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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 292 KB, 500x502, gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17062542 No.17062542 [Reply] [Original]

The price of gold will rise or fall in the next months? I'm thinking of buying an ounce

>> No.17062553

Of course it will.

>> No.17062563

>or fall
no it won't. central banks are printing like crazy, a global pandemic might crash the economy hard, european banks on the brink of defaulting, middle east is still a shithole

>> No.17062566
File: 145 KB, 805x629, 1580158068249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea just buy gold and silver, normal fags are still around 2-3 months behind. The government on the TV hasn't informed them that coronavirus has a spread rate bigger than the spanish flu and common flu combined along with a high fatality rate. The sheep get worried when the government tells them to be worried, Which is why the government is downplaying it all. Only 7 cases of corona in the USA my ass,there are at least 100 infected if not more crossing state lines right now.

>> No.17062606

the amount of leaked vids from china on the web proves alot more death is coming to everyones town but typical media downplaying it and being all its ok nothing to worry about cuz we said so. haaaaaa fuck that noise my friend in china sent me a vid from his village and there's bodies in the streets of dead people from it. he said he has it and will be dead soon also. so fuck our media for pretending it's not a problem and to just keep working and being around others. shitters

>> No.17062666
File: 7 KB, 253x199, download - 2020-02-01T223646.455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gates' $104 billion fortune could buy 81.1 million troy ounces of gold, according to Bloomberg.

>> No.17062690

uncertainty = gold price run
this motherfucker is only 1 month in and no cunt know what is going on. do it OP.