in a few years

>> No.17076247

You can still adjust down your witholding if you know that. Would've taken 5 minutes of math to save hundreds on interest.

>> No.17076257

Microcap gems;


>> No.17076276

This will undoubtedly pump like a muthafucker in Q1. Exchange listing coming with binance heavily rumoured and partnerships with publically traded companies in the pipeline for this quarter too.

Also throw a few hundred dollars into some Kucoin low caps like OPQ. Research this bitch it's one if the most solid tokens out there in terms of tokenomics and already having a working product in the ecosystem

>> No.17076441

You should invest rather than spending, this would increase your asset than liability, you can take help of new technology like DeFi & invest in crypto & traditional economy evenly one can take help of asset management service firm like FinNexus which is supported by wanchain ecosystem.

>> No.17076704

Indeed fren, digitalbits just stealthy updated their roadmap for this Q1

>> No.17077315

Where are these traded fren?

>> No.17077320

XDB best bet is IDEX, top 3 volume nowadays.
OPQ is on the KuCoin with BTC pair, pretty chad exchange desu