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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 76 KB, 730x547, bill-gates-and-2015-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17057999 No.17057999 [Reply] [Original]

If you listen to Bill Gates speak, he always come across as 100% pragmatic & logical - likely the smartest man you'd listen to all day, out of anyone else you've heard speak

>> No.17058026

>dad dedicated life to killing n0gger babies.
son comes across as logical...

>> No.17058067

The Netflix series was great. Really gives you insight into a billionaires life, just cause he is the richest man in the world doesn't mean he can do what he wants. The global health projects he is working on, even he can't afford to do them, needs to motivate others and think carefully about cost efficiency. And he has no free time for deranged hedonism.


>> No.17058083


>> No.17058100

You first

>> No.17058128

Good that it worked on you. I have done a lot selfish things throughout my life, now I want to prove I was a good guy all along.

>> No.17058132


>> No.17058135

My dad's best friend is a man who used to work with Bill Gates on the creation of Microsoft. He always says Bill is a cool guy but not as smart as people tend to think about him. They're still friends and call each other every now and then

>> No.17058169

>"Is it true you can leap over a chair from a standing position?"
>"It depends on the size of the chair"

P R A G M A T I C + L O G I C A L


>> No.17058189

Virgin bill gates

>> No.17058190

He lucked the fuck out.
>know IBM needs an OS
>know small company who has OS
>buy it and resell it
>make mad money
>public thinks he developed it and brands him a genius

>> No.17058193

Oh and he created software copyright. Literally went arround and got companies onboard his secret club lobby group. This way they could promote their interests without having their name associated with it.

>> No.17058235


He scored god tier SAT scores, was a genius programmer & mathematician, along with running a company at an early age and becoming the world's youngest billionaire, and eventually the world's richest man. That company would eventually be worth literally a trillion dollars

>> No.17058258
File: 186 KB, 1242x810, P1-BR364_CASCAD_GR_20140918184056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't make the tens of billions from Microsoft though. He sold at some point iirc and got a god tier manager to manage his fund. Pic related is the guy no one knows about.

>> No.17058343

On what evidence? He was a godtier bussinessman perhaps but the godtier programmers where others who worked for him. They had literally a guy who was known for never making a single mistake in his code back in 95 days. Dude was a total monster.

>> No.17058385

He was also a programmer in Microsoft's early days, kiddo

wikipedia, google, etc

>> No.17058453

programmer does not equal godtier programmer. Learn logic

>> No.17058504

prodigy programmer for his age. SAT scores were god gier

>> No.17058555


>> No.17058559

SAT cores are irrelevant. Just means you can memorize well. Doesnt tell anything about coding skills. There are literally books about the companies early days and bill isnt ever mentioned as the best coder they had. As mentioned before it was another guy they had.

>> No.17058603

based. Delete this shitty reddit thread.

>> No.17058636

He was programming as a teenager in an era where his peers were preoccupied with sports, weed, and Led Zeppelin. Undeniably, he was a prodigy

>> No.17058675

Why would I want to listen to a sociopath who single handedly slowed down the progress of humanity by launching propaganda campaigns against free software?

>> No.17058737

If you listen to Bill Gates interviews for an hour, your brain will actually become smarter for a while for it.

If I had a kid, I'd tell him to listen to bill gates interviews on his way to school

>> No.17058741

to Bill Gates's credit he knows how to do nefarious things like prevent open and free software, monetize climate change and overpopulation, all the while tricking subhumans into thinking he's the Good Goy.

Kind of based in a way, but it's fucking cringe when retards unironically think he's good. He's almost pure evil, along with his cronies.

>> No.17058787



listen to this in full. It's an instruction for how an adult male speaks

>> No.17058866

>Kind of based in a way
I have sworn eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man. Bill Gates can go fuck himself.

>> No.17059037
File: 48 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Billy was a great programmer as a kid and he realizing being a great programmer was not nearly as good as being a great manager.

So he transcended the "minion tier" level of programmer, just as Mark Zuckerberg. Programmers are minions, higher ups actually run the compnay and are the ones that gain fame.

>> No.17059071

my favorite quote from him: "if we do a really good job on vaccines we can reduce the population by about 10-15%"

>> No.17059097

Hes literaly responsible of corona chan.

>> No.17059100

Read philosophy if you want to find wisdom. Anything he says that you find profound has likely be discussed to death hundreds of years ago by men of higher IQ. Same with all these modern rich guys

>> No.17059119

>not knowing that he’s a freemason and probably a reptilian
>not knowing he’s one of the elite who are part of pedophile rings

>> No.17059122

>He was programming as a teenager in an era where his peers were preoccupied with sports, weed, and Led Zeppelin. Undeniably, he was a prodigy

by this logic literally every idiot on /g/ was a prodigy

>> No.17059129

giving him the benefit of the doubt, what could he possibly have meant by this?

>> No.17059141
File: 2.84 MB, 2448x1132, Screen Shot 2020-02-01 at 12.28.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killer office, natural light and beauty

>> No.17059145

What books would you recommend?

>> No.17059149

very little programmers can make an OS from scratch

>> No.17059198

I think he's a guy that could bridge the gap, which is the rare quality. A technical expert who was obsessed with the business side. Maybe not best programmer in the world, but he could communicate with the autists, and the institutional capital.

>> No.17059210

Then why does he own a book by randall munroe?

>> No.17059222
File: 769 KB, 633x473, calvin1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> And he has no free time for deranged hedonism.
That's a choice he's made.

>> No.17059239

not one of those girls looks over 16, the one on the far left looks 11

>> No.17059292

He was referring to the correlation between access to reliable medical care (of which vaccines are a major component) and the decline of median birth rates.

>> No.17059307

>He was referring to the correlation between access to reliable medical care (of which vaccines are a major component) and the decline of median birth rates.
what is the causal factor here, contraceptives?

>> No.17059313

I believe it's low infant mortality

>> No.17059325

They're also all hideous

>> No.17059374


>> No.17059446


>> No.17060621

So many wrong things in this sentence.

>> No.17060638

Okay paid shill. Advice: You are overdoing it.

>> No.17060660

gates stole a bunch of software, is best buddies with dr evil buffet, and hung around with epstein. his private tech guy took the fall for hving tons of kiddie porn at bills mansion. I think you get the picture. gates worship is based on money, but underneath all that money may be a very different man than the press relations folks have crafted

>> No.17060676

That netflix series was a marketing piece and you fell for it

>> No.17060721

This. And he doesn’t haven’t assburgers like suck the cuck or elon

>> No.17060724

ur retarded. gates was a top tier developer before starting to focus on the business side

>> No.17061254

elon doesn't either

>> No.17061852

is he on /biz/?

>> No.17061868

> >https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates.amp.html
Shills ignore this.

>> No.17061906

bill gates? more like bill gays

>> No.17062268

Look how humble this man is


>> No.17062288
File: 53 KB, 600x400, 1007_Wozniak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. Programmers are cucks that serve those who run and manage the company. Jobs didn't know shit about computers but found some dumbass programmer to take advantage of and bully around. Gates is only of note because he STOPPED being a programmer.

>> No.17062307

>needs to virtue signal

>> No.17062312

Holy crap he looks ancient now and he's only 64. Literally looks like he's in his 90s and on the verge of death. How could he look so bad if he retired early and had so much money?

>> No.17062747

>sits down to browse /biz/

>> No.17062761

Bill Gates raped little girls at Epstein island . He released Coronavirus. He abuses his charities for tax sheltering to make more money. And he openly mocks the poor , like when he said "Yeah, It's unfair that I'm so rich." Yet proceeds to do nothing about it. Does he really need more than even 10B of personal wealth? He's pure evil. He has the vaccine to corona . Its a big money grab.

>> No.17062795

you spam this but it sounds pretty based

>> No.17062966

He gifted the world with Internet Explorer. What a visionary. What a genius. Truly a great great man.

>> No.17063042

>those books
Top lol. What are these elites up to?

>> No.17063953

Microsoft created BASIC that allowed PCs to exist

>> No.17063986

He meant the "african population" and dare to tell me it's not a good thing.

>> No.17064018

Dude managed the biggest software company for decades, he probably had sky high levels of cortisol nonstop for 30 years.
Looks like he did any exercise and sat most of his life too.

>> No.17064367

yup, ops a faggot as usual and bill gates is nothing more than a nigger breeder.

>> No.17064399

how does that lower birthrates moron? why dont u slurp on his micro soft some more bootlicker.

>> No.17064465

I'm pretty sure he is a Epstein Island visitor lmao exactly the definition of deranged hedonism. you are probably a paid shill

>> No.17064496

just one screen. I hope/g/ saw this

>> No.17064508


>> No.17064526

Except they didn't. And BASIC is a training language, while all the real software was done in assembly.