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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17024830 No.17024830 [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ consider as a high income? I’m genuinely curious.

>> No.17024845

Her idea of television and sex sounds good though.

>> No.17024849

$75k if you like the job
$150 if you don't

>> No.17024860

Biggest brain

>> No.17024861

To answer your question, depends on cost of living and a lot of other variables. I would say anything over 100k if you're under 30 and not in Manhattan/San Francisco/etc.

>> No.17024867

Wait is that her on the bottom or him?

>> No.17024891


I rent out apartments. Makes me about 8k per month after taxes and expenses. Friends keep telling me to sell, and go stocks instead.. dividends and gains would make me much more. They're obvioulsly right when you look at the last 10 years or so, but I'm scared to lose it all in some future crash, so I stick with the real estate.

>> No.17024899

Read that backwards. Might be biggest retard

>> No.17024939

Over $500K you've made it. A+
$200K to $500K is excellent. A
$163K to $200K is high income, able to have nice 2 week vacations every year. A-
$115K to $163K should have money in reserves. B
Between $80K and $115K is managing. C+
Below $80K is struggling paycheck to paycheck. D

>> No.17024945

+1 million/month.

>> No.17024960

Because clearly real estate can never crash and isn't in a bubble right now...right? RIGHT?

>> No.17024964

People will still rent though, anon.

>> No.17024983

i earn 45-50k a year in germany which comes down to 40-50% taxs.
my lifestyle and fix costs allow me to save at least 1k a month.
its not much but it works for me.
i would guess for people who want to have a more "fullfilled" life they would need another 10k at least on top

>> No.17024991


It can. But I feel that it is of substance. Of substance, that will regain its value quicker after an all out crash. Maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.17025119

But to answer OP's question: High income... I think it depends where you stand in life. I would consider my 8k high income, because it's more than I need. If you make millions, you will consider it low income. If you make 2k a month, you will think wow, that guy is rich. It is all relative.

>> No.17025231

Are these NYC numbers??

>> No.17025271


Take my example again... I inherited millions, all in real estate. Renting it out is good income. More than I need. But by your definition, I am struggling pay check to pay check. It is a poor man's definition, who imagines things to be that way.

>> No.17025277

But who cares about a real estate "crash" if you aren't selling it? Won't rental income keep flowing anyway?

>> No.17025370


It will, but during an all out crash the prices go down too... meaning that you will rent out for much less. Because every month not renting out = only costs for you

>> No.17025371

>But by your definition, I am struggling pay check to pay check.
My definition applies to more than 90% of the population. If you think you're an exception to the rule, congratulations.

>> No.17025386

this but I doubt any real job is something i will like

>> No.17025392

>won't rent keep flowing
how can a pleb pay rent... if he has no job?

by the way, you say you inherited millions, but how much of that is actually equity?

>> No.17025403

You think the tenants are just gonna pack up nicely, hand you the key, give you a handshake and leave? Hahahahaha. Funny joke.

>> No.17025413


My sister and I had a lawyer put up an inheritance contract for us. Since the testament only said half to each. So I got all the real estate, she got everything else.

>> No.17025419

You don't answer my question. You have no equity at all do you? Oh boy...

>> No.17025436


No, but you'd be ill advised not renting out for 4 - 6 years maximum. So all these contracts run out too.

>> No.17025449


I might. Why do want to know? Maybe I don't want to give you that information. It's also not what the thread is about. It is about what /biz/ considers high income. If I understood OP right

>> No.17025454

nice troll

>> No.17025470

Ok, it is painfully obvious at this point you have taken on too much risk considering you can't answer a simple question.

>> No.17025473

Household income is 70k. Yearly outgoings are less than 15k. These aren't silly numbers, yet I feel pretty fucking cashed up at the moment. I can afford 61 chickens a day with disposable income. 1.25 tons of coal a day. 5 pairs of Levi jeans a day. 4 round trips to Japan a month. 15 litres of vodka a day. Can't really think what else I could ever need?

>> No.17025490


I can. I don't want to.

>> No.17025517

That’s the funny thing about income comparisons. With an income of 4500 eur a month (36% tax rate) you’d be really fucking well off in Europe. That totals at around 58k if you include everything. It should be easy to have at least 2k net free to spend a month.

Yet that amount out of context is pathetic for /biz/ standards

>> No.17025538

Haha the prices are fucking insane over here in the cities, you're totally right

>> No.17025551

No that's just this idiot's standard.

>Below $80K is struggling paycheck to paycheck. D
That's $6666.67 per month, that's gonna be at least $4300 per month after taxes. What are you spending $4300 on every single month that's a necessity?

>> No.17025555
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>I can afford 61 chickens a day with disposable income.
If you buy a few every day and release them discretely, you can have a feral population of chickens wander your town and nobody will know it's your fault.

>> No.17025557

It depends where you live. 100k in San Francisco is poverty status but great living in Oklahoma.

>> No.17025568

>What are you spending $4300 on every single month that's a necessity?
Rent/mortgage lmao

>> No.17025575

I'm talking oven ready. If alive and a mixture of layers and non-layers that number rises to 305 a day.

>> No.17025647
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>> No.17025657

Buy some gold and/or silver from your savings to save your wealth for the longterm.stocks and crypto if u wanna make some money with the risk to lose your invested money.real estate can be a choice too, but here in Germany the market for real estate is overheated.i guess in the USA too?

>> No.17025705

If you are paying $4k on rent you are retarded and deserve it.
If you are paying $4k on a mortgage, even with an insanely high rate like 5%, you're paying on a house worth $1m. Please explain to me why you think 90% of the population is living in a $1m house on an $80k salary...

>> No.17025715

I meant this
for (You)

>> No.17025732
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>looking at these numbers while living in eastern europe
these are good numbers

>> No.17025758

The majority of the population doesn't even have a house, and wages are higher in the cities

>> No.17025775

Real estate is HEAVILY speculated on by Chinese (with laundered money) and Boomers. Keep an eye on what goes on in China right now, things could begin breaking down and boomer complacency will only hold the market up so long.

>> No.17025776
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>> No.17025778

So back to my original question, what are you paying $4300 a month on every month that isn't necessary? Your answer was mortgage/rent, but now I see you couldn't back yourself up and are backtracking...

>> No.17025799


I have not been to eastern Europe, but your living costs and everything is probably cheaper too, right?

>> No.17025821

People in the city pay over 1/3rd income for housing, whatever their income may be. Do the people in your area pay 1/3rd or more of their income for housing?

>> No.17025861

ofc it is, I take $33k a year as well paid software developer. you see the difference mostly when buying things that cost pretty much same everywhere - cars, electronics, clothes, watches etc.

>> No.17025871

>People in the city pay over 1/3rd income for housing, whatever their income may be. Do the people in your area pay 1/3rd or more of their income for housing?

1. People in the city isn't 90% of the population
2. 1/3rd of the income in your example (80k) is $1400 after tax, leaving you with $2900 after tax which you haven't answered my original question with. (My original question: what are you spending this on every month that is necessary? Which you originally said rent and mortgage)

Stop dodging my fucking question and explain why 90% of the population is living paycheck to paycheck on $80k.

>> No.17025918

What about savings for retirement? What about expenditures each month beyond just housing? What about insurance? Just look up a chart of how much shit costs.

>> No.17025966

What a joke lmao, what is wrong with you americans.
In Europe people make like 25k net and take nice 1 month vacations. The difference in housing cannot explain why you need so much more

>> No.17025975

>What about savings for retirement?
That isn't living paycheck to paycheck you dumb shit.

>What about expenditures each month beyond just housing?
That is exactly what I am fucking asking you to describe is happening with the other $2900 per month.

>What about insurance?
How much do you honestly think 90% of the population is spending on insurance?

Again, stop dodging my fucking question and explain why 90% of the population is living paycheck to paycheck on $80k.

>> No.17025996

>That isn't living paycheck to paycheck you dumb shit.
I disagree.

>That is exactly what I am fucking asking you to describe is happening with the other $2900 per month.
Auto, insurance, medical, food, utilities, entertainment, etc.

>How much do you honestly think 90% of the population is spending on insurance?
Auto insurance in the city is about 35% higher than in the suburbs.

>> No.17026120

>>That isn't living paycheck to paycheck you dumb shit.
>I disagree.
>Persons subsisting paycheck to paycheck have limited or no savings and are at greater financial risk if suddenly unemployed than individuals who have amassed a cushion of savings.
Savings for retirement are indeed savings.

>>That is exactly what I am fucking asking you to describe is happening with the other $2900 per month.
>Auto, insurance, medical, food, utilities, entertainment, etc.
Break it the fuck down for me. How are these things adding up to $2900 per month. Keep in mind, I asked what costs were necessary. I don't want you to tell me you need to spend $800 per month on food and $700 on entertainment.

>>How much do you honestly think 90% of the population is spending on insurance?
>Auto insurance in the city is about 35% higher than in the suburbs.
Again, in the city isn't 90% of the population, dodging the question. How much do you honestly think 90% of the population is spending on insurance?

>> No.17026141

when I have enough money for this EVERY day

>> No.17026155

>$163K to $200K is high income, able to have nice 2 week vacations every year. A-
Nigger big city burgers are poor af, with 2k € monthly i can go on holidays for a month

>> No.17026245

unironically this

>> No.17026286
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This isn't a bad breakdown desu

>> No.17026312
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How about this biz, what if you only earn $40k a year, but you only need to work 4hrs a week to earn it? Would that quality as high income? I've seen some big brain anons on here say time is the ultimate wealth.

>> No.17026318

2 x the states average household income
any other answer is a retard

>> No.17026358

80K is like top 20% in the US or some shit. i mean i more or less agree with this breakdown but

>> No.17026373

you'd have to pay me 400k per year to make it sound more appealing than working 4 hours a week for 40k

>> No.17026386

$60k for a single person in non urban US, $120k for one family in same circumstances

>> No.17026437

Anon is an idiot, 80k a year is actually good money.

>> No.17026476

Incels kill yourselves

>> No.17026494

thank you reddit your hallucination has been noted

>> No.17026507


Do both fren. Diversify

>> No.17026539

stocks are fucked man buying now is like buying bitcoin at 17k

>> No.17026542


150k with a wife kids and 40 year old boomer? Managing but just barely.

150k as a single 20 something who doesn’t live in NY or CA = baller

>> No.17026594

I'm in Australia and I'd consider anyone who can put $100k-$200k into their pockets per year as wealthy after tax of course.

Also money seriously isn't everything. You can earn $200k in a major city while living in a shoebox and high expenses or you could earn $100k while living an hour away from a majority city having a much better life.

All depends on a lot of little things mainly down to the lifestyle you have while making the money.

>> No.17026595


Thank you. Have thought about it. Also a risk. Sell a few million worth, put in APPL or so, then everything goes down, I am still fucked?

>> No.17026610

uh yes, obviously. you will lose money trying to chase this rally higher

>> No.17026612


Australian dollars? That is much lower, isn't it?

>> No.17026625


So your advice would be?

>> No.17026628


It depends where you live. I live in the DC area and house prices are high here but there’s a massive shortage of affordable housing + we have all the federal dollars coming to this region so the real estate market is pretty resilient. Things didn’t drop much in 2008 unless you got far out, and the rebound was very rapid. Any house in the 300-500k range has a ton of interest and it’s only the vastly overpriced houses that sit a while. Now of course if you live in some boomer retirement community with no jobs nearby then your house might lose lots of value in the coming decades.

>> No.17026657


Not hard to pay that much. I have a $2500 in housing expenses when counting HOA and property tax. Then car payment, food, utilities add another $1000ish. Add in some misc expenses and I’m approaching $4000 a month. Luckily this isn’t even half my take home pay.

>> No.17026661

Lower then what? USD? Yes it is but you also need to consider the cost of living of the places you are comparing.

>> No.17026665

Got my shitty squatting tenants out by dusting the place with fentanyl. After one of them ODed the police searched the apartment and arrested two more.

>> No.17026679


People said this shit in 2016 lmao. I keep on putting a certain % of my paycheck in. When the crash eventually happens I’ll be buying in lower so idc. Just keep on buying whether it goes up or down

>> No.17026725

>$50,000 a year in a place where the median household income is $23,000 and get to spend most days working from home

I think I did ok but I do daydream about being able to brag over hitting 6 figures
High probably starts at $90k I think a lot of doors start opening by then

>> No.17026823

How would he be the world's greatest aunt?

>> No.17026968


You know, I asked because it is all relative. I was in Zurich once, everything is insanely expensive there. But people also earn a lot more. It all evens out. So that is my point I guess. you canÄt compare internationally. If you earn 1000 dollars in one place it might be a lot of money, in the next place it is hardly enough to buy some milk and smokes, to exaggerate it now. But you get what I mean.

And speaking of Switzerland... for most Americans, it would be impossible to live there. Things just cost 3 fold

>> No.17027188


>> No.17027208

Is Doomer guy an incel? I thought that was a different person, Coomer?

>> No.17027254

$75k isn't high income anywhere near coastal USA or in a nice inland city. $100k is house poor in most western US cities.

>> No.17027289

What are you afraid of? This is as close to anonymity as there is

>> No.17027290

>what are you spending $4300 on monthly?
Realistic answer:
>$1600 mortgage/rent
>$300 car + gas
>$200 various insurance (car, health, home)
>$500 401k/IRA/other investments
>$200 entertainment
>$300 eating out/groceries
>$250 utilities
That leaves you with about $1000 left and these are reasonable numbers unless you eat ramen every meal and live in a rust belt shit-tier city

>> No.17027301

200k. Any less youre struggling

>> No.17027317


If you think 4chan is truly anonymous, you oughta have your head examined

>> No.17027319

Income is always relative to expenses. High income means you are saving most of your money.

>> No.17027321

Everywhere is expensive now adays

>> No.17027328

Poorfag cope

>> No.17027369

If you're not retired and doing your hobby full time you havn't made it

>> No.17027383

3 million dollars per year.

>> No.17027421

America is a poor country for most

>> No.17027430

Most of the country consists of poorfags

>> No.17027447

Once you are getting paid enough where it is clear they need you and you don't need them. It is not so much a number as a feeling.

>> No.17027450

It’s as close as it comes in the current year. You’re just chickenshit to get bullied by people you’re never going to meet. Sad

>> No.17027701

The poster you're replying to is probably a larping NEET with no concept of money

>> No.17027720

Literally me.
If I didnt fuck around in school and lose my scholarship. plus buy a brand new car, I'd have 2k to spend a month instead of 1.

>> No.17027735

If you make 2x the median household for your area that's pretty good for a single person's income. Considering most people at median are retarded with money you can be comfii just hitting 1x that and not getting stupid with debt. The downside is it's hard to relate to people talking about how they look forward to payday or what they'll do with their tax returns. I have my income already spoken for and allocated months down the road. These people don't seem to know how much they have or where it's going. The paycheck to paycheck meme might actually be reality for some. I'm not even rich or anything, just like to see the numbers I guess.

>> No.17027744


0I am not bullied by anyone yet anon..... i am the one doing the bullying. And I AM NOT WITH AN AGENCY

>> No.17027774

I make 68k in one of the poorest states in the US. I'm also the one in the family making the most money. I really should open savings accounts but I put about 1k a month in crypto. I jus wanna make it so I can support my senpai but even if i dont, I'll go full jew mode in my 40's (27 now) to save like crazy and hopefully make at least 90-100k by then

>> No.17027841


>> No.17027880

Wrong... Section 8 keeps a floor under rents. Rent might dip slightly, but def not in proportion to equity

>> No.17027940 [DELETED] 

It's more about how you live your life than how much you earn. I have a friend who earns more than me but blows all his money on dumbass shit he finds for cheap here and there so he ends up having less money overall than what I have due to me almost never buying little trinkets and whatnot.

>> No.17028201

dude, I live in Peru. Doing $5k monthly is high income.

>> No.17028263

Hey guise, I just moved to US recently and does "income" in these contexts means the "salary", total compensation or like the full income on tax return?

>> No.17028354

Yes holy shit spill secret anon.

>> No.17028384

100k month