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File: 782 KB, 940x639, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17055949 No.17055949 [Reply] [Original]

>What is Monero?
Monero is an open source, decentralized cryptocurrency focused on private, censorship-resistant transactions.

>What makes Monero have value?
Unlike first generation cryptocurrencies, Monero does not have a transparent blockledger. It is therefore impossible to find out how much Monero an individual has or what transactions they have previously made unless you have access to their private keys. This ultimate privacy has far reaching use cases, such as bypassing oppressive government censorship, avoiding discrimination, preventing unwanted surveillance from third parties who sell your information, and avoiding price manipulation. Lastly, as KYC regulations become more prevalent and chain analysis improves, stories of "tainted" coins being held by centralized exchanges will only continue to grow. This is impossible with Monero, because Monero is the only fungible cryptocurrency.

>How does Monero work?
Monero employs several techniques to obfuscate transactions. In the following example, Alice is sending 1 XMR to Bob.
1. A ring signature is created at the start of the transaction. This means that more than one input is shown on the blockchain. The people observing the blockchain would have no idea which value is the real one among the decoys. Even Bob would not be able to tell which input was from Alice.
2. Ring CT is used to make the transaction confidential. Essentially, a random number is added to the transaction amount, so individuals observing the block chain will have no idea what that random number is. If the random number was 12, the overall transaction would show as 13 in this example.
3. A stealth address is used by Bob, which is a one time destination public key that only Bob can use. This prevents anybody from being able to associate the received transaction to Bob, because only Bob is in possession of the key.

>> No.17055967

is this pic real? who is the big tiddie monero girl?

>> No.17055979
File: 548 KB, 1920x1080, moneromilkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naomi wu

>Hurr durr pedo pesos/ drug coin
When Bitcoin started gaining popularity at the begining of the decade, it had a similar criticism that ignored the greater usecases that are at hand. In short, this type of response is often projection at not understanding the technology, and over time more people will realize the value of the most fungible cryptocurrency.

>What if Monero gets banned?
Don't worry anon. Currently, Monero is available on almost every major exchange. This FUD is often a worry for newcomers to Monero, but consider that for Monero to actually be banned it would need to be already widely used, and it would be a massive endorsement to the effectiveness of its technology, thereby increasing it's value to people around the world. Additionally, because of it's decentralized and open source nature, Monero can never actually be stopped.

>What is the best wallet?
The Monero Gui is a smooth desktop wallet and is easy to use (you do not need to download the entire blockchain. You can connect to a remote node instead). Cakewallet and Monerujo are popular for mobile devices.

>> No.17055995

This bitch really makes me want to hire a bimbo style hooker for some nice bbfs cip.
I bet her boyfriend keeps her womb filled with cum the entire day.

>> No.17056020

>infinite supply

>> No.17056054

next Tellor pump I exit and go 75%/25% into Monero and XRP

>> No.17056068
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Moneros supply is finite at any point in time.

>> No.17056088
File: 42 KB, 645x729, 1532631621054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if Monero gets banned?
>it isn't banned now, so it's ok

>> No.17056090

Monero's tail emission of 0.6 XMR starting in 2022 ensures that miners continue to have an incentive to mine. This does not mean "infinite" supply.

Actually, Monero has the lowest inflation of any of the top 20 cryptos right now and a dramatic price increase over the next few years will be likely as Monero becomes more scarce: https://www.viewbase.com/inflation

>> No.17056111
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, monerochart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon. Currently, Monero is available on almost every major exchange. This FUD is often a worry for newcomers to Monero (it was for me desu), but consider that for Monero to actually be banned it would need to be already widely used, and it would be a massive endorsement to the effectiveness of its technology, thereby increasing it's value to people around the world. Additionally, because of it's decentralized and open source nature, Monero can never actually be stopped.

Avoid ripple. I'd hedge that 25% in BTC or ETH if I were you.

>> No.17056128

>literally repeats the same refuted argument
Monero holders confirmed for pretend-smart brainlets

>> No.17056182
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, monerochart2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where was my argument refuted?
How can a decentralized, open source, and censorship resistant protocol get "banned"? Where are the examples of Monero being banned by the majority of exchanges? How would it being banned not endorse the value of it's tech and therefore be bullish as fuck?

These same arguments were used against Bitcoin when it first gained traction. Lazy fud.

>> No.17056198

You transact using monery => you get shitcanned by gov

That's enough to make the price get destroyed - the network will still work tho. Enjoy your valueless IT novelty tokens

>> No.17056245
File: 292 KB, 1080x1080, monero2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about decentralized exchanges
>he doesn't know about morphtoken/shapeshift etc

Jesus you pajeets have no idea what's going on, do you?

>That's enough to make the price get destroyed

Ah yes, more scarcity for a commodity that is proven valuable will surely lead to a price dump. What a retard.

>> No.17056268

>DEX for Monero
Absolute lel. You know nothing of the subject matter. This explains the thot in OP.
>confuses price and effective supply
You are hopeless

>> No.17056283

literally why hasn’t anyone x-ray’ed her

>> No.17056316

What are you even talking about. Google bisq you faggot.

>confuses price and effective supply

jesus christ. If something has high demand and it's available supply is lowered, the price would go up.

You stupid pajeets need to read econ books instead of shitting so much in the streets. embarassing.

No idea.

>> No.17056341
File: 5 KB, 240x135, member_226505762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAFEX is superior than Monero

>> No.17056442

is it the same as zcash? i got a windfall (100k) and i was about to buy zec. should i buy xmr? what's the most private between the two?

>> No.17056456

Just like decentralised currency we need decentralised internet, With the increase in crypto currency adoption there is a need of secure internet service which will be probably based on decentralised technology one such exciting project is Tachyon protocol they have interesting products in internet service provider segment with advanced security for data protection in modern era of crypto currency.

>> No.17056568

Monero works right out of the box, meaning you don't have to do extra research and you will get virtually guaranteed privacy by sending transactions to whatever address you choose. It is also decentralized like Bitcoin, with a massive community in support of it. If you have any questions about the tech, I'd be happy to answer them.
Zec is optional privacy. The vast majority of the transactions are not shielded, meaning even if you used their full privacy you would stick out due to the weak anonymity set. it is also a coin developed by Israel (so there are fears of a backdoor). The Zcash community is tiny compared to Monero as well.

I'd have to look into it. I've been researching i2p lately personally. Passive widespread internet surveillance is the worst.

>> No.17056581

Penalizing use would slash demand and therefore the price you pseud

>> No.17056586

There's zeronet you faggot

>> No.17056590
File: 141 KB, 740x640, 1556327964892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the top 200 Zcash addresses: https://explorer.zecmate.com/rich-list

See if you can find the XMR richlist

>> No.17056620

If you like boomer-tier gains (5-10x) buy Monero. See you in the ARPA citadel in 2021.

>> No.17056630

Why would demand be "slashed" if the product is endorsed by governments as effective?
How would penalizing the use even be enforced?
How can a p2p digital currency even be banned? (Cryptographic software source code is speech protected by the First Amendment)
How would this "all of a sudden" happen? (i.e., there is no world government and each government moves slowly to ban things)
How would a government declaring that a private currency works so well that it needs to be "banned" not be bullish for the value of the currency?
Why wouldn't the established private crypto be used as a swiss bank?


>> No.17056639

because you'd get shitcanned for using it.

Holy fucking shit you are dense + speak in memes.

>> No.17056679
File: 332 KB, 1080x1306, monerogirl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say, hypothetically (I don't think this will happen but whatever) the American government banned XMR.
Are you seriously saying that, around the world, the value of Monero wouldn't skyrocket overnight? You are the dense one because you can't grasp simple concepts such as value of a private cryptocurrency being derived from it's effectiveness to avoid government surveillance. Fucking retard over here.
And this is notwithstanding the fact that the government can't even enforce such a banning because monero is untraceable.

>> No.17056709


Stop being intentionally dense.

>> No.17056713
File: 381 KB, 1000x1416, 1576130525319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17056714

lol the irony. you pajeets smell even through plaintext I swear.

>> No.17056723

VIDT is better.

>> No.17056732

Thank you for conceding the argument pseud

>> No.17056736

>How would penalizing the use even be enforced?
>what is Executive Order 6102
>Let's say, hypothetically (I don't think this will happen but whatever) the American government banned XMR.
If that happened all exchanges that are subject to AML regulations would also ban XMR... because their banking partners would demand it... because those banking partners do not want to be on the hook for the sanctions imposed on the entity that is responsible for dirty money entering the system... and from the perspective of USG all money that could be traced to XMR would be dirty.
Then the only way to do fiat<->XMR transactions would be offline or on darknet exchanges.
This would be enough to kill XMR as a speculative vehicle, which would in turn kill the price.

>> No.17056766

>naomi wu
I looked her up for fun, her nipples are kinda fucked up because she's all silicone, so it's gonna be a pass from me.

>> No.17056851

>what is Executive Order 6102

Right but in this case you have an open source code that would be banned, which would actually run into first amendment issues (so we are talking years of courts and appeals if that were ever even pursued.) Additionally, you still aren't conceding that the American government going full on scorched earth against Monero wouldn't endorse the effectiveness of Monero. How can you not understand this? It's the biggest endorsement a cypherpunk movement could receive.

>If that happened all exchanges that are subject to AML regulations would also ban XMR... because their banking partners would demand it... because those banking partners do not want to be on the hook for the sanctions imposed on the entity that is responsible for dirty money entering the system... and from the perspective of USG all money that could be traced to XMR would be dirty.

First, I don't care about banks Anon. They can lick my taint. Second, how would dirty money be traced to monero? Third, you are ignoring the growing use of decentralized exchanges, and the fact that the American government is not the world. Personally, I think China is going to "ban" xmr first which will lead to a delicious bull run.

>This would be enough to kill XMR as a speculative vehicle, which would in turn kill the price.

Are torrents used? Do normies illegally stream sports events? Do normies do drugs? Do normies go above the speed limit? Aren't all these things illegal but widely done anyways?

Also, what is the crime for using monero? How is it enforced? How could you possibly tie the payment of me using monero to the person receiving it?

>> No.17056871

Banning it's exchange would remove most of the liquidity and the price would absolutely go down

>> No.17056924

Would you agree that it is more likely that China were to ban Monero before the united states? And if so, wouldn't the price of Monero go up if the chinese government were going all out to ban Monero?

If this is something you don't understand then there is no point arguing with you. A cryptocurrency that's foundation is being private would 100% benefit from being negatively looked at by oppressive governments. And again, this is ignoring all the legal issues in the united states with even banning an open source computer code. There is no way this would happen overnight. It's baseless fud by people who really haven't stopped to think about what would logically happen.

>> No.17056940

>banning crypto by gov has no real world consequences
How about being incarcerated for the rest of your life?

>> No.17056972

where are her nudes god dammit

>> No.17056984

>Let's say, hypothetically (I don't think this will happen but whatever) the American government banned XMR.
The US won't ever ban Monero because it needs it for their darkops desu

>> No.17057018

>Additionally, you still aren't conceding that the American government going full on scorched earth against Monero wouldn't endorse the effectiveness of Monero. How can you not understand this?
Fuck your entitled attitude. I don't need to concede anything. It is obvious that if the USG says "we can't trace XMR so we are making it illegal" would prove the efficacy of XMR. But it is equally obvious - to anyone who is not a fucking idiot - that blacklisting an asset from the global banking system would negatively affects its potential as a speculative investment. You either don't get the second part, or are pretending not to.
>First, I don't care about banks Anon. They can lick my taint.
And the market doesn't care about you. If exchanges are forced to choose between a) having USD bank accounts or b) supporting XMR, then XMR will be dropped from exchanges
>Second, how would dirty money be traced to monero?
We are talking about cashing out from exchanges here. The exchange knows you sold XMR for USD. There is nothing to trace.
>Third, you are ignoring the growing use of decentralized exchanges
Yeah, good luck cashing out to fiat on a dex.
>and the fact that the American government is not the world.
You literally have no idea how AML legislation or enforcement work, and no understanding of markets and liquidity. If you did you would understand all of this already.
>It's baseless fud by people who really haven't stopped to think about what would logically happen.
Answer this very basic question: If it were impossible to convert XMR to USD/USD/CHF/JPY/CNY, do you think the price would go up or down?

>> No.17057030

Liquidity is everything; it's why BTC is still dominant on the dark web, despite being objectively less secure in terms of opsec. Idk who would ban it first, but it doesn't matter; if you can only get xmr by sending cash in the mail, that will remove liquidity, and those with large stashes will want to unload before liquidity completely dries up

>> No.17057032

Based and ciapilled. They won't ban it, but OP is an idiot if he can't see that a US ban would cripple the price permanently.

>> No.17057055

Monero isn't going to get banned any time soon, the government is full of old ass retards being shilled by xrp lobbyists and swallowing the blockchainpill.
Monero is barely a concern, even at 100x the market cap it won't be on their radar as much, because crypto as a whole would be worth trillions. They're slow as fuck and won't take meaningful action against privacy coins until it's too late, maybe after govt cryptocurrencies are established.

>> No.17057126

>govt cryptocurrencies
How's do you envision that?
Privacy coins with state backdoor keys?
BTC-like but only mined by the state.
What do you mean?

>> No.17057232

Something centralized, just a digital currency more or less. China will be the first major nation to issue one. The US will announce their intent eventually.

>> No.17057258

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Tokens issued by central banks and used in place of fiat. Most likely on Ethereum, that's where most of the early experiments are taking place.

>> No.17057266

>Answer this very basic question: If it were impossible to convert XMR to USD/USD/CHF/JPY/CNY, do you think the price would go up or down?

>use morphtoken to convert to bitcoin
>cash out with bitcoin

And yes, the price will go up for reasons I've already explained.

>Fuck your entitled attitude. I don't need to concede anything. It is obvious that if the USG says "we can't trace XMR so we are making it illegal" would prove the efficacy of XMR. But it is equally obvious - to anyone who is not a fucking idiot - that blacklisting an asset from the global banking system would negatively affects its potential as a speculative investment. You either don't get the second part, or are pretending not to.

Monero's speculation rises as it's use against oppressive governments. The fact that you don't understand this means you don't understand the greater purpose of decentralized cryptocurrency.

>And the market doesn't care about you. If exchanges are forced to choose between a) having USD bank accounts or b) supporting XMR, then XMR will be dropped from exchanges

That is fine. We will then move to the exchanges that still have xmr

>We are talking about cashing out from exchanges here. The exchange knows you sold XMR for USD. There is nothing to trace.

No they don't. You can't trace XMR. And see above, as I can easily swap XMR for Bitcoin or Eth, etc.

>Yeah, good luck cashing out to fiat on a dex.

You are a retard. You use the DEX to get bitcoin, and then you cash out. Or you can just hold and use Monero instead of cashing out.

>You literally have no idea how AML legislation or enforcement work, and no understanding of markets and liquidity. If you did you would understand all of this already.

Actually I do. You're the one who is only concerned with crypto as a pump and dump ponzi scheme whereas I'm in it for the greater vision of a decentralized and fungible crypto.

>> No.17057280

Takes just one case where they find it was used for purchases of illegal shit.

Just one.

>> No.17057322

That dominance is quickly shrinking.

lol, how effective was prohibition again?

>> No.17057379

>already hundreds of these
they don't care

>> No.17057387

You did not understand the very basic question.
>If it were impossible to convert XMR to USD/EUR/CHF/JPY/CNY, do you think the price would go up or down?
That also includes converting from XMR->BTC->USD, because the exchange performing the BTC->USD conversion would have a legal responsibility to ensure that it did not allow customers to deposit BTC that was received from a transaction involving XMR... otherwise it would lose its fiat bank accounts. Again, if you understood AML regs you would know this.
>The fact that you don't understand this means you don't understand the greater purpose of decentralized cryptocurrency.
Learn to read. I never questioned its value against oppressive governments, you're just trying to change the subject because you are starting to realize you are wrong.
You tried to argue that XMR would gain value if it were made illegal. This is a retarded viewpoint which deserves to be shot down with logic and facts. Multiple anons have tried to explain it to you and you still don't get it yet.

>> No.17057453

>That also includes converting from XMR->BTC->USD, because the exchange performing the BTC->USD conversion would have a legal responsibility to ensure that it did not allow customers to deposit BTC that was received from a transaction involving XMR... otherwise it would lose its fiat bank accounts. Again, if you understood AML regs you would know this.

No, I completely understand this. What you don't understand is that there are a million ways around this that 5 minutes of research could help you get around.
For example, I could use a vpn and then use one of the aforementioned cryptoswaps in a sovereign nation where monero isn't banned. Wow that was fucking hard.
Or, I could use an atomic swap (these are still in development but will be possible in the future).
Or I could use one of the dozens of exchanges without KYC.
Or I could use a decentralized exchange.
Or I could use local monero.

Once regulations come forward, all it takes is a little rearranging to figure out how to cash out. It's really not that complicated. I understand the basic question, but you are just too retarded to see that there are ways around a "ban".

Also if I pay my taxes the feds won't care anyways.

>You tried to argue that XMR would gain value if it were made illegal. This is a retarded viewpoint which deserves to be shot down with logic and facts. Multiple anons have tried to explain it to you and you still don't get it yet.

You are the only one who has actually tried debating me with facts. The other two was a z cash glownigger and a street shitting pajeet who always raids monero threads. The fact that you short circuit every time you reach the logical conclusion that an oppressive government banning a private crypto would be bullish is hilaroius. I mean you said it yourself that the US won't ban monero due to its use with the deep state, so why are you even arguing this?

>> No.17057621

>No, I completely understand this. What you don't understand is that there are a million ways around this that 5 minutes of research could help you get around.
Obviously there are ways around them. Normies won't jump through those hoops, nor would normie/US exchanges. Oh no, now liquidity is dead.
> I understand the basic question, but you are just too retarded to see that there are ways around a "ban".
You kept talking about how you would subvert the ban instead of answering the hypothetically question honestly. Sure smart people could get around it. Most people are not smart. The point of the question is to demonstrate that removing normie access would kill access/liquidity and therefore price. You know answering it honestly would prove my point so you tried as hard as you could not to.
>so why are you even arguing this?
Because you asked a number of stupid questions:
>Why would demand be "slashed" if the product is endorsed by governments as effective?
>How would penalizing the use even be enforced?
>How would a government declaring that a private currency works so well that it needs to be "banned" not be bullish for the value of the currency?
and I was trying to educate you. It is now obvious you will not let logic sway you from this "removing exchanges and fiat conversion routes would be bullish for price" belief you hold. Maybe try stop asking questions if you are going to argue with the people who explain the answers to you?

>> No.17057662


>> No.17057758

Well the problem with this viewpoint is that it is US-centric instead of looking at the greater picture. Also my questions are all completely valid and correct and you haven't refuted any of them. All you've done is talk about easily avoidable regulations for people in the know, and avoiding the fact that America is not the world.

There are several issues with this viewpoint.
1. It is US Centric instead of looking at the global picture. Also, it ignores the legal ramifications of attempting to ban a cryptocurrency. I don't see how it is possible, let alone enforceable.
2. Normies use VPNs and even use the darknet. Normies routinely do things that are illegal. The government does not have the resources to enforce a widespread ban. They would only go after the top dogs that are dealing massive amounts of drugs or evading millions in taxes. But even then, it would be very difficult for the feds to ever build a case in this regard. Additionally, crypto becomes more mainstream, it will become easier to onramp towards it.
3. You still haven't answered how you could even enforce penalizing Monero except for cashing out at exchanges, which could easily be avoided. As adoption builds anyways, "cashing out" will not be as common.
4. "removing exchanges and fiat conversion routes would be bullish for price". Wrong, an oppressive government going scorched earth on Monero, proving it's usecase, is bullish for the price. Which is likely to happen from one of the authoritarian governments in the middle east, south america, or asia. and when it happens, I will be lubing up because the value of Monero will go up.
5. You think that America will be the first government to ban Monero, which is pretty dumb.

>> No.17057984

It's "superior to" Monero, not "superior than" Monero. Please work on your English when making arguments.

>> No.17058422

Perhaps I can help him:

"It's cleaner TO defecate in toilets THAN being a street shitting pajeet"

>> No.17058524

Sir target?

>> No.17058548

You think BTC will have bigger gains?

>> No.17058853

well the thing is that monero's low inflation is going to put upward pressure on the overall price, so if there is a pullback Id say DCA investing each week through March would be wise. Don't think we will see prices this low ever again desu.

Honestly no. I do think that Bitcoin will stay on top but I only see a x5 for the next bull run, whereas Monero could conceivably see a massive accumulation in value. This is because there will be an influx of KYC/AML issues involving exchanges holding bitcoin as well as more adoption in dark nets and "swiss bank" storage of value.