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File: 105 KB, 1080x1080, rich_middle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17035179 No.17035179 [Reply] [Original]

No one with an internet connection is that poor to not be able to invest.
I don't care what your favorite coins, metals or stocks are. Just buy them. Every month.
If you think you can't, cancel your ISP subscription and invest those $20. No excuses!

>> No.17035202

because the rich dont buy cars and walk everywhere.

>> No.17035219

who cares if the value drops you will be still pulling pussy meanwhile no fucking slut will give a damn about your blockfolio. Have sex incel.

>> No.17035228

The image it’s oversimplified but you should get the point my retarded friend.

>> No.17035240

I used to be very sympathetic towards the poor, but the older I get the more I resent them. They really are just low IQ lazy subhuman trash. I hope the 1% dumps chemical waste in their neighborhoods and gives their kids cancer. Even if I have to die with them, it will be worth it.

>> No.17035257

>imagine buying a car for 60k nobody give a fuck about
If someone does this: at least get a german car

>> No.17035292

Mutt spotted

>> No.17035298

this desu

>> No.17035301

>Year 7
> you die

Wasted all those fun times you could of getting blowjobs from your tindar dates in you nice car....

>> No.17035326

Your degeneration into a mindless boomer is complete

>> No.17035352

>it's another episode where anon forgot that he is poor

>> No.17035361

Exactly. The example given is pretty dumb and the person who made this is retarded.

>> No.17035378

first reply, EXCUSE

by the miracle of modern science you are brought back to life and spend the rest of your life on the street. No money, no food, no shelter.
> Blaming capitalism for your stupidity

>> No.17035403

>hurr durr the system is totally fine cuz you can invest your money in some boomstox and get a 3% yearly return goy.


>> No.17035412

>you could of getting blowjobs from your tindar dates in you nice car
If you think this is the best your life can get: go for it!

>> No.17035425

>Be rich
>Invent debt to enslave humanity thus in turn getting everyone to borrow endlessly.
>Everything is expensive because you can just borrow more and kick it down the road to your children or your fellow neighbor.
I used to feel sorry for the rich, then I realized they want to be the only winners. They invent communism for YOU and want capitalism only for themselves. The greatest enemies of capitalism are the very benefactors of it.

>> No.17035452

>cancel your internet
>can't invest because no internet

You're a fucking retard and that picture is incredibly patronizing. Rich people already have $60,000 sitting around to freely invest. To buy a $60,000 car a middle class person has to BORROW it. Most rich people are already rich or upper middle class. Obivously people should buy cheaper used cars and invest, but your picture is completely dishonest.

>> No.17035508

>debased thread

>> No.17035524

Nobody is pulling pussy in a $60k Honda Accord.

>> No.17035728

your excuses make me sad :( You'll make me go cry and go hide under my comfy bed in my payed out apartment

>> No.17036239

>I hope the 1% dumps chemical waste in their neighborhoods and gives their kids cancer.

>> No.17036359

This tbqh senpai. Investing $1k a month at 8% rate makes you millionaire by retirement guaranteed.

>> No.17036405

Chad is

>> No.17036448

>why the rich get richer
cuz everything is stacked in their favor

>> No.17036649
File: 3.75 MB, 2998x4000, buddaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could ,ya know, buy a couple year old luxury car that has depreciated 80% + . and put very little into it... Drive what used to be a 100+k car for . the past 2 years and have sub 10k in it.... and yes I maintain it... inb4 hoodrich

>> No.17036676

> muh dick
Typical goy animal

>> No.17036710
File: 64 KB, 645x729, VD09afj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's an insight
and it's a 20k car
jesus christ you min max fags are annoying. at a certain point you don't need to throw everything into investments, you need to increase your income

I'm set to be able to retire at 50 with minimal effort if I wanted but the thing is why do I care? I like my job and will probably continue to work until 60.

I guess if you didn't have an abundance mindset you would be a minmax fag

enjoy life a little. I'm sure you would bitch even if it was an 18-17k certified pre owned

>> No.17036772

But you're poor.

>> No.17036957

>cash grows every year

>> No.17037005

Who spends $60k on a fucking Honda Accord?

>> No.17037009


>> No.17037053

Ugh... The point is your car is a consumer good (which will deplet or depreciate) and investing in something is akin to purchasing a capital (what will appreciate and produce products for you) your car is a liability and only a vehicle to take you from point a to point b. Unless you have enough money to buy it outright like it was nothing, you should buy a car that is slightly better than a shit box for pennies and if you really insist on getting a nice car go like the day after Christmas or before New year's Eve and get a 3 year lease on discount with the option to buy it after lease for like only 30% of the original retail value of the car you IDIOT!!!

>> No.17037063

shill me your shitty investment now

>> No.17037076

Get a motorcycle if you're only using your vehicle for the sex appeal.

>> No.17037097


>> No.17037118

If you insist.

>> No.17037248

Its not forgetting. There is a whole mindset common among niggers and those that cant think in terms of the future that their goals have already been accomplished. Basically, if they wish they were rich, they already are rich. Its delusion but its not forgetting.

>> No.17037308

Rolling 2 cars worth of negative equity into a brand Honda Accord Touring can get you close.

>> No.17037337
File: 63 KB, 563x643, 1580294350282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol nice

>> No.17037424

If you don't understand pic related, you will not make it.
You will make it.

>> No.17037483

There is no point. The rich has enough money to invest and also buy a McLaren. You need money to invest but you also need money to live. When you're middle-class you're basically living paycheck-to-paycheck, so to to invest you would have to live as frugally as a homeless person.

>> No.17037517

Says the virgin, I’ll be investing and getting that good head until I’m coming dust

>> No.17037762

I make 44k a year after tax and still manage to invest 25k a year. It really isn't that hard.

Put your credit card in a box at the bottom of a closet, it'll be there if you ever need it. Only spend money you physically have in your hands when making purchases. Keep fixed expenses including rent to 25% of your take home pay. It's that easy.

>> No.17037821

Nobody is forcing you to buy a 60k car. But keep thinking like a poor person and enjoy poverty.

>> No.17037860

so where do I get that 10% per year? do not tell me to invest in meme stocks, cause there's no certainty they're going up for the next 10 years, they could easily go down 40% in a recession and you can't predict that.

>> No.17038061

The 10% is the average over the years, the point is it doesn't matter if it goes down 50% this year, eventually you will get higher returns during bull market and it will even out.

>> No.17038953

What kind of care do I need to pull 18 year old pussy

>> No.17039172

No anon has ever made it. Even if he has, he probably OD'd from all the coke and strippers.
Not a bad way to go out tho.

>> No.17039182

Oh yeah if you hit a year like 2008 you just gotta wait 10-15, years to break even then 10 more years to make a X1.5 on your investment
Fuck you retarded boomer

>> No.17039222
File: 78 KB, 1594x404, 1572724894837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only took 4 years to break even

>> No.17039235

Yeah if you are middle class you either live frugally like a min wage person and invest or get your instant gratification and stay a wagecuck forever. Did you feel smart pointing such an obvious thing out?

>> No.17039250


>> No.17039267

Have sex incel

>> No.17039268

Nice and even if you put your life savings in the S&P or whatever back then you still wouldn't have enough money to be considered rich even today. Safe and slow investing is for people that are ready rich.

>> No.17039648


Sorry to break it to you, but you're not middle class.

>t. Middle class, living comfortably on about 33% of my 60K income

>> No.17039663


>> No.17039675
File: 44 KB, 399x385, 1ewdzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17039708

Don't forget insurance, maintenance, and breakdowns/repairs. That image needs to account for that, and your losses are actually double that. It's even worse than that if you buy a british or american car. Land Rovers average 221 repairs per 100 vehicles after 1 year, for example. Cars are a fucking scam, buy a cheap used one and you're taking debt in the form of repairs and unknown abuse. Insurance over 10 years is typically 50% of the sticker price of the car.
That $20k sedan you bought certified pre-owned actually costs you $40k.

>> No.17039717

>$60k honda

>> No.17039817

> he thinks women know anything about cars

My friend, as long as the car is washed, doesn't look 20 years old and has tints, women will flock.

Also, lol at the 60k Honda Accord. Even "men" like you know nothing about cars.

>> No.17039946

Hear me out here, offer advice

Some months I get right in to the investment mindset: Buying crypto, metal, stocks and get a rush of feel good, knowing I'm going to make it.

Then some days I wake up and think "What the fuck are you doing retard, pull all that money out right now before you lose it. You need to be saving up for a house like a sane person. Stop getting caught up in internet fantasies."

I FUD myself so bad.

>> No.17039975


Why wait? I bought a duplex and only had to put 5% down as an owner-occupant. The other side pays the mortgage.

>> No.17039982

Stock market is a long term investment.
If you put $100k in at the top in 2008 and kept contributing say $1k per month all through the crash and recovery, do know how much you would have now?
A lot
A whole fucking lot.
I wish I started investing in 2008 right before the crash

>> No.17040029

You're way too emotional to be in the stock market anyway.
Good luck with your 40 bucks worth of whatever shitcoin you bought at a tenth of a cent each

>> No.17040126

It is a dumb example though.
You can literally buy that $60k car with a $500 deposit which is what the middle class do, they dont actually have $60k lying around that they decide to spend on a car.
Also try going to an investment firm and asking them to invest $60k for you for a $500 down payment. It wont happen.
>Get a $60k loan and invest it
Could work, but no middle class would get a $60k loan to use in a potentially risky investment and not be secured against anything.
YOU have no right to decide who does and doesnt make it, you simply dont have a high enough IQ

>> No.17040140

If you put that $500 into an invstment rather than a downpayment for a car you still end up with fuck all.

>> No.17040165

I got a $50,000 unsecured loan with no money down from SOFI

>> No.17040223

That's an accord I think. 35k max.

And I'd rather drive an accord than any German cuckbox

>> No.17040224

>Even "men" like you know nothing about cars.
Like how you know nothing about sarcasm.

>> No.17040242
File: 15 KB, 644x800, numalememeguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know about cars I am such a man!

>> No.17040258
File: 54 KB, 680x574, aca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le funny basedface

>> No.17040418
File: 70 KB, 720x405, Blank+_1509c6cdfd9cbf789540ada8846105b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just invest ur money, that's how u get rich
any rich person would tell you a small ammount of money isn't worth investing. it's not enough to make any sort of passive income off of, and it's better to spend that money on something practical in pursuit of real riches like starting your own business. you can't get rich working for someone else.

>> No.17040510

this is why I drive a used prius and it's lost maybe $500 of value since I bought it a year ago

>> No.17040548

really until you have a consistent income stream that is generating you thousands a month you have no business buying expensive toys

>> No.17040605
File: 1017 KB, 2869x1394, resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you fags doing in this thread?

>> No.17040627
File: 5 KB, 225x225, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So poor people all buy depreciating assets and rich people all buy appreciating assets. Huh....

>> No.17040637

Boomer tier thread but you're right.

>> No.17040643

only hyperfaggots drive tacomas, literally can't even tow a trailer

>> No.17040736
File: 1.22 MB, 3024x2434, 20181014_030334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post car

>> No.17040747

>$60k for a honda

>> No.17040824

This is 100% true. If you live in a major US city, drive through the projects sometime. You will see people in the worst rat infested city housing driving BMW, Benz, land rovers and any euro car. All on credit and paid by US govt welfare.

>> No.17040833

>literally can't even tow a trailer
Not everyone owns a 'mobile home'

>> No.17040848

>This is 100% true. If you live in a major US city, drive through the projects sometime. You will see people in the worst rat infested city housing driving BMW, Benz, land rovers and any euro car. All on credit and paid by US govt welfare.
>All on credit and paid by US govt welfare.
I'm not even a burger and I know those are owned by drug dealers you fucking roaster.

>> No.17040872

TSLA price went from $580 to $640 just after their (Q1,2,3 or Q4) result on Jan 30th.
How is not following the 10-Q for q1, q2,q3 evaluating if the company is making profits or not and investing just before q4 date and selling it after the release date not an investing strategy. Surely whoever did it this time probably made a lots of money.

>> No.17040874

No, but they can drive a used car and drive them till the wheels fall off.
I still drive a 2002 that I bought when I graduated college in 2008. Instead of spending money on depreciating assets, I just kept buying VTSAX and bought some crypto also bought a house. My networth is close to half a million now and I just worked a normal $35k to $80k/yr jobs.

>> No.17040883

Tacoma can tow 6500lbs.
18 ft travel trailer is about 3200lbs

>> No.17041149

Poor people can't just think beyond 1 month or 1 year. That is why the readily get married for comfort and sex, buy car, buy house readily without any fucking future planning. Living paycheck to paycheck. There are other types of poor people who save their entire life doing monotonous job only to realize later that they are old now and compromised most of their life for the sake of their children who probably would waste that saved money. I am social recluse because I can't handle them.

>> No.17041278

>Safe and slow investing is for people that are ready rich.
>If you aren't a multi milionare the best you can do is invest in scratchers

>> No.17041389

>Investing in starting your own buisness is not investing

>> No.17041590

>no middle class would get a $60k loan to use in a potentially risky investment and not be secured against anything.
Instead they get a loan for something that is sure to loose all it's value in a few years.

>> No.17041845

My God! Some people in this thread really are retarded. I didn't even noticed the car brand before. The meme is not about cars at all.
Seriously a trained monkey would get it.

>> No.17041885

happens all the time, it's called a mortgage and they give the average middle class idiot a 400k loan