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17026144 No.17026144 [Reply] [Original]

It truly was over bizlet frens. Had the talk today with my gf, she told me we didn't fit together anymore. After 5 years together, what an excuse kek. I told her to leave the car and fuck off basically, and I didn't start begging or show emotion based on your advices. I checked Tinder and of course there she already was on the cock carousel. In conclusion frens: All women are whores

>> No.17026173

so you needed 5 years to learn that

>> No.17026195
File: 30 KB, 305x358, 3849BD3A-646E-46EE-9AC6-26D337AAEA4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pics or fakeand gay

>> No.17026215

Not your life blog you stupid faggot.
>I checked Tinder and of course there she already was on the cock carousel
She was already fucking people who weren’t autistic retarded dicklets but just wanted to make sure she could keep it up before she’s left you.
Enjoy your hand.

>> No.17026222
File: 56 KB, 264x258, 1580261182845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other people are a poor source of happiness. True happiness comes from achievement and pride. Forward and upward, fren.

>> No.17027528

Nice larp faggot nobody believes you had a girlfriend

>> No.17027569

Move on. Use this experience and improve yourself. You're better than her after all.

>> No.17027594

After a few weeks of freedom you will be happy shes gone

>> No.17027606


>> No.17027621

>checked Tinder
tinder doesn't just show you a list of everyone in your area. and you can only swipe a few dozen girls per day, so it's pretty unlikely that you just happened to see her as the first one lmao

fake and gay, saged

>> No.17027868

Everything about this post is perfect. Checked, supportChad.

>> No.17027904
File: 128 KB, 432x478, rjzs01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly studycel detected.

>> No.17028775

fucking cringe. both are gay and youre a fag

>> No.17028791
File: 103 KB, 960x682, olfhjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like that struck a chord with you, you uggo incel.