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1701065 No.1701065 [Reply] [Original]

>Nice chin
>Good personality
>Successful small business owner

>Hair has started to thin at the young and tender age of 24

Why is life so unfair guys?

>> No.1701066

Low test, get supplements

>> No.1701070

r9k knows, you should go there

>> No.1701080


Anon you're telling strangers on a Japanese image board about how hot you are, I promise your personality isn't as great as you think.

>> No.1701259
File: 127 KB, 470x353, 1483296133077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shave your head. get buff. dress well. be confident.

I know a guy thats totally bald and is a legend with women. Learn to get good with women and you won't care about your hair.

Whatever you do, don't try and do a comb over or hide it in some way,

>> No.1701266


hes probably the indifferent type like most are, not really good or bad, just good at wishful thinking, waiting to be discovered and conquered

>> No.1701295

>I know a guy thats totally bald and is a legend with women
Johnny Sins?

>> No.1701325

Male pattern baldness is caused by oversupply of androgens, not undersupply.

>> No.1702736

it's caused by subhuman MPB genes.
High androgen men with no subhuman MPB genes don't go bald.

>> No.1702738

>just look like statham bro

>> No.1702746

How is that unfair? Honestly sounds pretty balanced.

I've wondered about this. It's caused by DHT, which can be high but not cause balding in men that don't have as many DHT receptors in their scalp. But why is balding perceived as desperately uncool?

Yep. But it's worth bearing in mind that these genes have managed to hang around for millions of years. Though that may be because most humans married in their early 20s for all of human history, and paired up in their teens in prehistoric times.

>> No.1702756


> Succesful

Just get transplants

>> No.1702757

>most humans married in their early 20s for all of human history
around 14 was normal up until less than 100 years ago.

>> No.1703902

baldness = vomitive for prime aged women

and now guys start going bald at age 20

>> No.1703903

transplants look like dogshit and you need to take finasteride anyway to keep the rest of the hair

finasteride = tranny drug

>> No.1703905
File: 261 KB, 1024x703, 1480881033113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transplants look like dogshit

>> No.1705372

>pays 5 figures to look like you are balding

>> No.1705378

/biz/ - """""Business & Finance"""""

>> No.1705386
File: 131 KB, 1252x1252, iSHIA4Zt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't do a fucking comb-over. Have some dignity. And women hate comb-overs - it's a sign of an insecure beta.

At some point whip out the Wahl clippers or a Gillette and say goodbye to it. Men will respect you, and women will want to be with you.

>> No.1705393

google what vitamins and supplements prevent baldness and OD on them. switch your shampoo to one with biotin and vitamin B5 in it. massage your scalp with a vibrator nightly. i did all this and the vibrating cock feels really nice on my now bald head.

>> No.1705415


> hair thinning

holy shit, this is your biggest problem?

Just a friendly reminder people out there are paralyzed from the waist down and others have colon cancer that is eating their insides until they die.

Besides, bald is beautiful if you rock it right. Gotta work out and grow a beard mate.

>> No.1705420


Transplants are NOT a good idea.

Even if it works you have a shitty scar on your head and congrats you get like 5 more years of hair. It's a bad idea folks.

>> No.1705493

Be a man 1/8th of a inch. Keep it tidy I have thick hair and rock this look sometimes or skinhead if you can pull it off