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File: 60 KB, 1308x805, 2.2.2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17065650 No.17065650 [Reply] [Original]

We are quickly approaching 30,000,000 XRP utilized in cross boarder payments by MoneyGram from USD to Pesos.

SEC confirmed running a XRP node.

XRP repeatedly mentioned as the next big banking breakthrough.

>> No.17065658
File: 87 KB, 314x319, boom time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17065716

xrp is designed to be a stable coin.
cross border payments would collapse if price starts rising / falling.
mysql is literally a better solution

>> No.17065780

You get paid to shill and FUD. Literally one of the dumbest things I have read today anon.

>> No.17065808

>MoneyGram from USD to Pesos.
ripple had to buy into beanergram to have them use it
>SEC confirmed running a XRP node
yes, to monitor the scam
>XRP repeatedly mentioned as the next big banking breakthrough.
by ripple and the xrp holders

>> No.17065810

HOLY fucking shit this is bullish af

All in

>> No.17065857

>ripple had to buy into beanergram to have them use it
They bought a 10% stake in moneygram. That's not a reason to be bearish lmfao

>> No.17065874

>boarder payments

>> No.17065882

It’s also senators and fed chairman talking about XRP. Let them stay poor.

>> No.17065885

good luck getting into banks if you have to buy your way in at 10% a pop

>> No.17065893

>good luck getting into banks if you have to buy your way in at 10% a pop

I mean the BANK OF ENGLAND is literally a Ripple customer but I'm sure your deranged commentary is valid in your mind

>> No.17065900

lol, no theyre not

>> No.17065904

been waiting to buy for a while and I've now finally FOMO'ed due to your shilling. thanks

>> No.17065915

yeah they are, they're a paid customer but w/e. this shit will 4x in sats at least during the next bullrun and that's all that matters

>> No.17065925

>lol, no theyre not
Yeah ok zoomer


>> No.17065939

literally nothing to do with xrp, kek

keep telling yourself bub

>> No.17065952
File: 498 KB, 1900x943, ODL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realise their flagship product offers on demand liquidity to banks and FIs

ODL is XRP fren

>> No.17065969

oh everyone knows
but nobody wants it

>> No.17066002

Unironically this. Ripple customers mean nothing to XRP besides small fish like MoneyGram who use xRapid. American Express is using xCurrent for example. MoneyGram doesn't care about the price of XRP it means nothing to them.

However the price of XRP does matter when talking about the big players. The liquidity index at XRPs current price means its not worth enough for major banks to utilize. This is why seeing a good growth in the original pic is so important. As xRapid gets more liquidity it strengthens XRP by real world use by small players like MoneyGram and branches of Santander. Its minnows for the bass.

As the original chart grows, expect XRP to be less volatile downwards with a stronger steady upward trend.

>> No.17066022

look at OP's image you fucking imbecile

that's ODL ... you know XRP being used by RippleNet for settlement

>> No.17066034


>> No.17066044

I post this updated pic everyday lol

>> No.17066046
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>> No.17066052

>small fish
>Fortune 500 American company with over $1BN in revenue
>>>>>>>>>>””””””””small fish””””””””

The absolute state of shitcoiner cope. If your flavour of the week token’s dev shined the MoneyGram CEO’s shoes you’d be raving. I bet you even hold some LINK too.

>> No.17066060

>XRP being used
for beaner money transfers, not banks, kek

>> No.17066064

GTFO-Anon is the worst kind of Anon. Right up next to WPAnon

>> No.17066070

Nah. Nothing dumber than you chainlink brainwashed freaks.

>> No.17066072

>for beaner money transfers, not banks, kek
stay poor lel

>> No.17066077

its not chainlink people mate, just those who don't like shitcoin shills

>> No.17066119

>it’s a scam
>ok maybe it’s sorta legit
>it’s slow
>ok it’s kinda fast
>no one knows about it
>ok so the US government are aware and so are the Japanese and pretty much everyone else on earth who cares
>no one will ever use it
>ok it’s being used by remittance companies all over the world
>it’ll never moon again
>ok it’s just crossed previous ATH
>it’s too cheap for large payments daily
>ok Ripple have finished laying all the groundwork to support liquidity so it’s near impossible to crash just like a normal fiat currency and it’s now in the 4 digit range

One Bitcoin divisible to 8 decimal places is currently worth over $9,000. Bitcoin is a terrible cryptocurrency technically speaking. XRP divisible to 6 decimal places is a superior cryptocurrency in pretty much every imaginable way. In the end, utility is all that matters. The XRP ledger has a built-in DEX and can have tokens issued on its ledger. XRP has been running since 2012 with basically zero problems. Bitcoin obviously failed to rule the world due to having zero compliance features and being slow, unreliable and shit. Every few weeks there was some glaring security issue with Bitcoin, when people actually think of starting to use it as a currency it shits it’s pants. When people think it’s a safe asset to park their money in, it shits it’s pants. XRP has none of its pitfalls. As a digital way to move value around, XRP is literally unparalleled and I challenge you right now to find a flaw in the XRP ledger protocol. You cannot.

>> No.17066141

You forgot the part about Ripple donating the escrow to the IMF. The single largest wealth transfer in history.

>> No.17066148

so many pink ids cucks

yeah you forgot it's not decentralized and it's not even crypto

>> No.17066167

Anon it is more decentralized than bitcoin and is literally impossible to attack. Unlike China and Iran controlling majority of the hash power of BTC.

>> No.17066168

are there really people who are this fucking stupid to be thinking DeFi and decentralized oracles are memes? Don't you have something better to be doing, like licking up your wife's boyfriend's cum off of her back?

>> No.17066179
File: 74 KB, 378x386, oooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and zerp-pilled

>> No.17066229

How is that incorrect? Legit fact-based answer only please, no ad hominem.

>> No.17066247

nice b8 m8

>> No.17067258


>> No.17067268

You idiots are about to get dumped on by the foundation again. 1 billion more XRP just released from escrow lmao

>> No.17067349
File: 40 KB, 600x361, BB0F5CF5-E3A2-4633-89F5-23A02B86F05C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17067690

yeah and they will put back in 80% of that into the escrow cause no one wants those shitty rippleshitcoins.

enjoy your years of dumping inflation, rippletits!

A list of all of Ripple’s XRP in escrow with ending dates.

So far 25 escrows have ended, 1 billion each. The total amount of XRP in escrow has been reduced by 5.2 billion XRP so far. That is an average of 208 million per month. At this rate, it will take 239 months (19 years and 11 months) for the last escrow to finish, in December 2039 (11 months ago the expected finish was April 2039 at a rate of 214.3 per month).


>> No.17067697

just dropped a hard eth

>> No.17068378


>> No.17068382

This is irrelevant when transanctions take 1 sec but ofcourse you already know that

>> No.17068502

>for banks!

>> No.17068783

SCAM get jewed