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17043614 No.17043614 [Reply] [Original]

>stock only go up
prepare your anus

>> No.17043645


>> No.17043670

>share buybacks based on corporate debt are sustainable growth
ayy lamo

>> No.17044226

>posts the same thing in several threads

>> No.17044239

Why was there no divergence 2005-2009?

>> No.17044262

you are witnessing the singularity unfolding around you in slow motion. markets will never go down again. exponential growth only.

>> No.17044268

> FED planing to keep printing money to April at least
this shit will just keep going up

>> No.17044271

>new paradigm!!!

>> No.17044291

good question
perhaps for another time

>> No.17044294


Meh, the red line isn't in a same downtrend as the previous "crash". Your TA is whack

>> No.17044322

Dot com bubble was people getting overhyped. When they realised the stocks were worthless they sold for cash which was not worthless. This bubble is a massive amount of money being created and they're not going to stop printing. Stocks won't come down because cash is just becoming more worthless. An overvalued stock is a better hold than cash that's value continues to be eroded at an accelerating rate. Buy bitcoin(Monero).

>> No.17044374

>using the word "never"
Classic idiot flag.

>> No.17044402

>unable to detect obvious sarcasm
Classic autism flag.

>> No.17044523

>past performance indicates future

>> No.17044537

been fighting the fed's fake and gay markets for a decade. literally lost millions. not sure its worth it any more. just buy gold and crypto and wait. this shit isn't going down without reality (((as we know it))) itself crumbling to pieces

>> No.17044630

to add to that, ignore any and all concepts like valuation metrics or risk. none of that matters post-2008. if you look at them you will not buy any of these "assets", and you will simply bleed purchasing power due to inflation. the only thing that matters when it comes to stocks and bonds is the price, and dependence on that price rising underpins the entire financial system. the moment it collapses, so does everything else

>> No.17044652

but notice none of it mattered last time and everything just kept going up on a tide of global free money? that was a genuine surprise that time, but now it’s getting priced in every day. the market is frontrunning all of its mistakes for the rest of history, and the boomers can make it last a lot longer

>> No.17044693

Every company on the s&p is 10+billion in debt and uses 0% interest to buy back stock.

It's a clown show. End the fed

>> No.17044701
File: 109 KB, 638x972, InfestedKerrigan_SC2_Head2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17044793
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 8AF942FC-5CFA-4791-8E2C-40AB9D148D83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this time is different

>> No.17044846

this, and retarded boomers and newfag are just buying their debt fueled bags
this is financial engineering at his peak
I guess a lot of people are going to get burned, even Powell literally said few days ago that stocks are overpriced
and remember, there is a reason why Buffet is sitting on 120B$ cash and not investing

>> No.17044987
File: 65 KB, 598x550, Screenshot_2020-01-31 Nick Szabo 🔑 on Twitter Corps run by execs with fat stock packages borrow money from Fed-fed banks f[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question is, can it go on forever?

>> No.17045074

unironically yes, as long as the fed print trillions and the rest of the world still accept the dollar as a valuable asset

>> No.17045177

Exchanges run by execs with fat bitcoin holdings borrow fake money from Tether for roughly free, buy back bitcoin boosting its price, sell bitcoin, use proceeds to invest in other such cryptos ("diversification"), expect Tether to keep stoking this asset-inflation carousel forever.

>> No.17045938

Yep the best investment is self sustaining lifestyle, land, and community in the mountains with a bunker, guns, and ammo because it has potential ROI of surviving the inevitable collapse with regular dividends of surviving, having some kids and a chill time. If that's out of reach might need to play the casino >>17044630

Alternatively that approach could result in you becoming the next Kulaks and you should actually invest in becoming/bringing about the next Hitler and actively securing a future for white children.

Crypto is a decent and noble bet on the next currency after USD collapses. Monero looks the best so far.

>> No.17046268

even ECB free trillions euros are ending up in US stocks

>> No.17046376

Many banks having online problems since 730am today...

Postmaster general stepping down today.

Reset imminent

>> No.17046431
File: 42 KB, 933x715, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can see it if you use a % chart

>> No.17046509

>borrow fake money from Tether for roughly free
Tether is not lending money, maybe Bitfinex is printing some unbacked one but that’s all, in reality nobody knows

>> No.17046534

This February everything is going to go downhill in this order: China, Europe, America. I bet big money have already moved.

What to do?

>> No.17046537

>Consumer spending is way up last quarter
>Tech giants reporting amazing earnings
But it's a bubble! Bearfags are so salty lmao.

>> No.17046551
File: 64 KB, 960x726, bobo sniper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you bulls it's Bobo time , sniff

>> No.17046580

delicious double top

>> No.17046671

The crash will be glorious

>> No.17046679
