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17050793 No.17050793 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17050894

good riddance

>> No.17050904


>> No.17050984
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>promising the apocalypse since 2009
>never actually deliver
times are changing.
peoples perception has shifted to a state where there is no more risk.
it's only natural that people ger offended and repulse perpetual doom porn in this "no risk" perception of reality.
however, IF there is to occur a significant downturn, crash or even bust EVER again, saying that people were "caught off guard" by it will be an understatement as there will be no historical reference to something akin to a downturn anymore.
they wouldn't believe their eyes and wouldn't know what to do and how to act.
IF risk is ever reintroduced into the system again, the assets will exchange from weak holders to strong holders (only a verfy few of those) on an unprecedented scale.

>> No.17051018

they spread fake bs news that corona virus has been engineered with HIV

>> No.17051034

>constantly spread FUD
>talk about the markets crashing and end of the world 365 days a year
>twitter bans for spreading misinformation about coronavirus
100% deserved

>> No.17051064

It's up for me

>> No.17051082

wait but i read on /biz/ that was true, wtf?

>> No.17051103


>> No.17051118


>> No.17051132

oh no who's going to post articles about every tesla crash in america?

>> No.17051136

The fact that ((they)) finally did this...means this time it’s actually happening

Strap in faggots, hope you loaded the boat with physical metals

>> No.17051138

kike spotted

>> No.17051140

when the wau coin devs were blocked, i knew twitter was done. now anyone still on twitter is instantly dqd for being on the north korean myspace for jews.

>> No.17051146

much easier to just buy BSV. You will make way more money and not have to deal with physical, shiny rocks

>> No.17051160


zerohedge is jews (ABC disney jew to be specific) telling people to stay away so they could horde all the gains. Now the jews have to eat themselves while the good americans blast them from every street

>> No.17051166
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>> No.17051167
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>> No.17051187

Social media companies have too much power they can basically censor anyone they want now. Shit needs to fucking change!

>> No.17051192

no of course not it's just some retarded fake news

>> No.17051208


then don't use them

>> No.17051218


>fake bs

authorities were quick to blame it on a market (despite chinese eating like this forever) and now determined to shut down bioweapon talk down. you can’t trust them.

>> No.17051222

sending prayers

>> No.17051232
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but how do you know this guy aint talkin BS too?

>> No.17051270

grow up and stop believing non peer reviewed poo in loo research

>> No.17051279

>implying the happening has stopped since 2009

>> No.17051298

Compare the follower counts. I’m looking for more reputable sources than some Twitter egg PHD candidate with 160 followers trying to shoot down Ding’s theory/reference.

>> No.17051303

that's why is a good thing zerohedge got banned. Doom scenarios, fear mongering articles, fake news, all that make schizos and low IQs all over the world go full tinfoil hat and spreading total bs.

>> No.17051312

the absolute state of low IQs

>> No.17051328

this is absolutely infuriating. the best twitter account in existence bar none if you're a trader with a good sense of humour who likes Trump and hates the fucking Fed and the kike central planners. i would pay decent money for access to that feed and Twitter has ban-hammered them at a critical time because the truth has become too dangerous for ZOG's information control grid

>> No.17051354

you fucking mongoloid. zerohedge is trash and if you think you have an edge reading them you're an absolute poltard brainlet

>> No.17051355



wow thank goodness that’s been cleared up then

>> No.17051382
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>spend years of your life curating a list of people to follow
>grow your personal network to more than 600K pairs of eyes
>get suspended indefinitely and lose it all

>> No.17051390



>> No.17051393

Don't like the free market? Are you a socialist?

>> No.17051400
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you're glowing, moishe

>> No.17051408

bro zerohedge is owned by jews. it was an outlet to promote losing trades so jews could steal more wealth from 'traders'. the whole theme has been "doom tomorrow" for the entire QE program. It was the web equivalent of bernanke lying with a smrik on live tv committing treason.. the jews robbed america and zerohedge was just another scam to help them rob a small but moneyed demographic

>> No.17051412

You’re unironically glowing, nigger.

>> No.17051422
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UPDATE picrelated from https://www.zerohedge.com/political/zerohedge-suspended-twitter
KWAB it was their stupidity (ZHs) afterall

>> No.17051443

>Holocaust denial and shit totally ok
>instaban for quoting a poo scientist


>> No.17051464

Good read, but still a preppier website? We need something more substantial to debunk the Indian paper. This is more interesting. >>17051270

>> No.17051467


>> No.17051468

ZH has been correct the entire time. the markets are fake and gay instruments propped up by jew-controlled central banks. traders make their own decisions. i guess you prefer to get your information from CNBC or (((Bloomberg)))

>> No.17051486

They just posted on their website they think this is it. Nothing to do with the HIV article.

>> No.17051487


>> No.17051504

create your own media company then, genius.
this is why they got banned. imagine low IQs / schizos like >>17051328 or >>17051390 wanting to beat that scientist because they read a fake news article from ZH. Don't underestimate

>> No.17051522
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>> No.17051548
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>> No.17051572
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Since being founded in the depths of the financial crisis, Zero Hedge has grown from a blog to an Internet powerhouse. Often distrustful of the “establishment” and almost always bearish, it's known for a pessimistic world view. Posts entitled “Stocks Are In a Far More Precarious State Than Was Ever Truly Believed Possible” and “America's Entitled (And Doomed) Upper Middle Class” are not uncommon.


“It reminds me of a successful information operation where you mix in the propaganda stories along with other legitimate stories,” said Craig Pirrong, finance professor at the University of Houston. “There are some interesting things on it, and then there are the crazy things.”


Despite holding itself out as a town crier for market angst, transcripts from Zero Hedge internal chat sessions provided by Lokey reveal a focus on Web traffic by the Durdens. Headlines are debated and a relentless publishing schedule maintained to keep readers sated. Lokey said the emphasis on profit—and what he considered political bias at the site—motivated him to quit.

He pointed to the wealth of the Durdens as a factor. Ivandjiiski has a multimillion-dollar mansion in Mahwah, N.J., and Backshall lives in a plush San Francisco suburb—not exactly reflections of Pitt's anticapitalist icon. “What you are reading at Zero Hedge is nonsense. And you shouldn’t support it,” Lokey wrote in an e-mail. “Two guys who live a lifestyle you only dream of are pretending to speak for you.”

Lokey adds: “Durden lives in a castle. If you’ve seen Fight Club, you know how ironic that is.”

>> No.17051595
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Lokey, who said he wrote much of the site’s political content, claimed there was pressure to frame issues in a way he felt was disingenuous. “I tried to inject as much truth as I could into my posts, but there’s no room for it. “Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry= dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft,” Lokey wrote, describing his take on the website's politics.


“I can’t be a 24-hour cheerleader for Hezbollah, Moscow, Tehran, Beijing, and Trump anymore. It’ s wrong. Period. I know it gets you views now, but it will kill your brand over the long run,” Lokey texted Ivandjiiski. “This isn’t a revolution. It’s a joke.”

>> No.17051597


>> No.17051612

The source of the HIV stuff is from an indian paper that isn't peer-reviewed. So you shit on pajeets for being unreliable/scammy/whatever else but you'll believe them when it supports your conspiracy theories. Nice job, retards.

>> No.17051621
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>unironically defending china for leaking coronavirus because you hate zerohedge's fud
Never change /biz/

>> No.17051629

>who cares if some clueless hack pajeet claimed this research, it confirms my schizophrenic world views!

>> No.17051660

I haven't even read what Raj said about the HIV stuff, it's crazy that a blog regularly cited by Bloomberg and other finance papers can be banned just like that over some speculative blogging.

>> No.17051663

This isn't the free market idiot, censoring shit is literally fascist globalist bullshit, it's the opposite of freedom of expression. How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.17051690

twitter is privately owned, privately owned companies can operate as they please, or you saying you want the government to decide how they run their business because they don't agree with you?

fucking retard

>> No.17051753

They sued Trump and argued that they are a public forum as a way of forcing Drumpf to unban people. That means they can be regulated by the federal government for restricting speech beyond the scope of the Constitution.

>> No.17051789


Uhh burger here, just woke up after napping since i got home from work at 12pm, is it actually happening now? Is this the boogaloo? Indontnhesr gunfire outside.

>> No.17051802

they were funded by the public via federal reserve stimulus to the stock market paid for by us taxes. Fuck jack dorsey he used to ban bitcoin sellers and now he is a bitcoin seller. Fucking jews robbed america again with twitter now jacks got a few mansions and eternal wealth all from the us taxpayer and a big jew fraud with fake bot accts. Let him burn in hell with his barmitzvah money stolen from america. twitter is dead DOA dead done cooked no more future than AOL in 1999

>> No.17051818

Excuse me, but nothing ever happens.

>> No.17051830


until now. this is unironically the happening.

>> No.17051856
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>> No.17051858
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unironically the only Based thing twitter has ever done. Fuck those moronic lying kikes at zerohedge

>> No.17051865

lol fuck off

>> No.17051868

kikes eating kikes. we knew this day would come.

>> No.17051880

they "doxxed" a guy by posting his publicly available university CV?

It's a bullshit excuse.

>> No.17051883

Thats not fake, though. Nobody has conformed whether its engineered yet, but this strain of Corona does seem to have "miraculously" taken on traits exhibited by HIV as a result of having somehow gotten portions of the HIV genome embedded into it, ultimately providing the fucklong incubation period. Also the chinese have somehow quickly "found out" that HIV medication works effectively for treating people infected with Coronavirus.
Lots of coincidences but who knows. I guess we have to watch out for the normal flu randomly evolving entire segments of the HIV genome too, haha. Nature and random chance sure are crazy, right?

>> No.17051898



>> No.17051932

>kikes eating kikes. we knew this day would come.
Anyone believing "kikes are actually eating kikes" has just fallen for another jewish trick without noticing.

>> No.17051955

>Prashant Pradhan, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey, Akhilesh Mishra, Parul Gupta, Praveen Kumar Tripathi, Manoj Balakrishna Menon, James Gomes, Perumal Vivekanandan, Bishwajit Kundu
>no peer review

>> No.17051964

proof that the recession is coming.

>> No.17051967
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read the thread you fucking retard

>> No.17052169

You fucking retard.

their source was ONE indian researcher.

they don’t have enough info yet to be freaking people out with claims like that

>> No.17052189

aww did the jews get their feely weelys hurt hurt again?

>> No.17052194

Dude, did you even read my post?
If you actually have, then you clearly weren't able to comprehend it.

>> No.17052205
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So much painfully low IQ in this thread, I didn't realize /biz/ users were so stupid. Then again, there are people here who actually buy into pump and dump scams. Maybe there' the same people here posting in this thread.

I mean, there's a guy here using the "Twitter is a private company" """argument""" to justify corporate censorship. Wow, what a fresh take that I've never heard before.

Maybe you're not the best people to get investment advice from after all.

>> No.17052217

It was *just* published for pre-print. It needs peer reviewed, but these papers don't make it this far without being highly likely candidates for publishing. Think of the timelines we are on here.

It's newsworthy regardless. Obviously there will need to be studies confirming but to suggest that its FAKE because it hasn't been peer reviewed yet (PUBLISHED YESTERDAY!) is ridiculous.

>> No.17052218


It was the "is this the scientist?" article, and BuzzFeed erroneously reported it as "doxxing", enough though ZH just posted the same information that the subject himself posted on his own publicly available bio.

>> No.17052227

Shitpile kike platform bans shitpile fake news platform.
Who fucking cares.

>> No.17052237

Wait... You actually came here for good financial advice? Anon... I

>> No.17052241

paper is clearly written by like 5 pajeets

>> No.17052248

I uhhhh think I replied to the wrong post
this is correct
this is... not quite so
people consume eachother without respect for tribal affiliation, as soon as it becomes convenient to do so.

Brothers fuck over brothers, and you're very naive if you think Jews have immunity from this. Unless you're talking about literal cannibalism, in which case uhhhh I don't have any insight.

shit. and do they all have degrees?
well I guess ZH was right to post it then.

>> No.17052254

HIV meds are antiviral and anti-retroviral.
They impede the processes by which viruses replicate.

>> No.17052846

you might want to get some fresh air, go to a park and watch the ducks, or maybe talk to a therapist. get some actual face-to-face contact with another person. you sound like you are having a psychotic break.

>> No.17052866
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>> No.17052983

How buy wau? Asking for burger

>> No.17053075
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So you're telling me a few of the big companies see zero hedge as a threat?

>> No.17053082

waves.exchange is where i got mine

>> No.17053105

So what about CNN who doxxed and threatened(?) a kid for making a meme of Trump taking them down? An agenda is downright obvious it's not even done in secret. Plain daylight.

>> No.17053167

Based post. All it needed was repeating digits

>> No.17054262

Fuck Jack. He plays the cool CEO, but he's as censorious as everyone else

>> No.17054312

>"Unlike Bloomberg, or anyone else in the mainstream media, we don't plan on "rethinking" any of our articles just to curry favor with the powerful and we certainly will continue our own "investigative efforts", even if it means we lose some of our inbound traffic."

>> No.17055113

bullish for twetch

>> No.17055129

Why were wau devs banned? Still banned? I don't think the creator of waves is banned

>> No.17055155

There's an evil virus that's threatening mankind
It's not state of the art, it's a serious state of the mind
The muggers, the backstabbers, the two faced elite
A menace to society, a social disease
To brainwash the mind is a social disorder
The cynics, the apathy one-upmanship order

>> No.17055752

>peoples perception has shifted to a state where there is no more risk.
are you high?

>> No.17055797

Jack is funding his new protocol layer to put twitter on top so he can get rid of that woman that handles bans (she was with him on the joe rogan show) WITHOUT actually firing her or upsetting his liberal friends LOL
Jack is probably the smartest nigger on silicon valley right now
the moment his new project goes off, it becomes impossible to ban people on twitter, you can only block or ask twitter to hide messages deemed 'offensive', but it's a self censor

crypto wins again for the 5484893th time

>> No.17055808

Sometimes, I open up the old zerohedge to see the circljerking goldbug conspiratard boomers so their shtick, but it gets old really fast. I guess when some day the economy takes a downturn they'll be screaming I told you so maniacally and over and over. Decades wasted to be right for one day. After which they'll slide back into nothingness once more.

>> No.17056222

twetch it !

>> No.17056238


>> No.17056339
