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File: 15 KB, 1200x600, zcash-logo-horizontal-fullcolor-fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17064236 No.17064236 [Reply] [Original]

>volume going up again
>golden cross forming on the daily USD pair
Why are you not in ZEC? It's better than furry Monero shitcoin.

>> No.17064268

I bought in already it is massively undervalued. Zcash + Ethereum are the future. Fuck bitcoin/monero and any other shitcoin talked about on here.

>> No.17064325

Yeah. Monero isn't even private.

>> No.17064473


>> No.17064499

just invest in ARRR

>> No.17064538

>Why are you not in ZEC? It's better than furry Monero shitcoin.
You shills are desperate, aren't you?

>> No.17064695

>Monero volume
>ZCASH volume

Yeah, totally desperate. Not to mention ZCASH almost tripled while you furry shitcoin is struggling to double. Nobody wants your shitty furry futa shitcoin, retard.

>> No.17064775

>trusted setup.
Ok, jew.

>> No.17065058

Xmr volume is invisible coinmarketcap only shows some exchange volume.

Zcash volume is visible in most cases thus it appears to be bigger

>> No.17065087

>zcash almost trippled after being 98% down from ATH
woah... bullish af

>> No.17065100
File: 60 KB, 450x450, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why fight guys? xmr and zec are both great projects. lets b frenz

>> No.17065372

Sure thing, cope more.

>> No.17065565

This isn't an argument. Many well known cypherpunks and cryptographers took place in the ceremony, and the setup only requires one of them to be honest and discard the 'toxic waste'. Maybe all of them were compromised and it's a massive conspiracy, but I doubt it

>> No.17065643
File: 214 KB, 960x720, 1565628624184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you can never know. You have to trust.
How many times in history trust was exploited, especially if money was involved?
So, no, thank you. No ticket for this train for me.

>> No.17065824

Did you write the implementation for the node you're running, or did you trust someone else to do that? Did you compile the source or just download the binary? Have you read through the source code? Can you read code? Are you running a node? Stop pretending like you don't place trust in the software or it's developers. The chance of a big conspiracy where all the participants in the Zcash setup are compromised and everyone is just keeping the secret is next to zero.

>> No.17065844

what is this, daily volume? Yeah no suprise, they pump and dumped it today.

it's all about market cap you stupid fag. You guys are half of Monero, and that's even with you being the endorsed jew coin.

kill yourself.

>> No.17065913

>it's all about market cap you stupid fag
Yeah, higher market cap means less potential returns, all else equal. Zcash was incredibly undervalued at $27 and I'm glad I bought some. It sounds like you're investing based on a particular ideology, one which you perceive to be the most profitable, I hope it works out for you

>> No.17065951


The other anon was bragging about Monero being outpreformed by a 24hour volume metric, which is retarded.

And market cap is not the limit on potential returns. Inflation is. Do some research on that you brainlet.

>> No.17065997

ok fren best of luck

>> No.17066100
File: 145 KB, 832x1200, 1570316470545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those things you mentioned are trustless. I could check them for correctness. But not the tusted setup of zcash. That is a qualitative difference.

>> No.17066276

More importantly, ZEC is a centralized program with a literal dev fee. You are putting your trust into a business instead of a decentralized community, the latter being what you want in a crypto.

>> No.17067148

Volume on ZEC is constantly higher than on XMR, despite having lower market cap. Nobody wants that fucking paedo shitcoin run by a furry fag.

>> No.17067168

I bought some at $28 or so because it looked like it had bottom. Really kicking myself for not buying more. Now a lot of charts are starting to look hot. ZEC will be a real winner even though I don't think anyone will actually use it. Around $30 it was a no brain trade (4hr golden cross).

>> No.17067275

volume doesn't mean anything, especially when this is a pump and dump scheme.

monero has twice as many daily transactions. And all of them are anon. Compared to your shit coin, where literally nobody is shielding transactions, it's clear which coin actually has a use case.

>> No.17067596
File: 8 KB, 249x249, 1518891017623s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17067828
File: 60 KB, 1677x602, zecdoublebottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double bottom at 26, this thing's going to fly

>> No.17067922

>volume doesn't mean anything
Go cope somewhere else, dumb fuck.